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Everything posted by imajackoff?

  1. Has the Rock/HHH ironman match made it to dvd yet? I've never been a fan of the RestHoldMania 12 main event. I've only seen the Rock/HHH match once, when it happened and I still remember it well.
  2. imajackoff?

    The Wire: Final Season

    And so ends the greatest series in the history of American television. The whole episode I was wondering where the fuck Michael was. On one hand it's cool that torch has been passed from Omar to Mike, but on the other is sucks because you know it's not going to end well for him. Oh damn, Dukie. The really bad thing about that is that you don't get the feeling he'll be able to get out of his situation. He doesn't have the toughness or heart of Bubbles to survive that life. I was duped by the fake wake! Great final episode. Great series.
  3. imajackoff?

    The Wire: Final Season

    That was me. POTENTIAL SPOILER: Also, I just read the post I made about this on page 1. Turns out blood splattering on the wall was Savino's.
  4. imajackoff?

    Elite XC.....

    that Kimbo/Tank fight left a bad taste in my mouth. I think it is a disgrace to even refer to that as MMA. Given the two participants, I shouldn't have expected anything more, but it was hard to see someone who is obviously washed up like Tank Abbott give no defense and get his head punched in. This was "human cockfighting". I respect the fact that Kimbo is obviously taking this seriously, training with Bas and all, but I've felt dirty after watching both of his fights. Oh, well. Silva v. Hendo is gonna rock.
  5. imajackoff?

    The Wire: Final Season

    Loved ep 7:
  6. imajackoff?

    The Wire: Final Season

    well, 5 down- 5 more to go. Damn I'm gonna miss this show.
  7. imajackoff?

    The Wire: Final Season

    Ep 4: leave it to The Wire
  8. imajackoff?


    Sonofabitch, I missed All in all, I enjoyed the flick. Kind of a Blair Witch Project on steriods.
  9. imajackoff?

    The Wire: Final Season

    My fav part of ep 1 season 5 was McNulty drunkenly searching his pockets to get change for a payphone..... and finding his cellphone. Great show, already kind of bummed that there are only 9 more.
  10. imajackoff?

    The Wire: Final Season

    Right now, they have a couple of "flashback" clips ONDemand. One is of Prop Joe when he was a kid in 1967, i believe. The other two are of Omar in 1982 and McNulty and Bunk in 2000. Im thinking this season may be flashback heavy, hence the DeAngelo sightings. EDIT: My bad. I didnt realize that those FB clips were already posted in this thread.
  11. imajackoff?

    Christmas music

    How about by The Dan Band?
  12. imajackoff?

    The Wire: Final Season

    I live in B'more and saw them filming (or waiting to film) a couple of times this summer. Once, they were all outside this punk bar downtown called Sidebar. I went in to have a beer and saw that they were set up inside as well. They were setting up the lighting for One of the assistants asked me if I was an extra, and I said "Nope, I just came for a beer." She promptly told me to leave. As I was leaving, I noticed they had changed the awning over the door, I forget what phony bar name was. This scene was shot right before they wrapped. Another scene i saw them shoot, was in an episode that Dominic West was directing. The shot a scene of blood splattering against a wall like 5 times.
  13. imajackoff?

    Christmas music

    Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt
  14. imajackoff?

    Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 6

    Larry yelling at the movie theater screen w/ the Blacks during the final montage is the funniest damn thing I've seen in a long time.
  15. imajackoff?

    The Office: Season 4

    Seems like they took this last hr long ep for awhile as an oppurtunity to do some great character development that they wouldn't have been able to do in a just a half hr. Definitely my fav ep. so far this season.
  16. imajackoff?

    UFC 75

    Wow.... im surprised to see that a lot of folks think Hamill was robbed. i thought Hamill dominated the 1st round (you could make a case for 10-8), but the last two rounds I thought Bisping controlled the fight. It's a shame because I was rooting for Hamill, and Bisping was such a prick after the fight. I think Rampage is the best thing for MMA right now. Get his ass on the talk show circuit ASAP. Hopefully the rumored dec fight of Chuck v. Wandy goes down with the winner getting 'Page. Then it will either be 'Page going for redemption against Wand or Chuck trying to get his title back. Then who ever is standing when the smoke clears gets Shogun.
  17. imajackoff?

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    the premeditation is what disturbed me. of course the murders are worst part of the story. thanks for stating the obvious.
  18. imajackoff?

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    So, this limp dicked nut job gave his 7 yr old son a xanax, waited for it to take effect, then slapped on his finisher? vile. just vile.
  19. imajackoff?

    UFC 76

    Without Chuck v. Wandy on the 76 PPV, I wouldn't be surprised to see this show air on Spike or maybe HBO. They already have the London PPV with Rampage v. Hendo on Sept 8 anyways. Diego v. Fitch isnt enough of a draw. It would also be a nice showcase for a Shogun fight on "free" tv. Of course, if they have Chuck v. Jardine, or someone of that ilk they'll hype the hell out of it to try to fool folks into buying it. A November PPV card of Chuck v. Wandy & Sherk v. Penn would be SWEEEEET. It would also get the mainstream treatment from ESPN that they got with the Liddell/Jackson fight.
  20. I havent seen a PPV since this board hoodwinked me into getting the replay of the first ONS. Before that, it was the first Invasion PPV. Any WWF series programming was removed from my DVR over 2 yrs ago. Sure, I would take a peek if Jericho came back and was able to run with the ball. Honestly though, I dont even think that would work now. His time was 2000-1 and they fucked it up. He should have been a major media crossover star but HHH's political nonsense took care of that.
  21. imajackoff?

    Flight of the Conchords

    I liked this show more the first time around. When it was called Tenacious D.