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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    Latest Impact Spoilers

    I would think if it's the case, that the LAX/3D match would be booked to be the semi-main. I'm guessing we may also get Petey Williams vs. Bobby Roode in the cage.
  2. Zack Malibu

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Elite Snobs/Boardum/Pit bracket: Chave Lushus TSM Vets/Shit Folders bracket: Barron Czech Sports Folder bracket: Ripper 909 The Awesomely Mediocre and/or Unknown bracket: DrVenkman CanadianChris
  3. Zack Malibu

    OAO 3/8 Impact Thread

    It was already said when Hector signed, by both he and Konnan, that they would not exploit Eddy's name whatsoever.
  4. Zack Malibu


    These are my more recent stats, so you can just delete the ones posted by MVS. Name: Zack Malibu Nicknames: The Franchise, The Preppy One, The Savior Of The OAOAST, Pissed Off Prep Age: 26 Height: 6 ft. Weight: 210 lbs. Hometown: Providence, RI Alignment: Ultra-babyface cornerstone of the OAOAST. In the SWF, it's more shades of grey, leaning towards face, but that's due to the interpromotional tension more than Zack's personal choosing. Stable Affiliation: Currently none in the OAOAST. A member of the Cadillac Boys tag team in the SWF with former OAOAST World Champion Calvin Szechstein. Wrestling style: A truly complete all-rounder. Supberb technical skills, above average aerial ability, and as the feud with The Wildcards shows, Zack can be one of the most brutal, vicious brawlers in the game. Theme music: "Getting Away With Murder" by Papa Roach. Entrance Style: The opening bass riff of Getting Away With Murder hits, and as the song kicks in completely, Malibu makes his way out through a shower of golden pyro. White pyro then shoots off on both sides of the ramp as he walks down to the ring, usually appearing completely focused on the task at hand. Entrance attire:A hooded vest, similar to what AJ Styles wears down to the ring. Traditionally blue with either white or gold used for the trim and logos on it. Ring attire: Semi-short tights, with either gold or white trim, and the name "Malibu" etched across the back waist. Finishing Move(s): School's Out (superkick, Zack's original and most consistent finishing manuever). Angle Slam (a tribute to Anglesault, and to his home company, Malibu has become very fond of this as a finisher). Falling Star Driver (Fisherman lift into an inverted cradle piledriver). POP Drop (Fisherman's buster). Signature Moves: Zack Attack (shining wizard) Trendsetter (sleeperhold headdrop) California Dream (when he needs a submission finish, he busts this out, but it's become one of the rarer moves in his moveset). Rolling Suplex Combination (not just the rolling Germans, Malibu switches it up, using Germans, Dragon, Tiger, and Half Nelson suplexes amongst others. At climactic moments, Malibu will finish off with the Angle Slam for an attempt at victory). Basic moveset: Dropkicks, chops, forearms, elbows, kicks, ranas...Zack can do anything really, with the exception of extreme high flying (for instance, a 450 is capable, but 720's are stretching it). He tends to adapt to his opponents, countering their offense with whatever he sees fit. Manager/valet/sidekick:No one, as his girlfriend/valet Candie is now 99.9% of the time at home with the couple's daughter, Jenna. Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: "Good for business, bad for you." "You don't have to like me, don't have to love me, but you WILL respect me." History/Background/Career Highlights: A lot has happened in the near five year career of Zack Malibu. Since first bursting on the scene, he created one of the most famous wrestling stables of all time (The In Crowd), immediately drew the ire of company namesake Anglesault, and engaged him in one of the OAOAST's earliest classic matches at Anglemania II, where Malibu captured the World Title for the first time. In the years since, Malibu has evolved into the franchise of the company, not just as a fancy nickname, but in every aspect of the company from the boardroom to the ring. He's befriended and battled many superstars within the company, including eventual friend and current tag team partner Calvin Szechstein, OAOAST legend Caboose, the now-retired CWM, The Hooligans, and Popick. In 2004, a shift in attitude saw Zack turn on his fans and friends, allowing his ego to grow out of control and lay claim to all of the OAOAST's glory. He shunned former friend Sly Sommers, viciously turned on Crystal, and formed a group not as well loved as The In Crowd, namely The Thrillogy. After losing his World Title to Crystal, Malibu went on a slump, until turned on by Tony Brannigan and Dan Black, bringing Caboose and Some Guy out of retirement. After realigning with fellow Originals, the company was turned into a battleground, with Drek Stone leading the charge of talent that felt oppressed and held back. A "civil war" broke out, tearing the company apart from the inside and out, eventually being settled once and for all once Zack went "outside the box" to deal with the new leaders of the revolution, The Hooligans. It was an act that would change the course of the OAOAST as we know it. Malibu brought in SWF superstars Bruce Blank and Alan Clark, under his Bloodshed moniker, along with former SWF superstar "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez. Known as The Wildcards, Zack thought that the three brawlers would run off the threat of a civil war once and for all, but the tide turned and the three turned out to break away from Malibu's leash. Now with Blank calling the shots, The Wildcards became Zack's most despised rivals, breaking the boundary and turning their issue personal by invading Malibu's home and accosting his girlfriend and newborn daughter. For months, Malibu fought and fought, and even with former enemies The Hooligans and his tag partner Leon Rodez by his side, he couldn't rid his company, nor his life of the threat of Blank. Seeing his family harmed, and his best friends neck snapped, as well as Caboose beaten into a bloody pulp, Malibu had enough, and put his career on the line to lure Blank to the ring one last time...in a Survive Or Surrender Cage Match in January 2007. After months of torture, Malibu defeated his rival once and for all, forcing him out of the OAOAST and into a forced retirement. Now, in order to mend fences for the "defamation" of the SWF's name, Malibu cut a deal to appear on their broadcasts, using his star power to attempt to bolster the federation. He continues to do what he's always done in the OAOAST, acting as a leader of the company in an effort to restore respect and honor to the World Title he's setting his sights on once again.
  5. Zack Malibu

    Character Specs

    Name: Zack Malibu Nicknames: The Franchise, The Preppy One, The Savior Of The OAOAST, Pissed Off Prep Age: 26 Height: 6 ft. Weight: 210 lbs. Hometown: Providence, RI Alignment: Ultra-babyface cornerstone of the OAOAST. Stable Affiliation: Currently none. Wrestling style: The term "well rounded" has never been more appropriate. Malibu can take to the mat, take to the air, or engage in some of the most brutal brawling imaginable. Theme music: "Getting Away With Murder" by Papa Roach. Entrance Style: The opening bass riff of Getting Away With Murder hits, and as the song kicks in completely, Malibu makes his way out through a shower of golden pyro. White pyro then shoots off on both sides of the ramp as he walks down to the ring, usually appearing completely focused on the task at hand. What he looks like: Entrance attire:A hooded vest, similar to what AJ Styles wears down to the ring. Traditionally blue with either white or gold used for the trim and logos on it. Ring attire: Long tights, typically black w/ blue, white, or gold trim. Kickpads that match the trim color over black boots. Finishing Move(s): COMMON FINISHERS School's Out (superkick, Zack's original and most consistent finishing manuever). Angle Slam (a tribute to Anglesault, and to his home company, Malibu has become very fond of this as a finisher). RARE FINISHERS-by rare I mean not often used, but still a viable part of my moveset. Falling Star Driver (Fisherman lift into an inverted cradle piledriver). POP Drop (Fisherman's buster). Signature Moves: Zack Attack (shining wizard) Zack Attack 2 (double running knee, usually when opponent is in the corner. Elijah Burke's Elijah Express). Trendsetter (sleeperhold headdrop) California Dream (when he needs a submission finish, he busts this out, but it's become one of the rarer moves in his moveset). Rolling Suplex Combination (not just the rolling Germans, Malibu switches it up, using Germans, Dragon, Tiger, and Half Nelson suplexes amongst others. At climactic moments, Malibu will finish off with the Angle Slam for an attempt at victory). Basic moveset: Dropkicks, chops, forearms, elbows, kicks, ranas...Zack can do anything really, with the exception of extreme high flying (for instance, a 450 is capable, but 720's are stretching it). He tends to adapt to his opponents, countering their offense with whatever he sees fit. The feud with Bruce Blank seemingly awoke a part of Zack he had long kept buried, as he's more relentless with his movset, almost to a vicious extent at times. Manager/valet/sidekick:No one, as his girlfriend/valet Candie is now 99.9% of the time at home with the couple's daughter, Jenna. Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: "Good for business, bad for you." "You don't have to like me, don't have to love me, but you WILL respect me." History/Background/Career Highlights: One of the few last remaining fully active Originals, Zack Malibu has been synonymous with the OAOAST practically since his 2002 debut. In his five years with the company Malibu has found himself both hated and cheered by the fans, but ultimately the respect he's earned is granted to him by peers and fans alike. As Anglesault's hand-picked successor to the throne, Malibu has more often than not found himself a target for those wishing to make a name for themselves, or in some cases, destroy the legacy of the OAOAST and fashion it in their own design. After surviving what may go down as the most brutal, emotionally exhausting feud of his career, where he managed to retire Bruce Blank from the wrestling industry, Malibu sought out to avenge the company against the person who did it the most harm: then World Champion Drek Stone. Stone, responsible for planting the seeds of a Civil War which nearly saw the entire federation break apart, did not act as a champion should, further drawing the ire of his arch-nemesis. After barely being able to defeat Zack, Malibu vanquished Stone once and for all, regaining the prized OAOAST World Championship, and set forth to restore the honor and prestige back to both the championship and the company. Not more than mere weeks after becoming World Champion once again, Malibu found himself faced with the challenge of the last remaining link to the Wildcards/Blank feud in Landon Maddix, a crossover star from the SWF. Using his Money In The Bank title shot, Maddix had his lackeys both jump Zack and attack members of The Lightning Crew, screwing Tha Puerto Rican out of a title shot he intended to use the same night. A weakened Zack fell victim to the assault, losing the belt to Maddix. After healing from his wounds, Malibu returned to HeldDOWN~! in a big way, as he invoked the champion's right to a rematch. This has set the stage for a three way war, with champion Maddix attempting to dodge the challenges of both Zack Malibu and Tha Puerto Rican. With the two heels forging a marriage of convienience, feeling that Malibu has stuck his nose into their respective business, Malibu played a trump card recently, getting former rival (and Wildcard) Todd Cortez to stand up to Landon Maddix and walk away from the World Champion's mistreating ways. Cortez listened, helping Malibu defeat Maddix and PRL in a Dream Partner tag team match on the July 2007 edition of OAOAST Syndicated. Time will tell what's in store for Malibu, but if the past is any indication, it would appear that everyone in the OAOAST had better take notice...if you cross Zack Malibu, you'd best be prepared for the fight of your life.
  6. JOSH Josh Matthews here, backstage on HeldDOWN~!, and I'm standing with the man who is heading to Anglemania to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship, Zack Malibu. *distant crowd pop, from those watching on the Angletron* JOSH So Zack, what're you drinking there? (The camera pans over to Malibu, cheesily smirking into the camera as he holds a bottle of Arizona Energy Drink up, the label completely visible to the camera, and thus, the viewing audience.) ZACK It's Arizona Energy Drink, Josh! The only drink that can give me the energy to be a champion again! (Malibu then takes the drink and chugs a good portion of it, finishing off with a "aaaaah" to verbally prove his thirst has been quenched.) JOSH So, uh...how'd you score that deal? ZACK Eh, Calvin stuck it on me. He's been doing all the shilling on the SWF shows, so I kinda got roped into this one. JOSH So, does it work? ZACK This? Oh yeah, absolutely. I drink it every day! Malibu turns and winks to the camera, and gives a knowing nod, but then his face gets very, VERY serious. JOSH Well Zack, I can tell by your change in demeanor that you know why I'm here. This past week on the OAOAST Syndicated special, we saw a years-long feud come to a head, as you defeated Sly Sommers in a No Holds Barred match, and rekindled the friendship that you once had. Now, you've got a straight path to Anglemania, and a shot at a belt that most feel belongs around your waist more than anyone else, the World Heavyweight Championship. ZACK Drek Stone, Mr. World Heavyweight Champion, I'm gonna ask you a question. In your busy schedule, I hope you took the time to see what went down on Syndicated. I hope you took the time to see what happened with Zack Malibu and Sly Sommers. I hope you have the image of that match burned into your head, because THAT, Drek Stone, is what true respect is all about...something that YOU need to learn, badly. Two men, with a personal hatred deeper than even yours and mine, Drek, went into that ring on Syndicated and through all caution to the wind, TORE EACH OTHER APART, and after all was said and done, buried the hatchet, putting to bed once and for all the tension that ruined a friendship. Sly Sommers stood in that ring at the end of that match as my peer, as my equal, as my FRIEND, because amidst all the backstabbing and politicking, amidst all the tension and brawling, there was RESPECT lying under it all. You Drek, you don't have that benefit. The World Heavyweight Champion, ducking all challengers, no-showing events, SELLING OUT THE COMPANY THAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT. Two years ago, you tried to start a revolution, start a war that promised a new beginning...you promised that things would change, Drek, and if this is what you had in mind all along, then the world should be glad you failed! People like Scotty Static and Johnny Jax and Jamie O'Hara, people whose respect I have earned, should be thankful they broke away from you, because people like YOU are killing the business we love! Face it Drek, you're a victim of your own hype. You don't hold a candle to any of the OAOAST champions from the past. You're not the equal of men like Caboose, like CWM, like Anglesault and Alfdogg...men who have BLED for that belt, who left their families and friends behind, who fought wars that would break a man like you, all for the HONOR, not the luxury, but the HONOR to hold the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship! Our hearts and souls are in that belt, and to you it's a showpiece, but to me and my equals, that sixteen pounds of gold that you cling to is OUR LIFE! Our lives went into that belt, and you, you use it as a prop to feed your own insatiable ego. You dodge responsibility, you have no honor, NO RESPECT for any of us, and it's only fitting that I, the man whom you've desperately tried to eliminate, to force out of this company, be the one to put to rest, once and for all, your tainted championship reign. Anglemania is just around the corner, Drek, and what that means for you, is simply that the end is near. Malibu backs away from the camera, and then heads off-camera, leaving Josh Matthews to marvel at the intensity in his words. Josh then picks up the Arizona Energy Drink and takes a quick swig, giving another knowing nod to the camera before we cut to commercial.
  7. Zack Malibu

    ECW 2/27

    I wouldn't call the New Breed talent "a bunch of workers that Vince/Steph" gush over.
  8. Zack Malibu

    A plea to WWE

    Nevermind that Rock has left wrestling behind him and is focused on his other career, but this is the perfect match to make new stars. The Rock needs no help in that department, even if he told Vince he'd do a WM match for him for free. It's a better scenario than Hogan/Big Show, Hogan/Khali, Hogan/Shane McMahon, or Shawn/Booker in that you have two fresh commodities in the match. They might not wanna be the stars you want to see, but I find it ironic that people beg for new people and fresh talent, but when there's a few bad apples in the bunch of who's getting pushed, they turn around and want the people who have reigned supreme forever in the spot. I, personally, am sick of Bobby Lashley. I like Umaga. Those are two guys that deserve the roles they're getting in the sense that it may get them over in the mainstream, and not guys long past their prime who don't need it.
  9. Zack Malibu

    Syndicated: Sommers vs. Malibu

    SCHIAVONE Up next on Syndicated, we're set for the second bout in the H1 Grand Prix... (Cut to a camera shot of Sly Sommers, wearing jeans over a blue singlet, with kneepads over the jeans, hopping the guardrail. He grabs the microphone from Michael Buffer and hops into the ring) VENTURA He's not supposed to be out here now... SLY I'm tired of waiting...no long tirade: get Zack out here NOW! SCHIAVONE Folks...this was scheduled to be our semi-main event...the big No Holds Barred fight between Zack Malibu and Sly Sommers...two men who've had an issue since Sly was training to be a wrestler. He feels that Malibu tried detouring his success in the sport and his influence ended up driving Sly into collecting demons throughout the years. Sly's apparantly tired of waiting to end this road in his life, and he wants Zack NOW! "Getting Away With Murder" starts up, and Zack Malibu walks out of the curtain! The crowd goes nuts, as he's decked out in his fighting gear (a white t-shirt, khaki pants with the kneepads over them, and bandanas tied around his wrists). The crowd goes BANANAS, as Malibu has his eyes SET on Sly. He stalks down to the ring, walking through a sea of hands wanting to touch him. Malibu gets to the ring apron, takes a deep breath, then climbs onto the apron... BUFFER The following is a No Holds Barred CONTEST! Scheduled for one fall, no time limit! Introducing first, from Peoria, Illinois...SLY SOOOOOOOMERSSSS! His opponent, from Providence, Rhode Island...he is the number ONE contender to the OAOAST Heavyweight Championship of the WOOOOOOOOORLD!!! The most decorated competitor in OAOAST HISTORY....ZAAAAACK MALLLLIBUUUUU! Malibu enters the ring, and him & Sly immediately go chest-to-chest! A sea of referees run out to seperate the two! The competitors are kept at bay in their corners until the bell is officially rung, purely for insurance reasons! Everything seems to be set, as the referees leap out of the ring... *BELL RINGS* Malibu and Sly are already at it! They're mid-ring, trading punches, back and forth! They throw their fists as hard as possible, hoping to knock the other into oblivion! Finally, as the crowd's heating up, Malibu shows himself to be the faster puncher, as he gets shot after shot after shot in a row! Malibu has Sly reeling against the ropes, as Zack grabs his wrist and goes for an Irish whip. Sly reverses in mid-ring, and pulls Zack right into a double-leg takedown! Sommers jumps on top and starts strangling Zack with his hands! VENTURA Sommers is a man possessed...he believes that Malibu is the reason for all of his life's wrongs, and is willing to do whatever it takes to take it out on him! Sly's choke doesn't last forever, as Malibu grapples himself on top of Sly, then grabs a headlock and goes crazy with punches to the head! Malibu lets go of the headlock so he can get up and begin to stomp Sly repeatedly! Sommers grabs the leg in-between punches to trip up Zack and pull him to the ground. Sly grabs Zack from behind on the mat and grabs a waistlock. Malibu tries to wrestle out as Sly deadlifts him off of the ground with it, then HURLS him right onto his head! Sommers drops down and grabs a front facelock, as Zack is able to get under Sly and gets up, holding Sly by the legs. Sommers has ahold of the front facelock as Zack charges Sly into the corner Gore-style and they crash hard! However, Sly won't let go of the front facelock. Sommers connects with a series of forearms to the back, then tries wrapping a bodyscissors around Zack. Malibu lifts Sly up, turns around, and slams him down in almost-spinebuster-like fashion! The impact of the slam breaks the front facelock, then Malibu strangles Sly until he lets free of the bodyscissors! SCHIAVONE Fighting fire with fire: always a Malibu M.O.! Zack then goes into a series of down-strike forearms, while on top of Sly. One after another connect, as the edge of Zack's forearm busts Sly open! However, he's able to avoid a forearm and use the free arm to try and transition into a Fujiwara armbar as he twists around under Malibu. Zack rolls away, and both men come to their feet! Sly paces at Zack and connects with a forearm, so Zack replies with one of his own. Sly forearms, and Zack repeats. Back and forth these two go! Sly goes to chops, so Zack replies with some of his own, back and forth! Finally, after Sly throws a blistering-hard chop, Zack goes in a completely new direction and gives Sly the stiffest damn headbutt you'd ever seen! The "THUD!" echos through the building, as Sly goes down in a pile and Zack has knocked himself dizzy! VENTURA This crowd is going nuts, as we're seeing two men who see nothing but red try to rip one another apart! Malibu takes a moment to shake his dizziness off, then walks over to Sly. Even as Sommers begins to make his way to his feet, Zack continues to kick. Malibu tries to pull Sly up the rest of the way, but is met with a headbutt to the stomach. Sly then forearms Zack in the back hard before lifting him up in a fireman's carry. But, Malibu escapes with two elbows to the kidney. Malibu's back on his feet, as he charges back, bounces off of the ropes, then runs at Sly...who gets him up in the fireman's carry...but the momentum sends both men flying back, over the top rope, and tumbling to the floor! SCHIAVONE OH MY! Both men are down, as the crowd's already going nuts! They're struggling up to their feet, as the crowd's chanting "KILL! KILL! KILL!", but at no one in particular. With Malibu pulling himself up with the ring apron and Sly using the guardrail, they both slowly rise to their feet...then rush over to one another and go at it again! Back and forth they go with the forearms to the face! Each forearm delivered is stiffer than the last! Finally, Sly breaks up the monotony with a knee to the stomach, then pounds Malibu down to the ground with forearms to the back of the head! Sly doesn't stop the attack, repeatedly striking Zack's back on the ground, then pounding his face into the concrete floor! VENTURA Like he said on Thursday, this isn't for glory...Sly's out for blood! Sly gets up to a standing position and stomps the back of his head. Sommers pulls Zack up by the hair and punches him in the face...so Zack replies with a punch of his own! Sly punches Zack, so Zack punches back! Sly breaks up the pattern with a forearm to the stomach! Sommers then rips Malibu's shirt off and chops his bare back! Zack responds with a rising uppercut! Sly then backs off, walking around the ring with Zack in pursuit. Finally, Sly's cornered in by the guardrail, so he turns around and begins to beg off. Zack takes a second to sarcastically consider it, then charges in...but Sly moves and shoves Zack into the guardrail! Sly grabs Zack by the hair and slams his face into the guardrail! SCHIAVONE I'm honestly surprised Sly didn't slam his face THROUGH the rail, with all that anger built up! Sommers then grabs the top of the rail and repeatedly delivers stiff knees to the back of Malibu's head, sandwiching it between the knee and the metal with each strike! Sly lets up, then drops the straps on his singlet. Sommers pulls Zack up by the hair, lifts him for a suplex, and drops him stomach-first on the edge of the rail! Malibu screams in pain, as Sly backs up, then hits a running kneelift to Zack's face, sending him into a seated position in the front row! Sly grabs Zack by the hair and pulls him back over to the other side! VENTURA If Sly's dominance continues...what will happen to the Anglemania main event? It'll assuredly cripple Malibu! Sommers then goes under the ring apron and looks around...then pulls out a Singapore Cane! Sly wastes no time showing the stick off, as he goes ballistic, pounding Zack in the back with it! He gets in six really good shots before the stick breaks! Sly throws it out of his way, then pulls Zack up by the hair. Sly puts Zack in position and goes for a piledriver on the floor! But, Zack is somehow able to come to and backdrops Sly over the guardrail and into the front row! The crowd clears, as Zack leans over the rail and starts repeatedly punching Sly in the face. Zack tries pulling Sly out of the front row by his hair, but gets headbutted in the face! Malibu stumbles around in pain as Sly comes back over the rail. Sommers climbs onto the apron, then back into the ring. He grabs the top rope, as Malibu turns around, then springboards up top and comes down with a flying knee strike into Malibu's face! The force sends Zack flying backwards, as he goes face-first into the corner of the guardrail! SCHIAVONE Sly Sommers is willing to do to himself to hurt Zack what most men aren't even willing to do to others! Sly slowly gets up, holding the side of his leg. He grabs a chair out of the front row, as the fans are still scattered, and folds it up. He walks over to Zack, who has a laceration over his left eyebrow, and starts choking him with the edge of the chair's lip. After over ten seconds of Malibu gasping for air, Sommers lets up on the choke and tosses the chair down.Sly pulls up Zack by the hair and stands him up using the railing. Sly keeps Zack dazed with a stiff forearm to the face. Sly then picks the chair back up and hits Zack in the ribs with the edge of it. He then lifts Zack up for a fireman's carry and drops him ribs-first onto the guardrail! Sommers shoves Zack's legs over the rail, sending him fully into the crowd. Sly sets up the chair near the guardrail, then walks across the ringside area. Malibu comes up, holding his ribs, as Sly charges forward...leaps off of the chair, over the rail...and Zack tosses him into a slam on the floor! VENTURA Malibu's got insane veteran instincts, even in a fight like this! Zack gets up, holding his side, and grabs a chair. He folds it up as Sly gets to his knees and swings for the fences...but Sly rolls out of the way and Zack hits nothing but concrete! Sly comes from behind with a groin shot, then sends Zack off with an Irish whip! Malibu crashes back-first into the guardrail. Sommers picks up Zack's chair, then runs at a sitting Zack, leaps in the air, and dropkicks the chair into Zack's face! The crowd cheers due to the move being so violent, then boos when Sly tosses the bloody chair out into the crowd. Sommers picks up Zack and tosses him back over the rail. Sly climbs back over and kicks Zack in the kidneys. Sommers grabs the previously-used chair and tosses it over the top rope and into the ring. He sees Zack getting up, so he helps Zack up the rest of the way, then shoves him back-first into the ringpost. Sommers backs up, charges at Zack, and goes for a charging move...but Zack moves and Sly goes face-first into the post! Sly stumbles back into Zack, who brings him down with the Trendsetter! SCHIAVONE THE TRENDSETTER! That's early in the match for that! Zack goes for the cover! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Malibu brushes his hair out of his eyes, which is getting harder as blood flows into it, and grabs a front facelock on the ground. He then delivers MMA-style knees to the top of the skull to Sly, as Sommers tries to wrestle his way out. Zack pulls Sly up with the front facelock, then tosses him into the ring with it. Zack slides in, but gets caught with a tackle on the way up from Sly, who follows up with mounted punches. Sommers hops off and grabs the chair, then slams it down onto Zack's chest. Sly goes to the second rope, then comes down with a double stomp onto the chair-covered Sly! Malibu tosses the chair off of himself and sits up, clutching his ribs...but gets kicked back down with a stiff one to the chest! Sly then grabs the chair and sets it up in the corner... SCHIAVONE This cannot be good... Sommers goes over to pull up Zack, but he starts fighting from underneath! Punch after punch after punch to the mid-section, and he fights Sly off. Malibu's up, and he's rallying an attack with chop after chop after chop! These strikes send Sly backwards, into sititng in the chair! Malibu punches him a few times, then backs up, charges at Sly...and Sly moves, causing Zack to dropkick nothing and land back-first on the chair seat, bending it! VENTURA Malibu might be hurt! Sly grabs the chair out of Zack's wreckage and sets it up, with the chair seat's far left corner bent. As he does this, Malibu comes up to his knees, holding his lower back. Sly walks over and Zack punches him in the stomach, but Sly replies right back with a punch to the face that sends Zack back down. Sommers pulls Zack up by the hair, delivers a short-arm whip, and pulls him right into a flapjack, stomach-first, through the chair! SCHIAVONE OH DEAR! Malibu's in a universe of hurt! The referee grabs the broken chair and throws it out of the ring, as Sly pulls Zack up. Sommers goes for a suplex, but Zack dead-weights him and won't come off of the ground. Sommers changes his grip on the suplex and gets Zack up in the air...but Malibu slides out of the back end! Sly turns around as Zack gets a rush and throws School's Out! But, Sly catches the boot and drives his elbow into the knee Ong-Bak style! Zack goes down, as Sly delivers a falling knee to the ribs. Sly tries to pull Zack up and lift him for something in the piledriver position, but Malibu anchors himself on the mat. So, Sly goes nuts with repeated slaps to both sides of Zack's mid-torso, then stands him up and connects with a chop to keep him standing. Sly comes off of the ropes and dives forward, connecting with a headbutt to the stomach! VENTURA Seems as if Sly's targetting that mid-section, which has so many vital organs and bones that if you do enough work, your opponent could be critically injured! Malibu goes down, clutching his ribs. Sly drops an elbow on the back of Zack's head. Sommers then asks for another chair, to which a ring attendant hands him. Sly sets it up mid-ring, then pulls Zack up, who tries fighting but misses his swing. Sly then attempts to lift Zack for a belly-to-back suplex onto the chair! But, Zack is able to elbow his way out! Malibu comes down on his feet, then performs a go-behind and goes for an Angle Slam! A complete desperation move, but Sly escapes, performs a go-behind of his own, then goes for a wrist-clutch Teardrop Suplex (opponent's hand tucked beween his own legs during a headdroppy Angle Slam/belly-to-back suplex combo)! He gets Malibu up, but Zack's wiggling! He stays up in the air, then loosens his hand from Sly's grip as he slides down Sly's back, ending with Zack pinning Sly with a schoolboy! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Sly gets up first and levels Malibu with a European uppercut that seats Zack in the chair. Sly then climbs to the top rope. He slides his thumb across his throat, then leaps off with a flip...Zack moves, but Sly over-dives the chair for safety! Sly still lands hard on his tailbone! Sommers comes up, holding his rear, as Zack is up, not all there, but throwing a strike...Sly blocks! Sommers forearms Zack in the stomach, then lifts him in an electric chair and drops him ribs-first through the seat of this chair! Malibu rolls around frantically on the mat, trying to catch a breath! Sly scoots that chair out of the ring and asks for another! The ring attendant gives him one, as he sets it up in a corner. Sly walks over and pulls Zack up and shoves him into the corner behind him. Sly lays in a chop...and Zack fights back with a chop! Sly's shocked, but strikes back with another chop...so Zack reciprocates! The crowd's growing in excitement as Zack nails an unanswered chop, then another...and another...and he gets Sly reeling back on the ropes on the opposite side of the ring! Malibu gives him an Irish whip...Sly comes off of the ropes and runs into a big overhead belly-to-belly suplex! VENTURA Malibu's got a second wind! Zack comes up to his feet, clutching his ribs but showing fighting spirit, yelling in the air! Sly comes up and runs into a back elbow that sends him right back down! The crowd's cheering, as Sly comes back up and walks right into an Exploder slam! Malibu stays down for a second slower than usual, as his ribs are killing him. Zack pulls himself up using the ropes, then slowly climbs to the top rope, as the pain seems to be killing him. As this is going on, Sly crawls over to the opposite corner, where he set up the chair. Sly pushes himself up using the chair, as Malibu perches himself up top. Sly folds up the chair, then picks it up, turns around...and walks right into a Malibu dive! Both men's skulls go into the chair at the same time and they're both down! SCHIAVONE Oh my! That wasn't meant to happen! Both men look to be out cold! The referee cannot count them down, as there are no rules in this bout! The crowd's chanting... "MALIBU!" "MALIBU!" "MALIBU!" Tight shots of both men's faces show that their eyes are wide open, but they're not all there. Blood is flowing down both men's faces, as they're trying to find the energy to get up. Sly rolls over to the ropes, as he attempts to pull himself up with them. But, the crowd gets roaring as Malibu pushes himself up! Both men are up to their knees, as the "MALIBU!" chants get louder! Malibu yells to the ringside attendant, "GET ME A DAMN CHAIR!" The man obliges. Sly pulls himself over to the corner, grabs the chair set up in it, folds it up, and lifts it. Both men are mid-ring...bloodied, dazed, and armed with chairs! SCHIAVONE This is going to get good! The crowd's buzzing, as both men swing...their chairs smack! They swing the opposite way...chairs smack again! They swing overhead...chairs smack! Sly gets his chair up first and nails Malibu in the hand with the chair! Zack drops his chair, so Sly swings overhead and BLASTS Zack in the head with the chair! Zack stays up! Sly connects with another hard shot...and Zack's still up! Sly seems shocked, so he reels back and PLASTERS Zack with a third chairshot! MALIBU'S STILL UP! Sly looks around in disbelief, as Zack's yelling in anger...so Sly connects with another shot! Zack takes a bump...but pops back up! Zack shakes his head, but gets sent right back down with the hardest chair shot of them all, as the chair bounces off of his skull as he falls to the mat! Sly hops right onto him for the cover! ONE! TWO! THR... KICKOUT! The crowd goes nuts, as Sly brushes the hair out of his face and leaves a moment for shock, then pulls Zack up with a front facelock while yelling "GET ME A (bleep)in' TABLE!" The ring attendant reaches under the ring and grabs one, sliding it in under the bottom rope. Sommers yells "POP DROP!"! He lifts Malibu for his own signature fisherman's buster...but Zack somehow reverses it into a small package! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Zack immediately rolls to his feet, and as Sly's on one knee...Malibu hits the Zack Attack!!! COVER! ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEKICKOUT! VENTURA That was SOOO close! SCHIAVONE These two have put one another through hell, as this crowd is going nuts for stuff I'm not sure how these men are doing! Malibu pops up to his feet, but has to lean on the ropes after that burst of energy ends! Sly's up on one knee...Malibu rushes for another Zack Attack...he steps up on the knee...but Sly twists around and, in one motion, pops up and drops Zack with a backpack stunner! SCHIAVONE An old Sly favorite... SLY COVERS! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Sly immediately pulls Zack up and goes for another backpack stunner....he lifts, but Zack slides right out and lands in position to lock in his dreaded California Dream! But, Sly's right by the ropes and is able to walk up them, then push off of the top rope and hit an inverted Sliced Bread #2, landing in a cover! ONE! TWO! THREEEEE..... KICKOUT! Sly immediately pulls Zack up and hits the One Hit Wonder (Last Rites)! Sly rolls all the way through, keeping the hold on as he comes to his feet. Sly yells "OVER!", but Zack twists the move around and hits Sly's One Hit Wonder! Malibu rolls all of the way through, then turns Sly around, grabs him in a waistlock, and hits a German suplex! He keeps ahold of the waistlock... SCHIAVONE Here come the Rolling Suplexes! They're up, and Zack hooks Sly...TIGER suplex! Zack brings him up again, changes his grip...bridging Dragon Suplex! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Malibu brings Sly right back up, then rehooks the right arm to chicken wing it...RELEASE HALF AND HALF SUPLEX! Sly lands on his head...but he's UP! Malibu comes up and turns around...Sly goes for a running lariat...Zack ducks it and goes behind with a schoolboy! ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEEKICKOUT! Malibu cannot believe it! He sees the table and quickly sets it up! During the last stage of setting it up, Sly attacks him from behind! Sommers forearms Zack in the back of the head twice, then lifts him over his shoulder. Malibu tries getting out, so Sly tackles him into the corner! Sly then lifts Zack into a seated position on the top turnbuckle, then chops him twice! But, Malibu fights back with chops of his own! Zack kicks Sly in the head, then slaps him in the face! Zack reaches down and hooks Sly for a fisherman's manuever, lifting him up on the middle turnbuckle with him. SCHIAVONE No way... VENTURA FALLING STAR DRIVER THROUGH A TABLE?!?!? Zack lifts Sly directly up in the air...and Sly escapes the hold with a knee to the skull! Sommers is set down on the mat, then leaps up and CONNECTS with a palm thrust to the face! That dazes Zack long enough so that Sly can climb onto the second rope, then turn Zack sideways. Sly hooks Zack's hand between his legs...he's going for the Wrist-Clutch Teardrop Suplex! Zack grabs the turnbuckle with his other hand, trying to block the manuever. So, Sly reaches up and gives Zack a DEEP eye rake, distracting him long enough...WRIST-CLUTCH TEARDROP SUPLEX THROUGH THE TABLE! SCHIAVONE WOW! Both men just took a hellacious fall, and this crowd's ballistic! Zack got somewhat away from Sly, who took almost as much of that as Zack did! Sly grunts and yells his way through it....but he slowly crawls over to Zack...COVER! ONE! TWOOOOOO! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.... KICKOUT! KICKOUT! THE ENTIRE BUILDING is chanting Zack's name! Sly is on his knees, with his hands on his head, like he's seen a ghost! He gets up, yelling "SCREW IT!", and walks into a corner! The crowd's cheering for Zack to get up! Sly looks up to the heavens, then yells.. "SCHOOL IS OUT!" SCHIAVONE WHAT?!?! Zack's getting to his feet, as Sly measures him! The crowd's yelling at Zack, telling him not to walk into Sly's trap! Malibu's completely out of it, as he stumbles up to his feet...Sly charges at him sideways....HE THROWS THE SUPERKICK.... AND ZACK CATCHES THE LEG! Malibu spins Sly around by the leg... ZACK HITS SCHOOL'S OUT! HE COLLAPSES ON SLY! PIN! ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *DING DING* THE CROWD IS NUTS! BUFFER YOUR WIIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEER! ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAALIBUUUUUUU! SCHIAVONE WHAT A FIGHT! VENTURA I don't know how he did it...but Zack Malibu took one HELL of a beating and came back to win! SCHIAVONE That's Zack Malibu for you....no man in this company is better at fighting from underneath, when all odds are against him, and fighting back for the win! Malibu's on his knees, almost in tears! The referee helps him up to his feet, then raises his hand! Sly's out completely cold, as a sea of EMT's come out to check on him! Malibu, holding his ribs, climbs to the second rope and acknoledges the crowd's insane reaction to his victory! Zack then climbs down and demands Michael Buffer's microphone! ZACK MALIBU SLY! SLY! Guys...(brushes away the EMT's, as the company trainer gets a half-concious Sommers up to his feet) Sly...bro. Listen...I'm telling this to your face. I don't know how much this is going to mean to you, but after that fight you just gave me, you're never going to lose my respect, bro! I'm so sorry for all that crap in the past and I hope this settles it once and for all. You got demons, man? Let me help you out...I know you fell on hard times, you might need help...let me help you, man. Just please...accept my apology? There's a delayed reaction, as Sly's soaking this all in...the crowd is cheering.... ...and Sly HUGS ZACK! THE CROWD CHEERS! They chant "SLY! SLY! SLY!" SCHIAVONE That's the type of thing we love to see around here! VENTURA No, we don't! SCHIAVONE Shut up! Sly and Zack raise each other's arms, as the crowd gives them a standing ovation! Sly then collapses to the mat! He's hurt bad! The EMT's surround him, as medics with a stretcher run out to the ring! Malibu looks incredibly concerned, as they quickly load Sly onto the stretcher and wheel him out! SCHIAVONE We've got to move on with this show, but we hope to get more on Sly Sommers' condition by the end of the night or, if not, during Thursday's HeldDOWN~! broadcast! But that was a match if I've ever seen one!
  10. Zack Malibu

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The Damaja COULD wrestle under his own name, since Danny Basham was just a stage name. His real name is Danny Hollie, but that's just begging for a mixup with you-know-who amongst casual fans.
  11. Zack Malibu

    HD: Zack Malibu Promo

    JOSH MATTHEWS J. Math comin' at ya from backstage, and I'm here with the man considered to be the franchise player of the OAOAST, the one and only ZACK MALIBU! Zack, you've got an off-night tonight when it comes to in-ring action, but Saturday night on Syndicated, you're going to go against a guy whose got quite a chip on his shoulder when it comes to you, Sly Sommers. MALIBU Josh, it goes like this. What it all boils down to is petty jealousy. Sly's a hell of an athlete, and he can talk a good game, but all he's done is used those qualities to paint everyone else as a bad guy, myself more than anyone. Sly's not taking any responsibility for his own actions, for his own boredom within the industry, and now that he's got a fire under his ass again, he's called me out. After ending that bitter, personal war with Blank, winning the Lethal Rumble this year, and trying to smooth things over with the SWF. I've got Anglemania right around the corner with another guy who talks a good game and paints himself as a victim, when he's the one victimizing this company and holding the World Championship hostage. Guys like him and Sly Sommers, they do this because they want to make a name for themself. Even they realize that they aren't what they hype themselves up to be, and place the blame on someone else. Someone else wronged them, someone held them down...it's ALWAYS someone, and never the person themself. Sly, you and I have been up and down the road as friends, and more recently, as enemies. Two years ago, things were a little different, I admit it. I might have had a different mindset, a different outlook on things, and I've moved on from that...but you haven't. So do something about it. I'm giving you exactly what you want, because this Saturday one of two things are going to happen...we can tear each other apart and I can stand over you and finally prove to you that you're your own worst enemy, or you can leave me in a bloody heap, get out all that frustration, and ascend to the top of this company in my place. You have an open invitation to bring your A-game, Sly, because I'll have mine with me. No more backtalk, no more politicking, no more "shoots" as some would call it...just me and you and whatever we can use. It's no holds barred, but it's also no turning back. This is what you wanted, Sly. This is YOUR time. Take advantage of it while, and IF, you can. Malibu, more serious than ever, walks away, leaving Josh Matthews to look a little uneasy, knowing that Malibu means every word he says.
  12. Zack Malibu

    The Old School questions thread

    Re: Albano and The Headshrinkers. I remember that promo pretty well, and when the Headshrinkers came out, The Quebecers protested, stating "these are our friends" (since both teams were heels). Albano got the mic and said "They were MY friends before they were YOUR friends", playing up the past association with the Wild Samoans to turn the 'Shrinkers face.
  13. I like Richards. Honestly, I find him to be more entertaining than Strong.
  14. Zack Malibu

    Hey Marvin, just shut up.

    I think that's what Muggy was getting at.
  15. Zack Malibu

    Syndicated Booking (2-24-2007)

    No Holds Barred, First Time in a LONG Time: Zack Malibu vs. Sly Sommers
  16. Gabe had the intent of grooming Strong for the championship not that long ago, so I'm guessing this is the first step to that. Once that happens, I could easily see a Richards/Strong split and ensuing feud, obviously down the line once the No Remorse Corp is established. I'm guessing that Sydal will eventually be drifted away from Daniels and likely into one of the factions (I'm guessing Evans'). I don't think these are gonna be huge stables, but just groups of 3-4 to create a good mid-upper midcard angle.
  17. Zack Malibu

    Hunter's Torn Quads

    That's what I get for not paying attention.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Hunter's Torn Quads

    He's Totally, he's crazy, he's TOTALLY CRAZY! I'm actually shocked we went that long without someone doing that.
  19. Zack Malibu

    Zack promo, WITH INTERRUPTION~!

    COLE Fans, we are coming up to the big event, the granddaddy of them all, Anglemania, in just over a month's time. As we journey to Anglemania, we do know that one match is ETCHED IN STONE, and that is the World Heavyweight Championship Match pitting the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Drek Stone against a man he's been able to dodge for some time, but can no longer. Two men with no respect for each other will do battle for the biggest prize in our company when Zack Malibu, the man synonymous with the OAOAST, takes on a man who cares about nothing and no one except himself. Drek Stone and Zack Malibu will finally meet one on one in the ring, with the gold on the line at Anglemania. COACH It's as big of a dream match as you can get, and after the nightmarish last year, Zack Malibu has a clear focus not only on the championship gold, but on putting Drek Stone in his place once and for all. COLE That's about as much hype as we can give it without going overboard... COACH You mean like that dude who used to sell trading cards? COLE Precisely. With the set-up to his introduction complete, "Getting Away With Murder" hits, and now it's time for one of the participants in the Anglemania main event to add some hype of his own to this evening's HeldDOWN~! COLE Here he comes, the number one contender, and as some would put it, the uncrowned champion of the world! Zack Malibu, looking rejuvenated after finally dispatching of the thorn in his side known as Bruce Blank back at Anglepalooza, comes out to a loud pop, with the fans showing their utmost respect for the longtime favorite. Malibu's not ready for battle tonight (although when has being in street clothes stopped anyone in wrestling from getting into it? Seriously?), but he's definitely got something on his mind, as he takes the mic as soon as he hits the ring. ZACK There's an old saying that says as one door closes, another one opens. That after an end, there is a new beginning, and it seems to me that this company is in desperate need of a new beginning, at least when it comes to the man representing them as champion. "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" COLE Strong words from Zack for his rival, and there is no love lost there whatsoever. COACH Neither man has pulled their punches when dealing with the other, so why start now? ZACK Drek Stone, we've given everyone the history lesson. Not a soul out there doesn't know why we don't get along. Let's face it, Drek, you don't care about this company. You use that belt not to represent this company, but to try to better yourself, to try and elevate YOUR status in the world. I've got news for you, that belt doesn't make you, YOU make that belt, and you are devaluing it beyond belief! To you, that gold around your waist is just a prop, a status symbol, but it doesn't MEAN ANYTHING because you don't MAKE IT MEAN ANYTHING! You hold onto it by ducking and running, by avoiding responsibility, by backing out of matches that these people pay to see! You destroy the lineage of that belt, the belt that was made famous, the belt that was put together by the blood, sweat and tears of people like myself, people like Caboose, people like Alfdogg, while guys like YOU, who complain about our status to anyone within earshot, yet don't want to earn your living the way you should! Guys like Sly Sommers, who accuse me of taking advantage of my position to keep guys like you down? Let me tell you all something...YOU'RE the ones keeping yourselves down! You wanna coast by, accusing us of doing it by who we know, not what we know, when all we've done for the last five years is put punks like you in your place! You tried to phase me out before Drek...you even managed to pin my shoulders to the mat, something I'm yet to do to you. I'm telling you, I PROMISE you, that come Anglemania, all those past offenses will be the last thing on our minds at the end of the night, because instead, I'll be holding a belt up high, and the world will know that a TRUE champion is on top of this company once again. (All of a sudden, "The Clap" by The Unicorns starts up, and out walks Sly Sommers with a microphone) SLY Cut the music, cut the music, cut the music... ZACK What the hell do you want? SLY What do I want? Well, you see...every week on TV for the past few weeks, cameras have caught me saying I want a singles bout with you, Zack. I've been begging, I've been pleading, I've even had my little brother, MY FLESH AND BLOOD, fight two men at once because I've been signed to tag matches that I refuse to compete in out of complete and utter protest. I KNOW you'v'e seen all of this, and I know the OAOAST officials have asked you about doing the match for Syndicated so they have some selling point for that show since they know we'd be an Anglemania match that can't happen. But, from the grapevine, word's come down that you don't want to wrestle on that show... ZACK Yeah, I told them I wanted that show off because I'm still aching from that WAR I had at Anglepalooza...you know, that Pay-Per-View I just headlined while you were in the front row? CROWD OOOOOOOOOH! SLY Real big accomplishment, being able to politic your way into the main event of a show you were already semi-headlining! Zack...you main-eventing yet another big Pay-Per-View...what a huge story! Trust me, bro...if I had friends in the front office, I'd do just as much, if not more, than what you've done. I'll be the first to admit bro...you're a hell of an athlete. You're a charismatic force, you're a tough guy. You've been through some battles in your day. But the fact of the matter is, we will never know how far that talent would have gotten you got your boys in the front office, cutting you the deals and givin' you the breaks that no one else here has. Bro, this company's doing great, but it'd be in a hell of a lot better position if you weren't dead-set on keeping yourself as the face of this company... ZACK You gonna get to your damn point anytime soon? SLY Remember when Shago & Predator came through here, tore down the house, and got all that press from the Asian-American media for being role models for young kids here? I wonder why they no longer work here? Remember when the women's division was all the rage and that Jenny Adams chick was set to do that big talk show run? She got yanked off of it to do the B-team house show run, and guess who took her place on Leno? (Points at Zack) Most importantly, and the reason why I'm on my crusade...remember when I was getting that big run on TV and you got your way into the Thrillogy because Hoff & Calvin were getting more over than you at the arenas? Remember when we had the big match on Pay-Per-View and even after you beat me fair and square, albeit in a match I almost own, you had to play your games and make sure I was shipped right down the card so you could get Crystal in the mains since you knew that by wrestling a girl, you could get in all the newspapers and magazines. Wrestling me night in and night out, almost losing every night...you knew that all it took was three seconds, and I'd have your spot like THAT (snaps). ZACK Listen bud, I know I've been power-hungry in the past and I know that I made some immoral moves, and I went through that period where I couldn't look myself in the mirror...but I mended those wrongs. I cut off my ties and I worked my way back up to this spot! SLY You just don't get it, do you? I know you got tight with the fans again and convinced them you're a good guy and everything's all swell on that front, but I can look in your eyes and see the same Zack Malibu...I see the guy who put me through unrightful hell in training, makin' me sleep in your basement and spend thousands of dollars because you didn't want to spend a dime on the road while you were training me. I see the guy who buried me to management when I tried making my way in here. I see the guy who, even after I worked my way to the main event, got me out of that scene and blackballed out of the company! Dude, I went through a period where I was paranoid...I couldn't walk into a locker room without having a small panic attack. You screwing with me got to the point where I was relying on a bottle and some unnatural substances to get me through the day. It got to the point that I was working an indy show in Iowa on loan from the company, and I almost let a man molest me to get a vial of something I'm not even going to mention on the air. I went to rehab two days after that...something clicked within me. I HAD to change. After I got out of rehab, I went to Japan. Figured hey...change of scenery would get my head on straight. I had success...I held gold there. But, I still had something wrong. I tried diagnoising it myself, and all I can come up with is that I have the Malibu Virus...I HAVE to fight you one more time before I can get rid of this. Zack...in order for me to get well, I've got to find out once and for all who the better man is. I've got to either take this all out on your face and leave you laying, or I've got to take my beating like a man. ZACK Listen...hearing stories like this really sucks, man. But, fact of the matter is, I've got the World Title on my mind...I've got Drek on the brain. Fighting you is going to do nothing for me. SLY Zack, please...I don't know what buttons to push or what wires to pull to set you off, but I NEED to fight you. I don't need to wrestle you. I need all rules waived, I need there just to be a referee to decide who the official winner is. I need you and me in a ring, battling. PLEASE, give me this match at Syndicated! I don't want to, but if I have to, I will HAUNT you until you get to Anglemania, and make sure Drek leaves as World Champion, if you don't fight me... ZACK Fine, fine. I don't need any distractions on the road to getting the World Title...you and me, No Holds Barred, Syndicated? You got it! CROWD YAAAAAAY! SLY Thank you, and I promise...I'm bringing my A-Game, so you better bring yours. ZACK Trust me...I ain't coming to do anything but fight that night, buddy. COLE Did you hear that? MALIBU! SOMMERS! NO DISQUALIFICATION! SYNDICAAAAAAAATED!!
  20. Zack Malibu

    State of the SWF, 2007

    As the "poster boy" for the OAOAST, I can sympathize with a lot of what's going on. We're faced with a lot of the issues that plague you guys. We haven't had new additions in God knows how long. The few we've gained have pretty much petered out, with the exception of a few. It's gotten to the point where there's not only secondary characters, but third and fourth tier characters just because we've had the time on our hands to do it, and want some extra faces on our shows. You guys are a small community and because you do things different than us, you don't have the option of creating extra characters, but at the same time we've now found that we're quite cluttered with alot of these characters (although several guys have put their thoughts in about making it work). Feedback is also a problem. I'm as guilty of anyone for it, because normally I read our shows (posted on Thursday nights) either late that night or Friday during the workday, and being an office supervisor on the last "full" day of the week, I don't get a chance to go through the show again, or leave detailed feedback as I'd like. I'm barely on the 'net over the weekend, and by the time Monday rolls around, I'm more worried about my writing for the coming show than writing about the previous one. I, personally, will always compliment and discuss things with the people involved in my writings, so they know my feelings, and I'm sure it's the same for the rest of us since we're based on co-writes and compromise. I feel bad that I don't get a chance to compliment those that I'm not involved with, because it's not that I don't see their effort, but whether I thought something was merely OK or thought it was one of the best things done in the fed, "real life" more often than not prevents me from leaving my thoughts. I've only recently become active here again, so I have less room to talk than all of the mainstays, but it's still sad to know that this is the tail end of your run. I enjoyed using the Todd Cortez character here (actually, the SWF gave birth to that character, as it was the first time I had ever used him, not wanting to use Malibu or any other of my OAOAST creations). I enjoy being here as Zack and working the somewhat "cross-promotion" angle. I also appreciate the working arrangement we've seemed to develop in recent years, with the character crossovers, and the allowing of OAOAST angles like when the GPX got into it with Bruce Blank and Bloodshed, on your shows. Interest is always a factor in things, and the lack of new faces, new challenges, and feedback can hurt that. We know it, and you guys know it as well. Without turning this into a shill of any kind, let it be known that if anyone would like to do what Blank, KC, MVS, Rando or myself have done, with double duty or cross-promotion, it's fully welcome to benefit BOTH federations. I know not all of my fellow OAOASTers are fans of the SWF style or would be able to swing the workload, but there might be someone willing to work a dual-fed angle with you if anyone wants to shake things up. That lends to our efforts of compromise more than the normal "write against" style of the SWF, but I felt that I should offer the opportunity. I can't promise that anyone from the OAOAST not involved with the SWF already reads Storm or any of the PPV's, or vice versa, but perhaps again, some cross-promotion in the form of feedback could do well for us also. You read ours, we read yours? That way some outside forces are seeing your work, and can honestly critique it and point out the highs and lows without the normal "pat on the back" feedback that we all use to encourage our peers. I just figured that I'd throw this in the hat, since again, we are faced with a lot of these same problems, and they've sadly affected you to this point. I hope that some of what's been suggested (and not just by me) works out, because I think that the lull can be turned around.
  21. Zack Malibu

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    To play devil's advocate, any word on who he was working? Maybe if it was a non-TNA talent (if that's the case) that's the reason for it? It could be that there's some type of policy that if an injury is sustained in a TNA ring or by another TNA worker it's paid for, but if that's not the case, it's not their responsibility? I'm not saying it's right, but maybe that's the way they see it? That if, say, Killings was working Steve Corino, who is not a TNA superstar, and Steve dropped him wrong on his leg and injured his knee, that it's not their responsibility to care for that injury?
  22. Zack Malibu

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    They should have a TV Title, defended every TV Impact, and they should bust out the old "has to be won in 10 minutes or less, or else the belt doesn't change hands" rule. That way they can have an excuse for a definite good match (ex: Joe vs. AJ) going under 10 minutes. The stip is also an intriguing plot point that could garner interest.
  23. Zack Malibu

    Hunter's Torn Quads

    How'd that work out for ya?
  24. Zack Malibu

    Yay or Nay...

    Porky's called, and wants you to rescind that comment. As for this, I love it, it's a favorite, but I fully admit to enjoying Sixteen Candles more.
  25. Zack Malibu

    What if wrestling video games

    97 Sting 96 Sid Vicious 92/93 Steve Austin 92/93 Brian Pillman 83/85 Dynamite Kid