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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

  2. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 82: Pride of A Champion

    On the UFC website Silva talks about holding the SHOOTO title, the Cage Rage title, and the UFC title. He SO needs to Ultimo Dragon-it and come down will all the titles and form a J-Crown.
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 82: Pride of A Champion

    Hey Lei, want to rock a prediction for Silva/Hendo?
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    A perk of being part of the UFC Fight Club: GSP talking about Club Super Sexe.
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    For those who want to be cool and rep some japanese terms for throws and then scoff at UFC commentary during a Karo Parisyan fight when they call everything a "Judo throw" or "There's the Judo" when in reality it was a tsurikomigoshi (see, impressed, aren't you?)... http://www.thenewwarrior.com/media/117/26_...st_broken_down/ The whole site is good.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    This is the seating chart. They don't do the WWE thing and give a "ORLANDO"-type, single password. Each is unique to the Fight Club user.
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    BTW, we have to start a "G S P, BOM BA YE" chant. It would be the greatest thing ever.
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    Yeah. I am randomly freaking out. Think of someone with tourettes, having a seizure.
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    Holy crap this is insane. 6000 people were online @ noon, Ticketmaster was fucking swamped - no one expected that turn out for the pre-pre sale. Tickets for the general public are going to be astronomical. Prolly 14000 by the end of today sold. This is insane. Montreal. For real.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    Stay at a hostel, and you'd pay for seats in savings~!
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    Given the QAC's history, Goulet would probably still win after getting KO'd. Something about the ref stopping the fight to check Hironakas hand, saying the fight cannot continue, and going to the judges cards.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    TFN says that Shogun is a Nogun for this card. They wanted it, UFC didn't.
  13. RavishingRickRudo


  14. RavishingRickRudo

    Campaign 2008

    OBAMA vs. CLIN-TON. CNN GRAPHICS. Ok, is Obama giving a personal example after everything he says? Like that one presidential candidate a few years ago who couldn't just make a point without trying to draw in an emotional appeal? Stop clapping you fucking seals. Clinton not writing anything down while Obama was is an interesting visual (and perhaps intellectual) difference. Now she's doing it. With a RED pen? Her pen doesn't match her power suit. Do you think CNN arranged black people and women together for these crowd shots, or is it purely coincidental. I seriously have no idea what these two each are proposing for health care.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    From someone on the UG. Here is what I was quoted. Floors and lower part of first section. $600 Middle part of first section (yellow in the seating map) $500. Top part of first section (green) $300. Balcony $200. Upper balcony ranging from $50 to $100. From several friends I have who have been to UFCs, the consensus is the best seats are the $300 ones if you can get them in the sections closest to the octagon (Sections 101, 102, 112-114 and 124 on this seat map). If you get floors and the fight is on the other side of the octagon, you can't see anything and that close it is hard to see the big screen
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    With the WWE it's a win/win situation. Lesnar wins, they can say that WWE guys can fight for real. If he loses, well, he's not with them any more cause he's a loser. Plus, I imagine there is a deal worked out with Zuffa and the WWE, even if it's just Zuffa paying the WWE to do it, rather than co-promotion.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    To be quite honest, the vast majority of the matches could be amazing but if Tim Sylvia has a Monson/Vera/Arlovski III fight, then it could very well negate it all. His fights suck that much. However, he is fighting Nog, who tends to bring it even when he shouldn't, so it could be more than Tim trying desperately not to lose by staying behind his reach, it might actually end up being a fight. Nate Marquardt vs. Jeremy Horn could be good, or it could suck. Marquardt had a terrible, terrible fight against Ivan Salaverry where he was way too tentative and this could be a similar scenario where he feels he needs the win and will pick his spots to earn points rather than go and finish a very durable Horn. I don't think Horn and Dean Lister are too dissimilar, and I enjoyed Nate spitting in Deans food, so if that Nate shows up it could be a good, if not one-sided, fight. What I am looking forward to the most is the return of Ricardo Almeida, but that's cause I'm a Big Dog mark. I don't know the dude he is facing, and the ring rust will probably be great, but Almeida seemed like such a natural for the sport where he pretty much got no easy fights from the start of his career and seemed to handle it impressively well, and really came into his own during the last half of his career fighting in Japan, that part of me hopes that it's like riding a bike for him and he returns in impressive fashion. Griffin vs. Tibau is a Tyson Griffin fight, and in 2007 Griffin had 3 show stealing fights that all were candidates for fight of the year. I can't guarantee an exciting fight, but I can't see this being boring. Since this is a swing bout, and since there is a title fight with Tim Sylvia in it (who has gone the full five rounds 3 times so far in the UFC), there is a possibility that this may not be shown, given the way the UFC structures their time. To be honest, I wouldn't pay 40 bucks to see this. There is a greater chance that it could suck than for it to be really good. Tim Sylvia is truly the black hole of MMA. Why, oh why, couldn't Brandon Vera stomped him so we wouldn't have to go through Tim Sylvia for 5 fucking rounds ever again.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    No, not a member... yet. Not working Saturday. Fight Club Website. http://www.ufcfightclub.com/memberships
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    Belcher is out, some douche bag who is not Talent is in. A blessing in a way, considering I didn't want to see either Talent or Big Dog lose, but still... that was such a fuck of a fight.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    This Sunday at Noon for Fight Club members.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 82: Pride of A Champion

    I dunno. Dan is the worlds worst best wrestler and I could see Silva taking Dan down and dropping his underrated GnP and stunning Hendo. It's not like Nate didn't have a reason to lay down. Plus, Hendo is wildly inconsistent, given his style of fighting. He has decisioned lots of guys that are way below Spider, so it's unlikely that he finishes Anderson. And in 5 rounds, Silva is too stylish not to let Dans big right hand dependency and over committal on the punch go to waste.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Mayhems lunch with Kimbo. Truly the greatest thing ever. "What's it like being the scariest black man alive?"
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 83 - Serra vs. St. Pierre 2

    Seriously. They're seriously calling it "UFC 83: Montreal. Bitches."? Plus, MAIA~! That's actually a dope fight. Quarry/Starnes ain't half bad either. And FRANKLIN?! Boys, we've got ourselves a SHOW. If only it had SHOGUN.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

    It really depends on what you are looking for. Foley's book (I assume we are all talking about Have a Nice Day) is "fun" and easy to read. Foley didn't have nearly the baggage that Bret has, and in that sense, it's a lot more of a "light" read. Certainly not a downer. However, I think as an "essential" book, Bret's is by far the most essential out of all wrestling books. If someone, who didn't know a thing about wrestling, wanted to read a book that would best represent the world of professional wrestling, I can't think of any other book that does what Bret did in his. From representing the old time wrestlers of his fathers age, to being detailed and upfront about drugs and sex on the road, to the in-ring (and out of ring) mechanics; Bret encapsulates pretty much it all. His is an especially unique POV, given his childhood and then his rise to stardom. I don't really get Bret "talking down" to wrestlers, though. He praised more than he bashed, and it wasn't just the names, he brought up plenty of guys who not many people outside old stampede fans would get. Think of him talking about Stomper Gouldie, Curt Hennig, Macho... the list goes on.
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    I don't think they are banking on mainstream attention, I'd say by advertising on both TNA and WWE, they are trying to get the wrestling fan. I imagine they've done some research that states a lot of wrestling fans are not buying UFC PPVs and they see that as a prospective market to gain a couple hundred thousand extra buys with Lesnar in the lead role.