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Dangerous A

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Everything posted by Dangerous A

  1. Dangerous A

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Looks like TNA is getting some ESPN exposure pretty soon. From the Observer site...
  2. Dangerous A

    This week in the NBA April 3-9

    While I do defend LeBron a lot, I have to totally agree here. He should have taken the shot. It wasn't an easy layup because he was contested, but he shouldn't have passed out to Larry Hughes. Nothing against Hughes, but this is only his second game back from being off for over 2 months, so I don't think he was a good option. I get that he had a clean look at an open 3 to win, but I just don't think that was the right guy and the right time to put him in that position. LeBron should've shot or they should've drawn up the play where either Marshall or Murray gets the corner shot and not Hughes.
  3. Dangerous A

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    This also applies to virtually everyone on the WWE roster. Because of the monopoly, guys burn out quicker. When there was competition (I mean real competition, TNA is not a real player yet) guys could jump ship when their contracts ran out and they would appear fresher in a different promotion and present a bunch of fresh matchups. You don't get that now. Basically, only a chosen few (Taker, HHH, HBK) get to stay on top while everyone else who gets a brush with the top (Benoit, Jericho, RVD, Orton, etc) and get knocked back down because the matchup is no longer fresh and those chosen few certainly aren't going anywhere.
  4. Dangerous A

    Empire's 50 greatest Indie films...

    City of God and Swingers need to be ranked higher.
  5. Dangerous A

    Why is Rey getting booed?

  6. Dangerous A

    Why is Rey getting booed?

    I think Trish got the reaction she did against Mickie because of the portrayal of her character and the way the audience is sort of conditioned to view women. In WWE world, hot women are supposed to like other hot women. It's the hot lesbian dynamic. Mickie is down. Trish is not. In WWE world, that's heelish. Even in the past with gals like Sable and Torrie, they had them kiss and make out and it babyfaced them to the crowd because there is a dynamic there. There is something in our society that thinks it's the ultimate cool thing if 2 hot chicks want to make out. Trish turned that down, so she must be the heel because she is depriving us of that. Mickie not only wants to make out with Trish, she is very, very enthusiastic about it. Once Mickie licked her fingers after sticking them in Trish's crotch, I don't think there is a crowd in NA that wouldn't have cheered her. Just a theory though.
  7. Dangerous A

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I thought it was fishyswa.
  8. Dangerous A

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Dug this little nugget up from the Torch. It's a follow up to the SNME ratings flop..
  9. Dangerous A

    Ratings from TNA's first head-to-head showdown with WWE

    1.8 according to the Torch.
  10. Dangerous A

    Backlash Main Event announced...

    I bet the fans would go so far as to chant something insulting to HHH's unborn child. Bet on it.
  11. Dangerous A

    Backlash Main Event announced...

    Even if Edge wins, he'll give it right back up. HHH or Cena has to be champ going into ONS II. It doesn't work if Edge is the champ RVD faces at ONS II. It has to be either HHH or Cena going into ECW territory.
  12. Dangerous A

    20. Chris Masters.

    Believe it or not, the Best Man at my weddings birth first name is Master, athough he goes by his middle name.
  13. Dangerous A

    Why is Rey getting booed?

    I think some of it goes back to how fans don't like and can't get behind dumb, incompetent babyfaces. As Coffey pointed out, Mysterio got outsmarted and outmaneuvered for his shot by Orton and then he lost it. He got it back by being awarded it back by Teddy Long. Then he jobbed on the way to WM. That makes Rey look weaker than his actual size. Look at Cena. He's been painted as a goober since the beginning of his feud with HHH. He's been told he sucks, he's incompetent, and he was lucky to get out of WM with a win. That doesn't sound like someone I'd want to get behind.
  14. Dangerous A

    Why is Rey getting booed?

    Rey has only been really booed at WM, which has a track record of booing faces due to weird circumstances. I didn't hear of Rey getting booed at the SD tapings. It may be a little early for this thread since he was only really booed on one show.
  15. Dangerous A

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Orton, figured by process of elimination (Eddie=dead, Batista=injured) that he was the only guy left standing. WWE remembered that Angle was still there and dragged him out of the #4 heel spot on Raw to be the #1 face on Smackdown. Orton, has probably been given the "you are going to get a run" many times over the last 2 years and it hasn't happened aside from his cup of coffee in 2004. He, got frustrated and acted like a spoiled kid again. This same thing is going to happen to Edge, just you watch.
  16. Dangerous A

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    For wrestling, I could see a dress code for Main Eventers and Champions. Guys who have ME'd in the last several years. You figure WWE pushes you on television as a star, the least you could do is present yourself as such. As for low/midcard guys, it shouldn't really matter. My perception of Joey Mercury doesn't change if he's in public in a suit or t-shirt. However, if you are the champ, you should play the part and dress it as well. You don't want to be like Christian over at TNA dressing like some guy in the front row of the show. That really hurts him. Being champ should give off the aura that you make more money and are now a top dog and big deal.
  17. Dangerous A

    The frayed remains...

    I engage or hang with, on a regular basis, about 2 friends from HS. I've got about 4-5 other friends from HS who I see maybe once or twice a year, if that. Everyone is different. I find a lot of people who drift away from friends, post HS. Didn't do the college thing, but my wife did and she didn't really find too many people she'd call actual friends. She found a lot of people who are of acquaintance status, but for actual friends, college didn't provide many. None of this will probrably help you. As far as ex's, you handle them better than I. I don't do well dealing with the ex's.
  18. Dangerous A

    Thank You For Smoking

    I'm interested in seeing this. Reviews look solid. It's too bad they had to make such a fuss about Katie Holmes sex scene because now, unfortunately I need to convince my wife I want to see it for the actual content and not as an excuse to see a Katie Holmes sex scene.
  19. Dangerous A

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    After seeing the Spirit Squad ring entrance and some of the spots Kenny has executed since coming on, Ken Doane may actually give Shelton Benjamin competition for "most athletic". I have some OVW stuff with Ken Doane and while you could see he is a gifted athlete, I've never seen him display his raw athleticism like he does on Raw.
  20. Dangerous A

    Post Mania Speculation for the Year

    I think part of it for me is how Lashley carries the extra weight. When he competed in amateurs, he was at 175 lbs. He's put on close to 100lbs. of muscle since then and he doesn't have that fluid movement. He has impressive strength and suplexes and such, but he's sort of stiff. (not hard hitting stiff, but moves stiff) Lesnar carried his weight better because he is naturally tall and big and he could handle the extra muscle. I'm not saying Lashley can't get to a good moving point, but I would rather see him come back in after some more seasoning and make an immediate impact and be good worker than what they doing now. Again, that's just me.
  21. Dangerous A

    This week in the NBA April 3-9

    That was a frickin amazing finish.
  22. There are some great points in here for both Steph and Vince as the 1 person to blame and if you argued for either one, it'd be hard to say you were totally wrong. I think in the end, there isn't 1 person to fully blame for the decline of WWE. Vince, Steph, HHH, they all have a hand. You can argue which one of them has the most responsibility on their plate and if you said Vince or Steph, you wouldn't necessarily be wrong. I think it's almost impossible to have a black and white answer for this because the 3 people I mentioned in this paragraph along with others like Shane, Johnny Ace, Kevin Dunn, Undertaker, etc have a small or large hand in the decline. I remember hearing Bruce Mitchell and Wade Keller talking about who is the 1 person responsible for the demise of WCW. You could point to ATM Eric, Hogan, Nash, Russo, Sullivan, Jamie Kellner, etc. But the reality is they all had a part in it. As much as Eric gets credit for getting WCW to compete, Ted Turner's wallet and blank checkbook should share in that credit. Hogan helped with getting star power back on WCW, but he was also a lockeroom cancer and self promoter who had his agenda first. Even a guy like Russo wasn't completely responsible. Russo in WCW was like taking a sick and dying patient to a doctor and the doctor making the patient terminal instead of better. Point is, in both cases, multiple people had a hand, either big or small, in the decline or destruction of their company.
  23. Dangerous A

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Again, that was Edge, not Orton. Orton said he hated Canada and Amy Weber and doused her bag of clothes with baby oil/lotion.
  24. Dangerous A

    Wrestlemania 23 at Ford Field Detroit

    If that's the case, then it depends on how deep Vince wants to dig into his pockets for the match and what the asking price for a job between the 2 biggest superstars in WWE history is. One interesting thing would be to see what trick Hogan would pull if he were the one slated for the job. Would it be the kickout right at the 3 count and then no sell the effects of the stunner? Would it be the hamming it up and "Aw shucks, I lost but focus on me" deal? Maybe Hogan would take a real shitty stunner? Then what would Austin do to counter Hogan's heat stealing tricks? Would he flip Hogan off to his face immediately after one of the tricks? Would he offer Hogan a beer afterwards and then ham it up to counter Hogan? These are intriguing things I need to know and why this match should happen, dammit!
  25. Dangerous A

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    It became his music when he turned face and they haven't changed it. I Blame creative.