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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Wait'll you have kids...gaming is a rarity...at least til they hit about 8 or so. Between work and the two kids, I'd be lucky to get maybe an hour of gaming in a night.
  2. $1000, 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. It's nice enough, about 2,000 square foot with a sun porch. I'm in the moderate to nice side of town. The only drawback is that it's right off a very busy intersection and my back yard backs up to one of the busiest streets in Omaha.
  3. Black Lushus


    The local Gamestops around here are reserving the game out like crazy...the guy told me yesterday if I'm going to buy from them, which I intend to do since I'm trading in, I better do it now.
  4. Black Lushus

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Much better than Kelly...
  5. Black Lushus

    Keanu Reeves appreciation

    I wouldn't say no to a third Bill & Ted, even though Keanu and Alex Winters are in to their 40s at this point...it just wouldn't be the same without George Carlin.
  6. Black Lushus

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Well, if he doesn't want to get fired he better be hooking Batista up with that!
  7. Black Lushus

    Meeting Sports Entertainers - Autographs, etc.

    They must have been doing a house show here in Omaha, it was on a Saturday, but I go in and there they are, making it rain. Well...Orton was anyway. Batista was playing it cool. Orton had to be all of 23 or 24 or so, and he was acting like a guy his age with lots of money in a strip club would act. I shook hands with Batista and said something to him like "Man, Orton's crazy" and he just chuckled and said "Yeah, pretty much" and that was about the end of that.
  8. Black Lushus

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    I know, I mean I'd totally ditch my wife of so many years and my children for an utter skank too!
  9. Black Lushus

    Keanu Reeves appreciation

    Hey, don't forget The River's Edge, though Crispin Glover helps carry that film more.
  10. Black Lushus

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Archie is not fucking Mr. Weatherbee! deny, deny, deny
  11. Black Lushus

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I agree with bobby boy.
  12. Black Lushus

    Meeting Sports Entertainers - Autographs, etc.

    I've mentioned meeting Batista and Orton at a titty bar back in 03.
  13. Black Lushus

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Okay, forget I said anything, jesus H...League looked good, good premise, good comic series, came off retarded and hokey. I get that same vibe from Watchmen. I'm sure I'd appreciate it more if I read the book, but alas this is where I'm at.
  14. Black Lushus

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I'm talking comic book movies, guys...comic book movies. The fact that I mentioned Sin City should have clued you in on that. Buncha assholes.
  15. Black Lushus

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Watchmen, to me, looks hokey, just like League was....so in that respect, yes, they are close.
  16. Black Lushus

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I've never read Watchmen...hell, I had never even heard of it until the mid/late 90s and I used to be a bit of a comic book dork back then. This movie just doesn't look interesting to me at all, really. Looks campy, which I can understand is what they were going for, but I don't see how it can possibly pull in the casual movie going audience that helps boost sales. Looking at pics and previews makes me say "wait til the DVD". I'm not at all surprised to see a weaker opening number here. I've heard even the fanboys are 50/50 on it. It's weird because I've never read Sin City, but was front and center for the movie. Maybe it's the casting? Sure I've heard of Crudup, Wilson and Haley, and it makes sense that those 3 are the guys getting all the praise for the acting, but I have no clue who any of those other people are. When you boast a cast like Sin City, it's kinda hard to NOT be interested enough to watch. Plus the visuals with Sin City are far more compelling than Watchmen. I mentioned before I got a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vibe from Watchmen....didn't want to make the same mistake twice.
  17. Black Lushus

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Are you not listening to him because he's black or because he's Canadian or is it a combination of both? Asians really do hate black people, it's weird.
  18. Black Lushus

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    Isn't there anyone better around for him to tap besides Kelly Hyatt?
  19. Black Lushus


    So I think I'm gonna risk it and scoop up MadWorld this week. I have a few games I'm going to trade in, so I shouldn't be spending TOO much money on it.
  20. Black Lushus

    3/2: A Message To Paul Harvey

    Well said...had an older co-worker that would listen to him everyday like clockwork in his office and I'd listen in from time to time. Good stuff.
  21. I dunno, George Clooney always looks like he wants to kill bob_barron.
  22. piss, jerk off, blow my nose, brush my teeth...it's pretty much a routine.
  23. Black Lushus

    The Truthiness is a fucking stinky twatfart

    Who was the gal that posted here for maybe a year or so that Paul Stanley (the poster) was rogering? It wasn't TaigaStar was it?
  24. Black Lushus

    American Idol Season 8

    Am I missing something with what they see in Anoop? That was a terrible rendition of "My Perogative"!
  25. Well, the ultimate conclusion to the series is that the two are gay for each other, so they might as well just cut to the chase.