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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA in 2007

    Is that his new fragrance-line? "Dominance by Silva"
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    There Will Be Blood

    Apparently this is playing at the Varsity in Toronto on the 29th. http://www.cinemaclock.com/aw/ctha.aw/ont/.../e/Varsity.html
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA in 2007

    That is why they call Huerta the Sexican. I think. "They" being Lei's Boy Blue.
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA in 2007

    LOTC brought it up, but I will expand, the Fight Night 10 card had an awesome main event in Stout vs. Fisher, a come from behind with Fitch besting Carneiro, big time KO's in McFedries and Johnson, and a super-dope performance by Tarvares. I also thought Fight Night 11 was really good. It didn't have that one big FOTYC on it, but it had two crazy fights in Leben/Martin and Quarry/Sell; and Hazelett/Goulet, Maynard/Veres, Cummo/Crocota were shorties but goodies. Alves/Hironaka was a fucking wicked shitkicking, emphasis on kicking and Miller/Garcia was a fine bout. I don't think I'd have this in my top 3 shows for the year, but it's one of the better offerings. I'd say my 1 and 2 shows for the year were Respect and Second Coming though. That PRIDE show was a total game changer, with Diaz, Hendo, and Sok pulling off huge upsets; the former two being exciting bouts. Respect had Couture dominating Gonzaga, GSP dominating Koscheck, my aforementioned FOTY, plus Stevenson/Batman was a really good fight IIRC, Leites and Babalu pull of sweet subs, and PEE COAT wins~!
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA in 2007

    I think my FOTY might just be Alberto Crane vs. Roger Huerta. Watching that fight in close proximity with the other FOTYC's, it makes most of the other candidates seem slow in comparison (which is really quite the statement). Constant movement, super-competitive, with the story being Huerta pushing a pace that Crane can keep up with initially, but ultimately, begins to drain the BJJ champ. The fact that it had a finish sorta puts it over the top for me.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I'm fairly certain that was Bruce Buffer interviewing Bruce Buffer; introduction by Bruce Buffer. "And the ladies. I hear you are a real ladies man. Word is, you get more poon than all the fighters combined" "Oh, I don't know. I'd hate to kiss and tell." "Come on, don't be modest, I hear you have em lined up in a row" "I do love organization" "Oh you cad"
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    Bill Hader? *Edit* Goddammit Flagg. This is probably the most attractive female cast in an Apatow film. Bell, Wiig, Gallo, Rudd.
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    Especially considering Pineapple is supposed to be an action movie. Segel was hilarious in Knocked Up, but seriously, is Apatow going to make a feature for all his guys? Where's the Ken Jeong vehicle?
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 79: Nemesis

    Just be careful... a dance battle might break out....
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 79: Nemesis

    Are Kid n Play going to be there?
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    The guy tapped out, fearing that the ring would collapse from Brocks hammering blows.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    There's a difference between grappling strength (for lack of a better term) and, say, deadlifting strength. A lot of different muscle groups come into play when you're grappling, and some are ones regular folk don't normally work out. Now, with Brock having wrestled for years, he'd develop a lot of muscle and tendon strength for that area -thighs, shoulders, lats, forearms, core, neck, etc-, but if he gets put on his back and Mir presses his weight down, the fact that Brock threw Spike Dudley in the air and caught him for a powerbomb means fuckall, because that sort of pressure and weight distribution is going to be a bitch to deal with and will normally have to be battled through technique rather than strength.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    The best thing about MMA

    *goes into buttscoot position* "What? What you wanna do?"
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    According to Sherdog, both Shogun and Ninja have left Chuteboxe and will settle themselves in Massachusetts where they will supposedly start up their own gym.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I don't think Rich would even take a third fight with Anderson. How many times does a dude want his nose broke? He's not retarded like Noguiera who STILL thinks - after getting two of the worst, prolonged, beatings in MMA history - that he could still take Fedor.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 79: Nemesis

    It's hard to judge how GSP is before fight-time. He put on such a front before his first fight with Hughes, saying how he wasn't intimidated and whatnot, and similarly with Serra with how he was going to train his hardest for the lesser opponent; then after he loses he says he was wicked-intimidated by Hughes and that he didn't prepare at all for Serra. I take what he says pre-fight with a grain of salt, and I think the world of Rush.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    I Am Legend

    Book discussion and how it relates to the film... I haven't seen the film, but I've been reading some posts and it seems like the film is way different from the book.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    To be fair, both have a tendency for picking up bit shit roles. Hounsou was in Deep Rising fer crissakes. Treat fucking Williams makes it through Deep Rising and Hounsou gets hacked with an axe early-on. This is what happens when you mix coke, grand theft auto, and low self-respect.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Oh, and I'd say this warrants a thread, given that the dude died... This is what happens when you mix coke, grand theft auto, and a chip on your shoulder. Edit: ... Oh, and full-blown psychosis.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    OR THE BEST. Though why is Djimon Hounsou the lead coach? Was James Earl Jones busy or something?
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 79: Nemesis

    Josh Koscheck with, perhaps, the quote of the year... "Matt Hughes is, he’s kind of…you know…alright, I’m just going to say it. I’m arrogant and I’m cocky but goddam, he’s way arrogant and more cockier than me."
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 79: Nemesis

    So there is going to be an All Access: Wanderlei Silva and it's going to be on MTV2, the day before the fight. Kinda retarded to schedule your hype programs on Friday night at 10.
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    i think faBer would probAbly take kId fairly easy, in all honesTy.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Faber's jump knee. So fucking dope. Faber vs. Evil? Bout it.