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Everything posted by AntiLeaf33

  1. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    Yeah, it was good to see the Habs finally getting some bounces and win a game
  2. AntiLeaf33

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    I am utterly against Paul McCartney in all his forms at this point. The ipod ad was the pinnacle of abhorrence. I stopped giving a shit about Paul McCartney a few years ago when he went after the seal hunt. He come off looking like a complete tool. As for good Avril Lavigne songs, I have always been a fan of Losing Grip and Take Me Away. Surprisingly good rocks songs considering the kind of pop she usually does.
  3. If Cro Cop can get his shit together, there would be a big money fight with him and Brock.
  4. AntiLeaf33

    30 Days of Night

    I wanted to see the movie before, but now my intrest is really peaked.
  5. AntiLeaf33

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    You think millions (?) of WWE fans know what proxies are? Know what they are? Hell, I'd be surprised if they could spell it. So what are they? (seriously, what are they?) Here is my understanding of it. Whenever you surf the web, your IP address is attached to every packet you send out. A site like WWE.com will look at your IP and be able to trace what country you are surfing from. If it sees that you are from another country then America, it will block you. Using a proxy server removes your IP address from the packet and puts in an anonymous address. When WWE.com looks at the packet, it doesn't label you as being in one of the "banned" countries and allows you access.
  6. AntiLeaf33

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    You think millions (?) of WWE fans know what proxies are? Know what they are? Hell, I'd be surprised if they could spell it.
  7. AntiLeaf33

    Full Smackdown spoilers

    I agree that its probably Jericho, but you seem to be reaching a bit with the decimal numbers....
  8. AntiLeaf33

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    Yeah, you have to be in the states.....or use proxies....
  9. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Wow, I never really noticed the bad luck of the draft. Maybe the draft should have a lemon role...
  10. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    That was re-goddamn-diculos
  11. AntiLeaf33


    You are so smrt
  12. AntiLeaf33

    What are you listening to right now?

    Bullet in the Sky - U2 I almost forgot how good this song is
  13. AntiLeaf33

    Cyber-Sunday Main Events

    If Jericho returns as a heel, then it makes sense to have it on RAW. How many casual fans are going to buy a PPV for the purpose of seeing a heel return? A face returning sells PPV's, not a heel.
  14. AntiLeaf33


    They are the typical WWE fan
  15. AntiLeaf33

    the shittest album cover in recent memory

    Whats with the neck on the guy on the far right?
  16. AntiLeaf33

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Pretender - Foo Fighters
  17. AntiLeaf33

    My mouse buttons stopped working?

    It's probably busted. Try it on another computer if you have that option, to put that to the test.
  18. AntiLeaf33

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    I wonder what would have happened if Vince kept his nose out of ECW, and let Heyman run it. Couldn't have ended up any worse then what we have now.
  19. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    WWE.com has a match with Harry Smith and Carlito on the front page. Harry comes down to his dad's music, and gets on the mic and said that he was dedicating the match to the memory of his father.
  20. AntiLeaf33

    Examples of a Wrestler TRULY Being Put Over

    I used to mark out for heel Cena's raps. Once he turned face, thats when I could not give a shit about what came out of his mouth
  21. And if you opponent doesn't tap right away, you can always fart in his face and make him pass out
  22. AntiLeaf33

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Unless you want to play in career mode, cause then you're fucked. No ECWites in career mode. Really? Fuck sakes....
  23. AntiLeaf33

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    Speaking of that shit-tastic song Beautiful Girl, how come they let Suicide go uncensored? I remember back in the day when Papa Roach released Last Resort, that Suicide and even Last Resort were censored in many versions of the song. What the fuck is up with that? So you can mention suicide in a song if its happy, but if it's in a song trying to have some meaning (not that I'm accusing Papa Roach's songs of being deep or anything) then you HAVE to censor it?
  24. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Sept/Oct 2007

    Can't say I'm really surprised by that. The team seems to be going nowhere fast. Axe Waddell next and see if you can't bring some new blood in to make sense of what they are trying to do in Atlanta.
  25. AntiLeaf33

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    3 full blown brands and shows is just overkill. It seems like every other night there is either a wrestling show or PPV. Back in the day you used to have to make an effort to watch RAW because that's all that was coming on. Now, if you miss one show they just have a recap of any important events on the next days show.