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Zack Malibu

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Everything posted by Zack Malibu

  1. Zack Malibu

    SWF Lockdown Card 8-24-05

    Landon's gone until the 27th, IIRC. Part of the reason why in character, he's going on vacation to avoid Cortez.
  2. Zack Malibu

    SWF Storm Card, 8-19-05!

    My bit's been sent in, and way early too! Probably because I'm going to see 311/Papa Roach tonight, and wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise.
  3. Zack Malibu

    bands that everyone loves, but you hate!

    U2, REM, and Dave Matthews do not appeal to me in anyway whatsoever.
  4. Zack Malibu

    Which Marvel comics do you read?

    The Incredible Hulk. Despite it's crappy run of late, I'm a softie for the green guy, and buy pretty much anything with his name on it. Daredevil The Punisher New Avengers Ultimate Spider Man Fantastic Four Exiles Supreme Power Amazing Spider Man
  5. Zack Malibu

    Impact Taping

    Maybe AJ/Jerry Lynn vs. Waltman/Shelley for the tag titles. I could see that happening for BFG. Brings up some history and ties it into current storylines.
  6. Zack Malibu

    The O.C.

    I still answer nearly every phone call I get this way.
  7. Zack Malibu

    Zack/Calvin promo for this week.

    In the backstage area, brand spankin' new HeldDOWN~! General Manager Calvin Szechstein is walking through the halls. The dapper looking superstar turns a corner, and when he does, he bumps into an old friend, which draws a loud pop from the crowd. CALVIN Zack. MALIBU Cal. I need to talk to you. CALVIN All right, meet me down in my... Zack's look stops Calvin cold. CALVIN Right. Now. We'll meet now. What's up? MALIBU Something serious. Something that I hope you can grant me. CALVIN Of course, a favor...I should have known. Look Zack, everything we went through, we've gotta wipe the slate clean. Totally Endorsed, Candie, The Thrillogy...we need to start fresh and build some trust, because I'm going to be in power now. I realize that I jumped the gun on the Hoff situation, but let's face it, who else was thinking that it wasn't you? MALIBU Cal, I don't care about any of that. I've forgiven worse people in my life. I had to put pride aside because you paired me up with Black last week and I'm OK with that. Now, what I want to talk to you about is Angleslam. CALVIN Angleslam, ah yes. The same event where two years ago... MALIBU I know. CALVIN Then last year, you and... MALIBU CAL! CALVIN Right, sorry, I was drifting for a moment. What about Angleslam? MALIBU Have you booked me for anything yet? CALVIN Actually... MALIBU Because I want Stone. CALVIN Ooooh, I see what this is. You think that I can just magically erase you from my booking sheet and pit you against Drek Stone...against the guy who has been making your life miserable, then tucking his tail and running away from you for the past few months? MALIBU That's the guy. CALVIN No need to ask. You've got him. Malibu is taken aback, while Calvin smiles. CALVIN Zack, baby, I'm not just a businessman, but I'm a business, man! I know what's good for buyrates, sales, attendance figures...hell, I'm a regular corporate whore. You two have been doing this seesaw thing for too long now, and I figure it be settled mano y mano. That's Spanish for... MALIBU I know what it means, Cal. CALVIN Right. Also, I did add a little provision to the match that you should be aware of. MALIBU What's that? CALVIN I see what's been going on. Drek's brainwashing a lot of these guys into thinking you and the Originals are bad news. If that's the game he wants to play, then fine. But that match is a dream match, Zack. You two have never gone at it one on one, and I'll be damned if some overzealous punks want to ruin it. Same goes for any of the veterans. You guys are gonna fight one on one, and I mean one on one. If I see one Original or Upstart, and I don't mean just the guys hanging around now, I mean ANYONE, interfere in that match, that person is getting shitcanned on the quick, and the two of you are going to be suspended for six months. Malibu ponders the stipulation, and seems to agree with it. MALIBU I can live with that. That means he has no one to hide behind this time. Thanks, Cal. The two on-again, off-again friends are seemingly on again, as they shake hands. CALVIN Anything for the good of the company, Zack.
  8. Zack Malibu

    HD This Week:

    I'm going to do a promo thingy with Cal where he reveals that he's signed Drek vs. Zack one on one for Angleslam, and that if any Upstarts or Originals decide to get involved (since it's a "dream match" and he wants to keep it clean) that either or both of us will be suspended for six months. There should be a promo from the Upstarts side about the joining of Wright and Bo, so maybe NYU and KC can do a combined effort, and I can add in GPX stuff if need be. Match-wise, I'm not sure what to do yet, if I can do one at all. Regarding the 4 Team Ladder Match (which at this point I'd guess is Black/CWM, the Boiz, the GPX, and Zack/Rodez, unless you want to throw a 5th team in there and REALLY tear shit up), I think that the second HD! post Angleslam (so we'll have the post AS show which is usually short matches and promo's, and Cal can announce it there) is good, that way we get a breather from the PPV and can write away. I'm guessing that writing duties for that will be me, KC, Eski and Tony. I'm REALLY high on the idea for this match and have spots aplenty worked out, so let's try to steal the show with it.
  9. Zack Malibu

    The O.C.

    Jem sang "Maybe I'm Amazed" for Julie and Caleb's wedding, and "Just A Ride" was also used. That's off the top of my head. Could be more.
  10. Zack Malibu

    How much longer for Eric Bischoff?

    That's why my idea transitioned Bischoff into more of an evil manager role. They should do away with the GMship of both shows and have Vince "regain total control" of his company. Once the angle is played out, it can go to the whole "authority figure only shows up for major things" way again.
  11. Zack Malibu

    HD This Week:

    Some type of Popick/Black segment should be on the show to set the match up, I'd say.
  12. Zack Malibu

    How much longer for Eric Bischoff?

    They should have Bischoff snap about how it's pointed out that he and WCW were "such a failure" and Bischoff "single handedly" killed the company. Have him not show up for a few RAW's and leave the brand in total anarchy for a few weeks, with no authority on making certain matches/decisions stand, etc. During this period, he'll be secretly courting superstars for a stable to take down the WWE. Upon his return to television, he can talk about his accomplishments, and how Vince McMahon can't stand that someone was better than him, and now he's done towing the company line. Even exclaim that Vince cares soooo much about the company that he had to put GM's on the shows so that he didn't have to oversee things, and could just sit in his office tower all day and collect the residuals. Have him tell The Hurricane that he could have been huge, but then Vince McMahon hid the face of a superstar behind a stupid black and green mask. Have him talk to Edge about how Vince McMahon put him in an unsafe work enviroment by bringing his personal life out in the open and rehiring Matt Hardy. The group can run amuck on RAW first, and I'd even stick a WWE "loyalist" (say Angle) in the group. Then extend things to Smackdown, and Vince can show up there to tell Teddy Long that this is a red alert not just for the RAW brand, but for his company. That way both brands can have something going on, and it's a reason to get some more interpromotional matches going on.
  13. Zack Malibu

    Impact Taping

    Waltman/Shelley sounds like a kickass team. I agree they should get the belts. I can see Team Canada getting eliminated first, then AMW get beat by The Naturals. Storm and Harris lick their wounds and then come back to lay waste to the Naturals, and leave them easy prey for Waltman/Shelley. The Daniels/AJ/Joe thing is OK by me. I can see Daniels winning by virtue of beating AJ, and then saying "I beat two men", then Joe can come out and say "You beat AJ...you didn't beat me." Sets up Bound For Glory, or maybe even the first Spike show (having a major title change hands on it is a good way to get a buzz) quite nicely. I think it'll be Hoyt vs. James at the PPV, because they want to rebuild Brown, and they'll need something new for James to do during the NAO reunion holdover. Hopefully heel Shocker is better than bland TNA babyface Shocker.
  14. Zack Malibu

    HD This Week:

    Black/SJ vs. GPX was proposed. Tony, having Black T in the match is fine. I'm not sure what's up with CWM, I only catch him on AIM sporadically. I'd say he's taking a break for now. If we needed work that in the angle at all, we could have him walk out on the company, saying something like "this company is nothing like I intended, but I'll be back to scoop up the ashes after you burn it to the ground".
  15. Zack Malibu

    Smarkdown Commentz0rs

    My apologies for making the Cortez/ELM match a quickie. I had begun work on the match Friday afternoon from work, but never sent myself a draft of what I had done for any weekend revisions. I wasn't around much on Sat. and Sun. as it was, so I only had what I wrote Friday and what I could scramble up yesterday to submit. I didn't want to outright beat ELM in a quickie match, as that's not exactly the fair way to get ahead, so I figured a non-finish involving our respective feuds (and ELM had asked that no matter what, I include something between he and Danny in my copy of our match) would work best.
  16. Zack Malibu

    If Shawn Michaels never hurt his back

    Given the vibe he was giving the locker room at the time (Undertaker having to menace him backstage to make sure he put Austin over properly, for one), I could see Shawn being out of the WWF as soon as his contract was up. Of course that would have meant hell for Bret in WCW, seeing as how Hogan, Hall and Nash were already twisting the knife in his back. Politics aside, if Shawn was injury free, I think that the night after Wrestlemania, Triple H would have still come down on him for losing the title, and X-Pac would have returned to help beat Shawn down. DX would get together as heels originally and wind up turning babyface, just as they did. The only twist to this is that Shawn would have come back as a "holier than thou" heel, basically saying that he "found himself" while he was on the shelf and if the fans are going to cheers degenerates like that, he doesn't need the fans anymore. His first major match back would be an awesome match with X-Pac on a throwaway PPV (Unforgiven, Judgment Day, etc.), building to the major one on one match with Triple H. With Triple H dealing with Shawn in late '98-early '99, I could see The Rock and a heel Ken Shamrock having a major feud that put Rocky over the top as a babyface. DX and The Nation would have been a summer feud for the most part.
  17. Zack Malibu

    HHH now is officially part of creative team

    Los Guerreros, Edge, Rey, Angle and Benoit.
  18. Zack Malibu

    Frankie Kazarian to leave WWE?

    I wonder if it was one of the Nickelodeon writers who said that. WWE and Nickelodeon combine efforts to bring back younger viewers with the hit new show Are You Afraid Of The Dark Match?
  19. Zack Malibu

    Kazarian Done With WWE

    Done already? That's odd, as it seemed he was getting a decent Velocity push.
  20. Zack Malibu

    Strange OVW Angle

    You know where to buy 'em from, CC .
  21. Zack Malibu

    Favorite tune from a film soundtrack

    Someone else actually recalls/likes these guys? I saw them open for Stabbing Westward in '96 and got hooked, but other than "Goldfinger" and "Girls From Mars", they never really had anything that stood out or got major airplay around here.
  22. Zack Malibu

    311 - Don't Tread On Me

    I love Papa Roach. I'm not complaining. I've never seen 311, as long as I've always liked them. My cousin saw them back during the heyday of the "blue" album on a bill with No Doubt and Goldfinger in Providence, which was like $10 for the three bands, and said it was one of the best shows he had ever seen.
  23. Zack Malibu

    Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls

    It's actually a girl from the failed girl group Eden's Crush and several others. The song is very catchy, it's a club favorite (at least around here). I don't mind it, but I like the remix with Busta Rhymes moreso.
  24. Zack Malibu

    8/18 Booking Thread

    Well Cal ol' chap, we'll talk this week, seeing as how you and I discuss the match you've set for me at Angleslam.
  25. Zack Malibu

    I just watched Royal Rumble 1992

    I also find it to be that not everyone stands out anymore. Even in the days of terrible gimmicks, at least Max Moon could be told apart from Papa Shango. Nowadays, you've got all these prettyboy types (Masters, Conway to an extent, Swinger/Parisi), the generic hosses (Snitsky, Heidenreich)...there's really not much diversity to the roster, and that takes away from the ability to get into certain characters.