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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    http://shoxc-01-25-08.proelite.com/90228 Tonya Evinger totally makes up for beating Julie Kedzie (Kedzie being adorable... in that crazy cat lady adorable sorta way. But for real, brunette? The fudge?)
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    Would you have preferred the Honky Tonk Man?
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

    The Japan stuff, and especially his 80's and early 90's WWF stuff is mark manna from heaven. You'll almost want to skip the relatively boring early years to just get to it, but it's worth reading the early stuff just to get a feel for his family.
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    My grandparents are suing McDonald's...

    Or just end it abruptly. Like the Sopranos. "He walked outside and forgot to close the door behind him, as something in the sky was distrac" I could see the lawyer wanting to sue to see if McDonalds would settle out of court; if that is something McDonalds often does (as they would avoid setting precedent and media attention). Mitigating factors would be if the ice had been there for a while and nothing was done about it. There is usually a reasonable time allowance given to businesses to de-ice their lots and walks, and negligence would be hard to prove if it had just started to freeze. Time of day is important as well. Handicap lots, though, are generally considered top priority to maintain, so they could actually have a case. Quite frankly, I think it's ridiculous and too many people look for easy money out of their own stupidity. Old people are especially retarded and, really, shouldn't even be allowed in weather that is too hot or too cold. And forget about driving!
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    Seriously, Takers gogo. Ricking Fudiculous. Next he's going to pull out a locoplata, and maybe go to mission control. http://www.dailymotion.com/search/undertak...g-daddy-v_sport
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    "Brock has all the credentials in the world to be a great MMA fighter. Discounting, or mocking him and those that think he can win because he was a pro-wrestler is elitist, and quite frankly a little idiotic." And seeing "NCAA National HW Champion" as having "all the credentials in the world to be a great MMA fighter" is what?
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    And in doing so, would have rocked the foundations of MGM Grand and turned the oasis of Las Vegas back into the desert. But that's alright, cause all the hundreds of thousands of lil Hulkamaniacs, and the tens of ones of Timaine-iacs, could jump up on the largest back in the world and Hulk would travel through the desert for 40 years carrying all those maniacs on his back till they reached water, brother. SO WHATCHA GONNA DO TIM SYLVIA?! WHEN THE LARGEST ARMS IN THE WORLD DESTROY YOOOOUUU!!!? *Flexes* *Does backstroke*
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    You really have to wonder. ... If Hulk Hogan started in MMA, he'd probably crush everyone. Dude slammed Andre.
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    I'm gonna put it this way: Mir had trouble with WES SIMS, and lost to Ian Freeman, and most importantly, a debuting-to-MMA Pe De Pano. So it's not out of the realm of possibility that he gets smashed against Lesnar. Cause, well, he got smashed against Pe De Pano. But. If Mir gets a hold of Lesnar, if Mir gets position on Lesnar. There's no way he F-5's his way out of it. It's a completely different mix when there's a guy who's 260 and has position on you - I don't think anyone can muscle that.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    And that picture of Wilford Brimley??
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    Realize? Dude, you got me the gun, the name, address, and photo of his mom, as well as brokered the deal between our two parties and bribed local law enforcement to look the other way.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Seeing a trailer for Get Smart that showed BOTH Terry Crews AND David Koechner in it made up for Steve Carell not being Don Adams.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    To be fair, Alves got gangbanged by Fitch, so any improvement would be remarkable improvement.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    Cote wasn't doing any damage when he was on the ground. He was hitting all arms. Good win for Cote, but I would have liked to have seen it go a little longer.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

    Diana flirting with Stone Cold, Bulldog fucking Bruces wife, Ellie being a huge cunt, Smith generally being ridiculous, everyone milking their parents... the Von Eric family was more well adjusted because at least they saw the writing on the wall.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Playground: TSM Fight Camp?

    ??? McFedries was lobbin bombs throughout. He just folded. Though I think the stoppage was a tad quick. I can't do picks. The last UFC event was too hard to watch when I was focused on whether *I* was winning or losing. I need more detachment in my fighting.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Ultimate Fight Night 12

    Swicks takedown defense was really good, though he should have taken Burkman down as he was attempting to at the end of the round, since it looked like he could successfully do so. The fight was very similar to both the Loiseau and Okami fight, with Swick fighting not to lose, especially standing. These three fights were very high pressured, and while he didn't sink, he certainly didn't swim. As it was, he treaded water and in doing so nearly lost the fight, as he did against Okami. Ironically, fighting without taking risks, is taking a huge one when it comes to judges decisions. Burkman was tired after the first round, had his hands low, lacked a lot of the explosiveness he showed in the beginning, and gave Swick a stationary target throughout; Swick not capitalizing is a bad sign. By not varying his offense, taking advantage of opportunities, and general timidness, I can't see him doing well against the sharks of the division.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

    I think the main problem I had with the book was that a lot of it foreshadowed things to come, especially Montreal and Owen. A lot of it seems very convenient, though I can't say that it was fabricated, since it's understandable that his memory would highlight such instances and keep them in that perspective. It's just fairly transparent (and as a result takes you out of the story) to read things like "One day Earl and I sat down to dinner after Survivor Series 92 and he said to me how much he'd love to ref my last wwf match and how much he wanted it to be at a Survivor Series and how much he loved Montreal smoked meat sandwiches and how he'd never betray my trust ever and that the idea of Shawn Michaels putting me in a sharpshooter was ridiculous and never likely to happen... which was odd because I don't recall ever Earl liking Montreal smoked meat.. that was more of a Pat Patterson thing..."* That, along with Bret receiving the biggest, loudest, applause of his career in (insert city here), multiple times over. Plus the notion of no one ever kicking out of the sharpshooter until he let Taker as a sign of respect. Now, I don't know for sure, but I don't recall the sharpshooter ever being that high percentage for the win. (*May or may not have been said in book)
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

    Bret said that Austin had said he never bladed himself before, and Bret said that while the rule is normally to never let someone do that to you, that Steve could trust him to do it well, since it was important for the match and the WWF's policy at the time was no gigging. He also said that while everyone hated the sheets, the wrestlers and promoters were always the first to read them.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

    The best wrestling book I have read, and the most in-line with how I personally view most, if not all, aspects of wrestling. By the end, though, I felt very, very, depressed. My recommendation is to finish with his match w/ Stone Cold at WM 13 (which made me really want to watch wrestling for the first time in a while) and be done with it, because after that it's all downhill. Bret clearly comes off as a very broken man, though he does make a point of showing that -in the wrestling business- he's what would be considered a survivor. Which is more a condemnation of the times than something that lifts Bret up above everyone else. I was really surprised with his relationships with Dynamite Kid and Jim Neidhart. I never knew he was so close with Billington for the first half of his career and despite DK obviously being a prick, he did a lot for Bret when he could and comes off better in some ways than in his own book. When Bret says "I never talked to him since", my heart sank a bit. With Anvil, it seems that Jim was a constant in Brets life, which is to say Bret had ups and downs with everyone around him, but Jim stayed the same, fun, dude and I had a smile on my face everytime Jim re-entered Brets life. In regards to his matches, I think it's a source of pride for him, and he is very clear that reputation in wrestling is one of the most important things you can have, so when he puts stuff like wrestlers patting him on the back, it's his way of reinforcing the notion of him being a well respected worker. "The Boys" gets referenced so much and Bret thought himself a workers champion. Which, in reality, he was. Not a whole lot of guys get to the top on work alone and Bret did. The Davey match is simple. The dude was seriously fucked up, physically, mentally, etc. On lots of drugs, and Bret held his hand throughout the match. In wrestling, a wrestler does lead, but carrying is a different thing. Since the match is so highly regarded, and since Davey comes off so well in it, Bret makes a point of saying that he did the heavy lifting. Bret shows in other matches that wrestling is a collaborative process, that he often went over matches with guys beforehand and input from all sides (including bookers and agents) was included. And that in the ring, it wasn't just one guy calling all the shots. But with Davey, and Bret spoke of this before in relation to matches they had in Stampede, you could tell him what to do, and he'd do it, but he didn't have the imagination for it - which Bret prided himself in having, and recognized that in the others he had great matches with (Billington, for example). Hart was hard on a lot of guys, but I think he gave them their appropriate due ("appropriate" being relative to how much teeth pulling it took for Bret to do it). He spoke highly of Hogan during a lot of the 80's stretch, and ditto Shawn in the early 90's. But by the end, he doesn't care for Hogan and he really, really, really, REALLY, fucking hates Shawn. Like, good god. He says nothing but good things about Taker, though. Which brings me to a part of the book I found fascinating, which was the mid 90's portion. There are not a whole lot of books which document this time in the WWE and Bret brings a lot up about the clique and how the politics worked at the time. The subject of drugs and sex is constant throughout the book. Bret says that sex saved him, as instead of boozing and pill popping like so many others did in excess, he flirted and fucked (though he still admits to taking drugs). It's an interesting notion, and one that doesn't get a whole lot of play in wrestling media but one that is certainly something that is prevalent in wrestling - ring rats and the like. Bret saying banning marijuana was a big mistake as it lead to the boys taking more painpills is another interesting topic point. As a narrative, I think all of Brets affairs "worked" for the story because by the end he shows his "recovery" by banging some chick in Australia and falling in love with some Italian bird. I don't think he glorifies it, as he is quick to note how he knew he shouldn't be doing it, but that his lust was always greater than his regret. He clearly had a deep respect for his parents, and I don't think he ever told a story that put them in a bad light. Since his parting of ways with Dynamite involved Tom putting a story about Stu in the book that Bret thought was disrespectful, it's clear that Brets intent is to make his parents look good. His brothers and sisters, OTOH, are all fucking nuts and he doesn't hold back a bit with them, especially Ellie. All in all, I don't think this is in anyway a love letter to Bret Hart, from Bret Hart. Reading it, you get to see what he takes pride in and when big moments happen that falls in line with that, he gives himself a pat on the back. But I think the most telling thing is his story about the Lion, the Eagle, and the Polar bear, and when you understand that, and see how he views himself in respect to that, you won't be saying it's a typical wrestling book.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Though Meltzer denied any Shogun Montreal bookings, on the Canadian UG a guy affiliated with Shoguns new group "Universidade da Luta" and Mauricio Veio said the following in regards to Veio continuing to teach at Toronto BJJ: "In April Mauricio will be back to corner Shogun in Montreal, and then will continue teaching at TBJJ through June and possibly longer. At that time his brother Dida will be here as will Shogun and Ninja. Should be some decent training and a great learning experience for the students at Toronto BJJ." HOPE~!
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I'd say they are covering their bases with Werdum. If Sylvia or Nog wins, they get a challenger they would be heavily favoured against. I imagine they want Kongo as their champ, so if he was announced as number 1 and Nog won, he'd be f'd in the A. Arlovski vs. Sylvia 4 is a fight no one wants to see after their third bout, so if he were announced and Sylvia won, Zuffa would be f'd in the A. Natch, the best option would be not announcing a contender at all. The heavyweight division has a number of possible fights. With Kongo, Hardonk, and Sanchez winning recently, they have some bangers they could throw against each other, as well as against their established hw's in AA and big Tim, with little possibility of shitty grappling. Then there's Vera as an X factor. It's a pretty good division for fantasy booking, albeit with mediocre fighters.
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Great. Now I need to change my pants.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 80: Rapid Fire

    Gonzaga folding faster than me with 7-2 off-suit was pretty bad. Akin to Kendall with his chin, GG is a guy with all the talent to be a top guy but having a fatal flaw that could keep him from fulfilling his potential. BJ vs. Sherk is such a good fight. Sherk could not have looked more nervous infront of the camera.
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    + Franklin/Lutter ... I miss the prospect of Shogun and Karo/Alves on the card.