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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    My sister stole and sold my N64 collection

    Conker's Bad Fur Day is currently sitting at a local Toys R' Us near me for $9.99 brand new. Only N64 games they have are that and Perfect Dark. No one seems to have even looked at them in ages.
  2. Zack Malibu

    The O.C.

    Last night my jaw hit the floor when Lindsay asked what her mom was doing there. I was wondering why we could hear the kids in the background, and was waiting for her to snap at Sandy or something so that Ryan heard the secret or something simple like that. No way in hell did I see this one coming. I don't like the fact that Jimmy and Julie are hooking up at all. I can't stand DJ, and fucking Zach got on my nerves by decking Cohen and Summer really not caring about it, no matter how apologetic he was. Those were the only two things that irked me, but otherwise I loved the ep. Awesome speech from Ryan, and glad he got the girl, although their relationship should be VERY interesting now. And I'm so calling it, whether it's this season, next season, or season 15...Ryan will be given a position at the Newport Group. The whole architecture thing made me think it, but this Lindsay being Caleb's daughter deal makes me think it even more.
  3. Zack Malibu

    Booking for the 12/16 show from Atlanta

    Yes it is my birthday. Feel free to use that as part of any angle if you wish.
  4. Zack Malibu

    The Angle Awards 2004!~

    I've been at WrestlingSuperstore for five years come Dec. 16th (my birthday, woohoo!). Help out in customer service/order processing, and take care of DVD/video inventory for the most part. I get other odd jobs to handle here and there, but those are the main ones.
  5. Zack Malibu

    The Angle Awards 2004!~

    CWM got self-banned. Basically, he grew sick of this place and asked that he be unregistered. He's mostly at WDI, and City Infinity (Rando's board, link in sig, hint hint). I hear ya on the work deal. I'm working a lot more too. Teaching now (well, teacher assistant) for handicapped/special needs children, and still got the job at the wrestling place. Hours suck (I work like 8-8 nearly every day), but it's money, that's how you've gotta look at it. I'm thankful for the upcoming break though, it's much needed. So is this just a cameo appearance, or will you be hanging around for a while on TSM and elsewhere?
  6. Zack Malibu

    The Angle Awards 2004!~

    You're already in it, and HOLY SHIT WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?
  7. Zack Malibu

    TNA Notes from Meltz

    It didn't suck. You take that back right now, Masshole! And I highly doubt Brown vs. Daniels would suck, since Brown vs. Jarrett kicked ass, and I'm not high on JJ as a worker.
  8. Zack Malibu

    TNA Notes from Meltz

    I'm also guessing we get Watts/Raven/Page in a three way, or something similar. After last night, where are Abyss and Brown off to? Something inside me wants to see Monty Brown vs. Christopher Daniels built up for the PPV.
  9. Zack Malibu

    TNA Turning Point poll

    Bob, if you could, please link me to where you download them from. I've ordered both at a place I hang out at, but don't have a VCR or DVD recorder there to tape them (yet). I ordered last night down at the coffee shop I frequent and help out at, much like I did for Victory Road. Other than invited friends, we had a bunch of people, including cops from town come down and watch it. I can tell you this about the show...the people at the shop who didn't know certain faces were quickly into them. One cop only knew the veterans like Hall, Nash and Page, but was amazed at the Sabin/Petey match and the cage match. So last night proved to be a great way to get an older and/or casual fan hooked to TNA. My personal feeling is that the show was awesome. Save for the throwaway NYC match, everything clicked, with the exception of the Savage angle and "hot tag" that saw him use punches and a sleeperhold. I found this to be a better PPV than anything WWE has put on in months, and probably one of the top three PPV's of the year.
  10. Zack Malibu

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    From Mitchell: Mitchell: "Got the correct time?" Servo: "Yeah, ten two...ten two your own damn business." (a few seconds later, Mitchell shoots a suspect on a golf course) Crow (in hushed tone):"...he's landed just short of the green..."
  11. Zack Malibu

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    First episode I ever saw was Eegah!. Oddly enough, that's also the first one I ever got on DVD, as a Christmas gift four years ago. I've got all the Rhino releases save for Volume 5 (A Sci-Fi era pack. Already have the eps on tape so I'm in no rush), and numerous Sci-Fi eps on tape. I also still have the original airing of Mitchell around the house on tape somewhere, since it was Joel's last episode and also one of the funniest. The day the Essentials DVD came out, I had it with me at the coffee shop I hang/help out at, and popped it in the DVD player that the owner keeps there strictly for our use. Popped it in, my friends and customers got roped into "Manos" rather easily, and were dying laughing. Now Tuesdays went from "movie night" to "MST3K night" at the coffee shop. Awesome.
  12. Zack Malibu

    Kotzenjunge's birthday isn't until tomorrow.

    If anyone was going to pick up on that, I'm glad it was you.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Kotzenjunge's birthday isn't until tomorrow.

    Happy Birthday, Spoon-Fed. I'll send you some more music once I catch your cocked ass online.
  14. Zack Malibu

    So much crazy

    Ripper's the one grabbing her boobs, right? The other one is Banky, isn't it?
  15. Zack Malibu

    So much crazy

    Is that Kotz in the background?
  16. Zack Malibu

    Booking for the 12/9 show

    I thought Superstar vs. Anglesault was our main event. ::has flashbacks::
  17. Zack Malibu

    The O.C.

    I really don't like the Lawn Guy either. We don't even know WHY Marissa likes him, just that she does. If anything, he's just a rebound character. I can't see him being full-fledged. I have to admit, I like the whole "dueling nice guys" deal between Zach and Seth. Zach's not a guy you can hate...he's a likable dude. Makes the story more interesting. Lindsay and Ryan seem perfect for each other, I agree. For a minute I was afraid she and Seth would hit it off, leaving Ryan to have to feign happiness for his best friend.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Headucate me.

    I was just about to make mention of Jedi Mind Tricks when I saw this thread. Nice to see someone else has discovered them.
  19. Zack Malibu

    DVD Recorder Help

    I've got it working, thanks for the help. The problem was what JJMc mentioned, about having to be connected with the coaxial as well as the A/V wires (which isn't specified in the manual for whatever reason...it just says to use the AV's.) So it's up and running. Thanks for helping me out guys.
  20. Zack Malibu

    DVD Recorder Help

    Just bought one yesterday, and am trying to put some VHS on DVD. It's wired through the VCR, everything visually comes up fine, but when I hit record, the recorder won't do it, and that little "stop" symbol comes up on the corner of the screen. Did I miss a step somewhere?
  21. Zack Malibu

    Fox's Midseason...

    Uh, Kelly didn't disappear. "Breakaway" is a Top 10 hit single, her new CD is out in stores, and the latest track "Since You've Been Gone" is getting major radio and TV airplay (it's always in the TRL rotation). Out of all the winners, she's the one with the most recognition still. Rueben just put out another CD, but damned if I heard anything about it, or any singles on the radio. Plus, you don't have to look far for Kelly, since "From Justin To Kelly" is on HBO constantly. God I love that movie.
  22. Zack Malibu

    Booking for December 2nd?

    Tony's got me covered. Booyah!
  23. Zack Malibu

    SWF Lockdown Card, 12-1-04!

    For once, my match is in early. A winnah is me!
  24. Zack Malibu

    DVD Recorder Help

    That could be it, actually. I had the VCR hooked up to the TV by the normal wiring, not the AV wires, and the recorder hooked up to the VCR by the AV wires. I'll try that. Thanks.
  25. Zack Malibu

    DVD Recorder Help

    It's a standalone DVD recorder, not a burner/computer related one. I have it wired in through my VCR. Every time I hit the record button, it refuses to do it for whatever reason.