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Everything posted by frisco

  1. It has nothing to do with actual wrestling. Both Jazz and Gail Kim were good wrestlers. It's all about Diva dodgeball. Geez I wonder why the WWE's numbers suck so badly as of late.
  2. yes I did. All I can say--and I just did in a rather blunt letter to the WWE--is fuck the WWE. Gail was not the only reason I watched Raw but damnit if they can spend all that money on Diva Search they should be able to afford a diva who can actually wrestle. I realize that wrestling is not very important to the WWE but if they want me to watch the show they are going to have to do better than Diva search. I'm just not going to watch the damn show anymore. I will be just as entertained watching Monday night football. I rarely watch Smackdown so that will be no big loss. PPV? Forget it.
  3. frisco

    poser 5 info

    I've been spending some time with the program and so far so good. I must say the manual that came with it is pretty bad. Thankfully I was able to find a forum for it that had some tutorials. So far so good but I can see what you mean about it being hard to use.
  4. frisco

    poser 5 info

    I'm looking into getting Poser 5 to help with the graphics for a planned comic book. I was just wondering if anyone here if familiar with the program or has used it. I havent been able to find a hell of a lot of info on it.
  5. frisco

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I've never been a fan of simulation style wrestling games. I like the fast pace/arcade style play that has been the trade mark of the Smackdown franchise. I agree that the simulation style is more true to life than arcade, but when i'm playing the game with friends I enjoy a button masher with lots of high impact moves more than a slower paced simulation. It might be just a personal preference thing, but that's my view point anyway. I've also always enjoyed the CAW feature in Smackdown and i'm really glad they have upped the polygons on the CAWs this time around. That is probably my favorite feature.
  6. frisco

    poser 5 info

    I just bought it from Amazon.com for $170. From all i've read its to damn tempting to pass up on.
  7. If THQ loses the rights to make WWE wrestling games I will be pissed. They have the contract unitl 2009 which is good. ALso WWE's legal team kind of sucks as evidenced by their comical efforts against the world wildlife fund. Hopefully the two sides will settle this out of court which is what I think will actually happen. There's some talk EA will get the license but again I hope not. If a new developer is bought into make the WWE games they will be going back to square one and starting the whole process. The Smackdown games are in their sixth year so anything that comes out will be a pretty big step backwards.
  8. frisco

    SWF Lockdown Card

    and candace would kick your ass at ashes to ashes She would give new meaning to the term,"straight edge sensation" lol
  9. frisco

    NaNoWriMo 2004.

    Sounds interesting. I just signed up myself. I was planning on starting my latest masterpeace and since i'm sure it will be shitty anyway this just might force me to actually get it done. 175 pages in 30 days? not so sure about that. But I will give it an effort.
  10. frisco

    Frank Booth vs Mr. Blonde

    I'm not familiar with Frank Booth, what movie was he in? I know Blonde was in resevoir dogs and he was basically a kill crazy psycho who tortured the cop "not for information, but because it gives me pleasure to torture a cop" what movie is Booth in. (I've probably seen him but the name doesn't ring a bell)
  11. frisco

    Hall of Fame time!

    Have no fear I just official pm'd my votes. I voted for Thoth,Raynor, Flesher, and wrote in a certain charismatic and very popular newcomber...ahem myslef...for the singles hall of fame ballot. I didn't do any tag teams primarily because I don't know any of the tag teams.
  12. frisco

    RIP Christopher Reeve

    that just fucking sucks. The guy was only in his early 50's. RIP
  13. frisco

    RIP Sharon Osbourne

    It's pretty wild if all these guys are dying on the same day but I vividly remember the day that john ritter died and like ten minutes after hearing he died they announced johnny cash died. It's possible. I was hoping it was all internet bullshit when I first read up but I just saw on msn that Reeves died so that really sucks. Hopefully the Sharon Osbourne stuff is bullshit.
  14. frisco

    My JELLO WRESTLING party...

    to bad I wasn't there. Always a fan of sexy babes rolling around in the ring.
  15. frisco

    I've got adware...

    thanks/ I have the exact same freakin problem and its been driving me crazy. my add aware won't take the stuff out.
  16. frisco

    another swf?

    while surfing the web the other day I discovered a site that I think you guys should know about. Now I know the SWF(smarkwrestling fed) has been around for about 4 years or so so I was a bit surprised to see another efed calling itself the swf. It even has a show called Lockdown! Again I don't know who copied who but my money would be they are knocking off you guys and that sucks. The url is: http://scotbywf.proboards25.com I think you should check it out. It may be pretty unsettling.
  17. frisco

    Dude, I'm Getting a Dell!

    If your buying parts I generally find newegg.com to be about the best sourse. They have some great prices as well as customer reviews on the parts your interested in. If your thinking of building you should go to a book store like barnes and noble because they have a few books on computer building that would be very helpful. There basically for beginners and not to technical that you'd get lost. Also theres a few magazines out there that could be helpful. I would definately use XP for an OS because its pretty easy to load.
  18. I think Thoth was a good booker. I'd give me my vote. For most underappreciated I'd have to say Drea because she is very active on the boards and does a hell of a lot of topics I read on a weekly basis. I really wasn't here long enough to offer a "most improved" suggestion.
  19. My honest vote...gulp..Toxxic. He's had a hell of a year despite our differences. BTW also a very good writer.
  20. I'd say Flesher is a shoe in for this award. I think he deserves it.
  21. frisco

    Dude, I'm Getting a Dell!

    I think someone said something about building your own computer. Really good advice in my opinion. You have a very state of the art computer but it really --in my view--isn't worth 2 grand. The processor is great. very fast. But for 2 grand I don't see why your not getting a dvd r/w drive in it. I also think your 2 GB is memory probably isn't going to be as useful as you think. I have 512 and I do video editing with it all the time and its more than sufficient. A lot of computers can't even handle that kind of memory. The big issue to me is computers depreciate faster than new cars. What is state of the art today next year will be average. Already your 160GB hard drive is not super impressive as i'm being 200+ GB drive available. This is my system(I built it myself) athlon 3200 chipset asus motherboard-has AGP graphic card NEC DVD ROM drive NEC DVD r/w drive 512 mg kingston pc2700 memory 128mb nvideo video card-(I don't really do much gaming but it seems to work fine) Sound blaster audiology sound card windows xp western digital 120 GB Hard drive I do video editing (premiere) all the time and it works fine. total cost -less than $600
  22. frisco

    HHH's jab at Rock

    You guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill. It was a little flip jab "over rated actor" comment on the Rock--who HHH had a long feud with anyway. It was very much in character for the heel HHH to say that. I really doubt that the Rock was traumatized by the remarks.
  23. frisco

    When did Workrate start to matter in WWF?

    I think work rate is important, but also fans need to be interested in the character. People have legitimately criticized Hulk Hogans work rate, but at the same time he was very popular and one of the reasons the WWE is where is it today. I would say Chris Benoit clearly has a better work rate than Hogan, but Hogan, in his prime, was vastly more popular than Benoit. Fans boo matches by wrestlers who have a poor work rate and are not particularly interesting. Call it a prediction but Stinsky comes to mind.
  24. frisco

    Why is Gene Snitsky so over?

    I think the only reasons for his current interest is that he looks like a goof ball and he's new. Once we get used to him I think he's going to be pretty boring pretty quick. I don't think he has much in the line of mike skills or charisma to make him consistantly interesting. I don't now what he brings to the table as far as actual wrestling talents but from what i've seen so far I am not impressed.
  25. frisco

    My job has grown on me like a cancer....

    I think if you like your job you stay there. There is more to life than getting paid the most you can get per hour. If you like your job and the people you work with then why go somewhere else? Now obviously if the theater closes you'll need something else, but i'd stay there and continue to work at school. Maybe there is a chance for advancement in the theater( perhaps a managerial spot will open down the line) but at any rate I don't see why you'd leave a job you enjoy.