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Black Lushus

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Everything posted by Black Lushus

  1. Black Lushus

    WWE 24/7 Discussion - March 2008

    DocV, is that a yearly thing for you, watching every WM prior to the current year's edition? Man, you got some steel reserve, I couldn't handle it.
  2. Black Lushus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    You mean like techno and trance and what not? Omaha has a gay techno club and a gay country bar downtown. I believe there's a lez bar somewhere near there as well. There may be two other gay clubs, but I can't be sure.
  3. sometimes I think Djimon Honsou needs to decide whether he's going to be a serious actor or not.
  4. Black Lushus

    WWE 24/7 Discussion - March 2008

    see, that's my biggest problem there, the time frame. I just don't think that style gives you very good 30 minute matches. The pacing is usually shit, the psychology is all over the map. Guys like them should go for about 10 minutes and then wrap it up. Again, I haven't seen it, so my opinion doesn't hold a whole lot of water, that's just my general take on long matches featuring guys who focus mostly on insane high spots.
  5. Black Lushus

    WWE 24/7 Discussion - March 2008

    I'll take your word for it, I haven't even seen it yet...I just can't stand matches featuring Sabu.
  6. Black Lushus

    WWE 24/7 Discussion - March 2008

    a match featuring Sabu is the best? Really???
  7. Black Lushus

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I like the one where he and his friends are crunched in a little Festiva and the girls are laughing at them. and of course, like everything in life, freecreditreport.com aint exactly free...
  8. whoa whoa whoa, MURDOCH does a Canadian Destroyer??? Shit I need to get to watching this! I hate that move, but I need to see Murdoch doing it.
  9. Black Lushus

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

  10. Black Lushus

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    "Hey! There's two guys the WWE dicked over! Let's have THEM testify!"
  11. Black Lushus

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    UT has come a looooong way...I don't know if it was just the gimmick hampering him back then or what, but the UT from today is not the same as the UT from 97. I'll meet you halfway and say he's an OK worker.
  12. Black Lushus

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    UT isn't an entirely bad worker...as long as he's paired with the right people. HBK, in that instance. I will give him credit, however, for having a good match with Nash at WM12.
  13. Black Lushus

    The Wire: Final Season

    potential last episode spoilers could be a buncha bullshit, so don't get on ME if they're wrong...however, if they're right, that's a lot of interesting shit going down there!
  14. Black Lushus

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Truthiness was saying that Shawn Michaels is not capable of carrying people to or holding up his end of a 4 to 5 star match...neverminding the fact that he's had 4 or 5 star matches with guys like UT and Kevin Nash.
  15. Black Lushus

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Fuck, here we go again...Congress, stop being so bored!
  16. Black Lushus

    Let's Talk About Wrestlemania 2

    I don't know if Big Show is so much underpushed as it is these bookers just plain don't know what to do with him. Is he good? Is He bad? Is he an unstoppable beast? Is he a big pussy? How do we properly book this guy???
  17. Black Lushus

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    oh leave WP alone.
  18. Black Lushus

    Standup anyone?

    What's funny to me with Louis CK is when he tells some of his stories about his wife and kids, I can almost 100% relate to it. Half the time I'm like "man I know exactly what you mean!" It's also uncanny to know that he has a man crush on Ewan McGregor because I also have a man crush on Ewan McGregor!
  19. Black Lushus

    The Wire: Final Season

    Carnivale was one of those shows that was so bizarre I had to keep watching, even though I had no clue what was going on half the time. According to Wiki the show was set for 6 seasons, which seems to be the norm for HBO, but was cancelled. It doesn't say if the cancellation came after production on the 2nd season was already wrapped or not. If it was after, I can understand the open-ended finale.
  20. Black Lushus

    The Wire: Final Season

    Did they know POST production that they were finished with Carnivale'? I ask because that ending was fucking lousy.
  21. Black Lushus

    The Wire: Final Season

    I'm not holding my breath...HBO doesn't exactly have the best track record for quality season finales.
  22. Black Lushus

    The Oscars

    I understand you can't include every single person involved in making films every time, but come on, people knew who Renfro was. He wasn't some random name. He wasn't a stunt guy from the 50s.
  23. Black Lushus

    The Oscars

    Why Brad Renfro was left off the Deceased Montage. Weak sauce...inexcusable that he was left off. I'm almost 100% positive River Phoenix was on there in 92 or 93 or whenever it was. The "not a big enough star" thing is also crap. No one knew who half the other people were that they showed, you can tell that by the amount of applause given. Now that I think about it, I swear Jonathan Brandis was on a montage...he wacked himself and he's certainly not a bigger star than Renfro.
  24. If Cena ever achieves non-wrestling mainstream success, I'd love to hear the new tune he'll be singing...