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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Drew, I never did get a chance to hunt that down online last night...I'll try again tonight. It's gotta be SOMEWHERE!
  2. Black Lushus


    Tiny Toons was better
  3. Black Lushus

    Going to Washington D.C

    The only thing I really remember from my tenure in DC (from 88-92), beyond monuments and museums was Georgetown. Is it still nice or has it become as shitty as the rest of the city?
  4. Black Lushus

    Top WWE wrestlers named in SI steroid investigation.

    yep, I remember that....told him his neck looked like a "stack of dimes"
  5. Black Lushus

    oAo WWE Raw 3/19/2007 (13 days until WM23)

    so this is punishment time?
  6. Black Lushus

    Top WWE wrestlers named in SI steroid investigation.

    wow, wrestlers taking steroids...next thing you know, they'll tell me was Richard Pryor is black. (points to whoever gets that reference)
  7. Black Lushus

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    that's right
  8. Black Lushus

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Now hold on GODDAMMIT...you can call me Carny's gay lover, you can say my posting sucks, but NEVER say I'm worse than Zack!
  9. Dolemite to be remade I have a baaaad feeling about this.
  10. Black Lushus

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    I would ask him about his numerous threesomes, but I may regret the response.
  11. Black Lushus

    TSM TV Badass Tournament nominations thread

    Johnny Drama FTW
  12. Black Lushus

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    At this point, I'd go Dirk over Nash...contradicts my earlier opinions, but the Mavs are the best team right now, thanks to him. Not to take anything away from Nash, he's one of the best point gaurds I've ever seen.
  13. Black Lushus

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Two weeks ago, some people included yourself it's still true, why do you think that's changed? well actually, since it's really frustrating Czech, it's getting to be kinda fun.
  14. Black Lushus

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    man, some people REALLY don't want me winning this thing! yes, this post was structured to Kotz's specifications.
  15. Black Lushus

    WWE 24/7

    I re-watched HBK/Austin from WM 14 last night, probably the 3rd time I've watched the match. It's too bad HBK's back was totally shot to hell. As it was, I'd give it 2.5 to 3 stars at the most. It was actually kind of uncomfortable watching it as you can totally tell his back was really fucking him up in a big way. I was actually surprised with a few of the bumps he took which included his go into the turnbuckles upsidedown back first spot and a couple tosses over the top rope. It's in the SHorties section, btw
  16. Black Lushus

    WWE 24/7

    I'm re-watching WM3 now...the pop-ups leave a lot to be desired, but it's cool getting the commentary. Savage/Steamboat never gets old. The rest of the card wasn't bad, but with the super hot crowd all night, even the mediocre came out alright. Line of the night from Bob Eucker: "There's a lot of beaver out there" (referring to midget wrestler Little Beaver who was flying all over the ring at the time)
  17. Black Lushus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I dunno, Drew, I was underwhelmed by it, myself. It wasn't a bad movie, just would have been nice to see the other characters for more than just the final battle.
  18. Black Lushus

    3/17: #36, Basketball Overdose

    I take back what I said about VX
  19. Black Lushus

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    fucker! yeah he's right, i'm just kinda...there.
  20. Black Lushus

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    *continues to not live up to TSM standards*
  21. Black Lushus

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    am i losing? someone count
  22. Black Lushus

    Super Columbine Massacre RPG

    Ugh, I hate that movie. don't even get me started on how shitty it is
  23. Black Lushus

    Super Columbine Massacre RPG

    do they have to kiss in the shower before the game begins? wait...
  24. Black Lushus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Well, the game sure led to a lot of fanfics depicting just that....