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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    It would have to be. No one rode Dangerous Dans jock like the Fight Professor.
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    I assume that's the answer to my first question.
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    "The Yuki Konspiracy" A tale of one cholos (drunken) journey to bring to light the injustices of the past... for the sake of the future. "But inspector, he was mounted the whole fight!" "I'm sure he was, Mr. Tong, but in Japan, you have to do things by the book, it's not like how it is in California.." "We'll see about that" *swigs* *explosions*
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    Why does The Extreme have blonde highlights in his hair? How did that old lady even get consideration for an oscar? Why was this movie ever popular?
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 93: Franklin vs. Henderson

    Mustafa Al Turk with a pointed goatee. Paul Kelly with a flat top. Paul Taylor with a curly blonde wig. Dan Hardy with his two slammy awards. All leading up to Rich Franklin stealing an ambulance with Bisping inside it. All of a sudden I am really looking forward to this next season of TUF.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 95 Sanchez vs. Stevenson

    Maybe they are letting JdS build up and have time to develop. It's weird to see them do that with a heavyweight, though. Usually they rush those guys up the ladder.
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 93: Franklin vs. Henderson

    I like how I wrote the exact same post twice. Anywhooo... They need a better talker than Rich or Hendo. It's almost impossible to hate Franklin, unless they turn it into a holy war (cause we all know brits are atheist and Rich loves him some jesus), and Hendo can't trash talk effectively with his nasally voice. Unless you wanna do a Bret Hart thing and have Bisping hated in the US but luvved everywhere else. Then they totally can do the Count Foundation.
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 93: Franklin vs. Henderson

    I am interested in this one, mainly for Coleman vs. Shogun. In part because it's a return to the UFC for Coleman, and I am a mark for the 10-20 UFC era which were earmarked by his reign as champion. Plus, I want to see if Shogun can return to form and show the killer that came out in PRIDE. It really a relevant fight, but more akin to when Rampage fought Eastman - they want to see if Shogun can look good against an opponent who has a W over him. I have little desire to see Franklin fight Hendo, since I like both guys and it's a bout of little implication in either the MW or LHW division. Nor did I ever ponder 'who would win' when the two were both respective champions. Kang debuting against Belcher is a dope fight, though. As is Davis vs. Lytle. I can't see Davis/Lytle being the slugfest both guys say it will be, but it should be a fairly decent stand up affair (and if both guys took it to the ground, it wouldn't be half bad there either). But overall I am in agreement with most - I have no idea why this card exists, other than to give the UK another show. Or maybe to give Bisping a rival leading to a bigger UK show.
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 94 - Georges St. Pierre vs. BJ Penn II

    That quote gives me funny feelings in my pantses.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 97: Redemption

    Do you think they will have the proper plastic sheeting to cover the octagon after 18,000 collectively drop a load?
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 97: Redemption

    I imagine it's more Loiseau being one of Montreals more popular fighters. Am I the only one thinking that the only reason they are having Anderson Silva fight in Montreal is to set up Silva vs. GSP (in Montreal)?
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 97: Redemption

    Wait... Is that show actually happening? *Ups limit on credit card*
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 94 - Georges St. Pierre vs. BJ Penn II

    GSP's stand up has improved dramatically since their first fight. The Serra fight has prompted him to change it up and he is using range a lot better and works off the jab. He obliterated Fitch standing. Serra had little to offer going toe-to-toe with Rush as well. Do these guys have better stand up than BJ? No. BJ's stand up is very good, though I think it is fairly basic. All the dude does is box, has fairly good evasion but has shown a willingness (or dependency) to use his chin. In the past year I think it has been proven that this is not a good technique. BJ would be better off trying to put Georges on his back, in a similar strategy that GSP uses with his opponents.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    Japanese MMA Thread

    Is Kitaoka retarded, a caveman, or both?
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    2 for $30 sale, I picked up Simpsons season 3 and 5. This is not very relevant. HOWEVER. Season 5 was an obvious choice, it's one of the best seasons ever (already had 4). The debate was between season 3 and 6. I think Season 6 has the better peak episodes (Itchy and Scratchy Land, Greyhounds...), but I like the overall tone of Season 3 better. Plus it has Homer at Bat, which is an all-timer, as well as Flaming Moes. Also picked up Hotrod, Son of Rambow, No Country.. and There will be blood. Haven't watched the latter two yet, but Hodrod is still tremendous (Danny McBride as Rico is a revelation), and Son of Rambow was a bit different than I thought it would be. Still very enjoyable, had a certain charm to it, and the ending was very well done. Demolition Man for $4 was impossible to pass up. Bought Shaun of the Dead and, having not seen it in a while coupled with having watched (and luuved) Spaced, I suitably FREAKED OUT when I saw Jessica Stevenson (also in Rambow) and then freaked out again when I saw the scene when they mirror up in the back alley. Then I completely lost it when I saw Tyres as a zombie.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Japanese MMA Thread

    "mounting" was the process of mounting him, not attaining actual full mount. Shoulda been clearer. A seamless transition for Aoki.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Japanese MMA Thread

    1. Overeem looks huger than usual. 2. Melvin is a bad man. 3. Aoki earns sub of the year nomination, as he got the leg from Eddie mounting him. Plus, audible yelps are always bonus.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    Forrests head bouncing from the punches was particularly brutal.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    2008 MMA Year End Review

    So Frank Mir warrants consideration for FOTY as does Rashad Evans. Mir finished Nog, which is a helluva accomplishment in and of itself but to make it better, he won the interim title as well, and beat Lesnar - who currently is champion. With that said, it's hard to consider the Lesnar win a win over a top fighter, considering Brock had 1 fight up to that point. The case can however be made that he beat 2 champions in a given year which puts him up for consideration. Evans beat Chuck Liddell and Forrest Griffin in the year. Griffin was considered number 1 in the world, and though Chuck had come off two losses in the previous year, that doesn't remove him from the top 10, with possibly the Silva win putting him back in the top 5. Either way, 2 top ten fighter finishes in particularly brutal fashion warrants consideration, especially considering the step up in competition.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    He either had a long term deal, or renegotiated during the Pe de pano/Vera days. Doesn't matter anyways, Dana will take care of him beyond base.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    I was thinking about doing that, but it is still pretty badass.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    My one big regret is thinking that Okami could make a fight exciting.
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    This folder is not about fighting, guys.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008

    Oh yeah, totally, he was like 175% on his takedowns and 100% in finishing shots on the ground and around 73.378625% on his total GnP. Those shades are 5000% ballin.
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 92: The Ultimate 2008
