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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo
I heard Hamill asked for a sandwich afterwards in the back and no one made him one.
Rudo was all about the CAPS LOCK in season 1 I have no idea what that was about. But it had to be AWESOME~!! This was a GREAT episode, btw. Echoing LOTC's comments in saying Sawyer carried this bitch. Very nice build to him becoming the man only to have it crumble when he sees Kate. Michelle Dessler is still hot. I think what made it so great, besides the performances (very much an ACTING-driven piece of episode), was that it took its time in describing what life was like before everything changed.
I got a bunch of chicken breasts that are chillin in my fridger. Any suggestions on how to cook em? Marinades?
The Upcoming Shows/Rumored Fights Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
"Anthony Johnson, a really explosive athlete, much like a Kevin Randleman or a Josh Koscheck, against John Howard, a guy who is really athletically explosive much like a... Kevin Randleman... or a... Josh... Koscheck..." "And Maurice Smith, don't forget him Goldie" "Leg kicks like a baseball bat on fire swinging towards his opponents' meaty part of the leg at 88 mph, Joe" "Melvin Guillard!" "Rampage Jackson!" -
WEC 39: Brown vs. Garcia
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
Opie is a bad motherfucker. (EFA) Lenny looked like he got beaten with a bat to the face. How many seconds did he last? -
WEC 39: Brown vs. Garcia
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
"That didn't happen. He didn't just kick him there." -
The Amazing Race: Season 14
RavishingRickRudo replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in Television & Film
Victor is god. "We're still alive" You sure are. You managed to survive going the wrong way and up a hill. It was close, you were dangling by a thread, but by god you're still alive. It's always sad to see a team, in the dark, clearly last, no chance in winning, still busting ass to get to the finish line. For a team that has no athletic ability, School of Rock are doing really well. Jaime is ridiculously hot. Why wasn't she doing the gymnastic task? -
WEC 39: Brown vs. Garcia
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
Damacio's right hand is a fucking bomb dropped. -
WEC 39: Brown vs. Garcia
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
I wanted to see more of Aldo. Fucker is FAST. White dude did not look comfortable being in there. Also, Mexican ref is tops. -
WEC 39: Brown vs. Garcia
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
I <3 Jens' commentary. I was hopin they'd use him in the booth. -
WEC 39: Brown vs. Garcia
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
Completely random thing, but... I don't have Vs. so I can't watch it on teevee. -
Miss Chanandler Bong.
"Zero" by Charles Seife. Basically about the 'number' and more the concept of Zero. He calls it "infinity's cousin". It starts with a US Battleship stopping dead in the water because computer programmers forgot about a zero they were supposed to take out.
It's more like Blade Runner meets Fifth Element.
The Upcoming Shows/Rumored Fights Thread
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
Rory is Jewish?! -
Ben probably thought he needed Locke to get Sun back on the island, what with Sun wanting to kill Ben and all. When Locke brought up the ring and the fact that Jin was alive, Ben saw all the leverage he needed and didn't need Locke any more. I'm sure Ben will weasel his way out of it by saying he knew John would come back and all that bulljive. The dude who plays Ben really needs to get some award recognition, given the fact that he clearly is evil, but plays it so well that you can't help but go "Aaaw, he doesn't really MEAN it". Him talking Locke down just to murder him was pure pwnage. Locke is to Ben as Kenny is to Parker and Stone. Thought the episode was a bit rushed, though. I guess we're supposed to see Locke get rejected by all in short order, but the Walt scene was so forced. Though "Have you seen my dad" was kind of a heart-breaker. I had forgotten that Michael blew himself. Also, Daniels getting got like that sucked.
Altered Carbon. First person narrative, noirish cyber-punk. Basically a detective story, but it explores it's concept well. The concept being: In the future your soul is digitized and can be uploaded, stored, and transferred. A former special ops soldier is taken out of prison/storage to solve a murder of a wealthy man. Thing is, the soul of the guy who died (the employer) is still intact, he's brought back, and can't remember the last few hours of his life. It's up to the detective/soldier to piece together what happened. The books best feature is its dialogue. The pacing is good and there are a fair amount of plot twists.
The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond starts off good enough, explaining the differences and similarities between humans and their closest relative in two types of chimps (common and pygmy). Relates stories of birds and new guinea which are typical from Diamond at this point, but the book sorta veered off course in the last third. It got more into cautionary tales and became more of an environmentalist book. So it's like two different books, and I think you could find a better book on each topic elsewhere. Not as good as Guns... but still a fairly easy read and you pick up some good science/biology along the way. Right now I'm reading Emergency Sex which I am absolutely loving. It's hard for me to get a book done in a week, but I think I'll polish this one off by Sunday. Great three person narrative; they do a good, quick, job established the three UN workers before meeting them up (which is cool reading the different perspectives of the same situation) and from there they convey a lot of the atmosphere of their host countries and the political climate they've entered in to. Only a third of the way through, but I couldn't recommend it more. *Edit* Absolutely adored Emergency Sex. Couldn't recommend a book more. Very telling indictment of the bureaucracy and politics of the UN, which has certainly shed them in a new light for me. Incredibly readable, informal in it's approach to subject matter that is often presented very formally. The book changed dramatically from when I first wrote about it a week ago to now. Dark, graphic, descriptions of Rwanda, Somalia, Liberia, Haiti, and Bosnia. It is difficult to believe things like that not only happened, but happened in my lifetime and are still happening today.
UFC 95 Sanchez vs. Stevenson
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
I would like to see Diego vs. any fighter that will work his wrestling/bjj. The best parts of Stevenson/Sanchez were during the scrambles, and that usually is where Diego is most entertaining. Diego vs. Nate would work on several levels - both TUF winners, Diego already beat Nates brother, and stylistically they could make for a good ground battle. -
If any of us get laid tonight, it's because of Eric Bana in "Munich."
UFC 95 Sanchez vs. Stevenson
RavishingRickRudo replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
Diego didn't look bad, but he didn't look good enough to take on the divisions top 3 (Sherk, Kenny, BJ). He was getting hit with straight rights the whole night, and while Joe's stand up doesn't suck, it's not as good as the top 3. Plus it looked like Diego didn't have any power in his strikes. I am loving the fight nights. They are essentially WWF Superstars, meant to highlight certain fighters. Cept you get the odd upset or two, and a few competitive matches as well. Marquardts Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo combo at the end was hilarious. Damian Maia. I really have nothing to say besides that triangle set up was damn near pornographic. Struve got worked by JDS. The sounds of JDS's punches landing were enough to make me wince. -
If Widmore already knew where the place to find the island was, he surely would have controlled it by now. So it's not like he needs to follow them. Well, at least he shouldn't have to.
UFC 94 - Georges St. Pierre vs. BJ Penn II
RavishingRickRudo replied to Mik's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
What the fuck is going on? -
Also, there has to be someone on the side, that's not ben, putting things in motion - telling Kate to give up Aaron (and my bet is go to Jack and fuck him - maybe she needs to be pregnant ala Claire), finding Hurley and giving him Charlies guitar, getting Sayid on the plane as well. The thing is, if it's just a matter of getting something someone owns on the plane (Charlies guitar, Jacks dads' shoes), then why not just do that with all the folk? I also wonder if Hurley was buying up those tickets to save lives, or because he was told to. It was obvious that he didn't want people on the plane and they made it sentimental, but he probably could have saved more lives if he wanted to. Maybe it was a number thing as well. Anyways, thought it was an episode that dragged a bit but in the end was good. Jack used to be one of my favourite characters, but now I groan when ever he is on screen. Jin, OTOH, was a high point. Ditto Frank. I wonder if Whitmore had someone shadowing Desmond and Penny and they were the ones who beat up Ben before Ben could make good on that promise.
Yeah, imagine what it's like for people who didn't see the preview but read about it on a message board.