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Dangerous A

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Everything posted by Dangerous A

  1. Dangerous A

    24: Season 5

    Pierce only suffered injuries from the explosion from the rocket, I don't think he was shot. I love the sublte manipulation of when they had you think the HS Tech guy was a douche for messing with the new IT girl (Edgar's replacement) and finding out about the past sexual harassment complaint. Then after Buchanan brushes with her, she freaks out and you suddenly think the HS guy may not be the bad guy here. I understand Audrey forgiving Jack so quickly because she knew he'd eventually figure out how to get her out of trouble. She figured that out once Jack socked the security guys who were going to take her to the chemical interrogation. The guy who forgave Jack pretty quickly without an apology was Curtis. Jack did choke his ass out unconscious and while Curtis did understand why afterwards, I still haven't heard an apology from Jack. And yes, that was a mountain out of a mole hill in regards to Jack/Curtis.
  2. Dangerous A

    Ross to Call Raw Matches at Mania

    JR is better for WM matches, but it stinks to high hell. I could care less for Joey Styles, but the JR bit kind of gets to me. They did such a hatchet job on JR in October to get him off of TV and embarass the piss out of him, only to bring him back with no real explanation. There really isn't a good way to bring him back in storyline without it looking completely fucking retarded, but then again they shouldn't have done what they did in October in the first fucking place.
  3. Dangerous A

    Raw 3. 27. 06

    After watching Raw, I think they may pull the trigger on another McMahon/Helmsley era at WM. I think the way HHH and Vince did their thing at the end, I'm convinced the heat that was there will be enough to jump start this. They've already forshadowed stuff with HHH hanging with Vince and teaming with Shane and at WM, they are going to finally come out in storyline with HHH being Steph's baby daddy and being in with the McMahon family since it plays off of real life, which the McMahon's love doing.
  4. Dangerous A

    Question of the Week: Vince and Montreal

    It would be the worse thing for WWE from a creative standpoint. As stated by KOAB and Hawk, Vince would see it as Montreal is what the people want and by God, that's what they're going to get. In spades. I don't think the word closure is in the vocabulary of Vince McMahon.
  5. Dangerous A

    This week in the NBA

    Man, that clutch scrub LeBron is something else. With the Cavs down 3 on the road in the final half minute, he drives the lane, hits the shot and gets fouled for the 3 point play opputunity to tie. LeBron converts and the game is tied. Rockets get the ball back for the last possesion and go to Yao. Yao gets the ball stolen from LeBron who makes sure the Rockets don't even get a shot off to win. They go to OT. Final minute of OT, tie ball game, LeBron drives down the lane and throws down a dunk over some poor hapless Rocket player left handed. Cavs up 2. After a Cavs defensive stop, LeBron drives the lane and dishes off through congestion to an open Illgauskus for a dunk to put the Cavs up an insurmountable 4 points with only a handful of seconds left in OT. Cavs end up winning by 2. But that LeBron guy, clutch scrub I say. He just doesn't have what it takes to get the job done.
  6. Dangerous A

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Why, because he won't participate in an angle? He'll be at the HOF ceremony on saturday, which is fine by me. I see no reason for him to HAVE to be there on Sunday. Saturday is about the HOF inductees. Sunday is about Vince and HHH. I can see why Bret doesn't want to participate on Sunday. It's a HOF about worked, fake fighting for God's sake.
  7. Dangerous A

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    From the Observer regarding Bret Hart and WM22... I'm sure he's just working us, though.
  8. Dangerous A

    Inside Man

    Clive Owen 0wned every scene he was in. Inside Man is a very good movie and recommended.
  9. Dangerous A

    WM match times

    How much time would you give each of the WM matches if you were producing the show and how much time do you think each match will get. HHH vs Cena Should get: 16 minutes Probrably will get: 22 minutes Rey vs Orton vs Angle Should get: 24 minutes Probrably will get: 17 minutes HBK vs Vince Should get: 14 minutes Probrably will get: 25 minutes Edge vs Foley Should get: 18 minutes Probrably will get: 12 minutes Mickie vs Trish Should get: 7 minutes Probrably will get: 10 minutes Money in the Bank Ladder Match Should get: 17 minutes Probrably will get: 12 minutes JBL vs Benoit Should get: 15 minutes Probrably will get: 10 minutes Carlito/Masters vs Big Show/Kane Should get: 6 minutes Probrably will get: 12 minutes Candace vs Torrie Pillow fight Should get: 2 minutes or less Probrably will get: 4+ minutes Boogeyman vs Booker/Sharmell Should get: 3 minutes Probrably will get: 5 minutes Taker vs Henry Should get: 10 minutes Probrably will get: 13 minutes Total should get time: 132 minutes Total probrably get time: 142 minutes As you can see, I'm not in favor of longer matches for this particular WM since most of the matches aren't that great. Other fun stuff... Out of Bret Hart, Steve Austin, and Hulk Hogan, which if any, will appear unadvertised on Sunday's show? Also, how many people will do run ins during the Vince vs Shawn No Holds Barred match?
  10. Dangerous A

    College Hoops: The Regionals

    Aldridge is leaning towards going back for his senior year. However, if things start to look like he'll be #1, I think he'll bolt.
  11. Dangerous A

    WM match times

    Since it's a hardcore match, Foley can cite hardway blood and no one would question him on it.
  12. Dangerous A

    WM match times

    fixed....again. I think it speaks volumes about creative (and what D Yanks is saying)
  13. Dangerous A

    This week in the NBA

    I did notice the 76 at halftime, but more disturbing was the 63 points they allowed on the other end. Still, the Suns locked up in the second half and the Blazers only ended with 108. Everyone keeps asking how Amare is going to gel with the team offensively, but defensively is where I would keep an eye on since the Suns had improved in that area this year and you wonder if Amare will get back into things on the defensive end.
  14. Dangerous A

    WM match times

    With that said, I could see Foley/Edge becoming a colorless hardcore match, which means it'll be underwhelming.
  15. Dangerous A

    WM match times

    I could very easily see that scenario played out. Thing is, they better have a women's match planned next because if they bait and switch a Bret appearance like that and only tease with the music, I get the feeling the live crowd will shit on whatever comes out of that curtain next.
  16. Dangerous A

    WM match times

    I expect at least a Shane and Spirit Squad run in on Vince's behalf. Because of Vince's limitations, they are going to use every trick in the book for this one.Perhaps WWE gets Scott Hall to appear on Shawn's behalf as a one night only appearance? Depends on the story they want to tell. I get the feeling all the run ins would be for Vince and Shawn has to overcome in the end. I'd be inclined to say SCSA would run in to stun both men, but Austin is very protective of his character and wouldn't waste an appearance to just come out for no real storyline purpose. Hogan wouldn't help either man out either. As far as Bret goes, I just don't think he's interested in participating. The only way I see him showing up on Sunday is to give that goodbye speech everyone keeps talking about, and that may end up happening on Saturday night anyways. Hogan may make some kind of appearance if ratings for his reality show are in the toilet. Not sure of the numbers for the premiere, but they aren't out yet, which makes me believe they are low. Still, as of right now, he's only slated for Saturday.
  17. Dangerous A

    Stop looking for all the answers

    Amen Black Lushus. Save your money. That's about the best advice I can give you.
  18. Dangerous A

    WM match times

  19. Dangerous A

    ROH Best in the World

    Unless she has an off night, Mercedes Martinez will rock this crowd.
  20. Dangerous A

    College Hoops: The Regionals

    I guess this means more Xbox playing time for Morrison and Redick?
  21. Dangerous A

    11. Meetings suck.

    I not only have useless meetings to attend (at least most are lamely catered with coffee and bagels), but am required to meet with a designated higher up once a month as part of a gay ass mentoring program where you have to talk with this person for at least half an hour about the job. On top of all that, we have to turn in PDP's next month (personal develpment program) for ourselves to our supervisors. Basically, it's our eval's, but they make us write everything out for them and the sup tells us whether he or she feels we are doing what we put down in the PDP earlier in the year. I fucking hate work and plan on calling in sick the next 2 mondays. My brackets are done, but at least Duke is out and I got to watch a thrilling UCLA/Gonzaga game. I think Memphis/UCLA is going to be classic.
  22. Dangerous A

    This week in the NBA

    Seconded. I watched this live and I jumped out of my chair when it happened. Makes getting the League Pass worth it. Between that shot and the finish of UCLA/Gonzaga, it was a great night to be a basketball fan.
  23. Edge, Batista, and the last song Eddie used are the themes that work for me as far as recent stuff goes.
  24. Dangerous A

    Bret vs HBK vs Flair vs Austin

    Bret- Bret vs Owen Cage match Summerslam 94 HBK- HBK vs Taker (HIAC) Bad Blood Flair- Flair vs Steamboat 2/3 falls Clash of Champions Austin- Austin vs Bret WM13 Submission match Workers 1) Bret 2) Austin 3) Shawn 4) Flair Talkers 1) Flair 2) Austin 3) Shawn 4) Bret Overall 1) Austin 2) Shawn 3) Bret 4) Flair *note* had Flair not stuck around so long and stunk up his reputation the last 4 years, he probrably would be higher in my rankings.
  25. Dangerous A

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    There was an announcement that Spike was going to put Impact on Thurs 3/30 first run instead of the usual Saturday spot. Spike yanked the special and now they are back Head to head with the WWE HOF. The way blurb reads is like TNA wasn't even aware they were given a thursday prime time special and this news is out of the blue when in reality, it was announced at the beginning of the week. I would think knowing if your TV show is being moved, even temporarily, is kind of important to know, especially if you are in management.