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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    I think everyone is prejudice to a certain extent. When you are walking down the street and see someone coming towards you, you probably will judge them based on their appearance and race might be one of the factors. That is just a fact of life. The difference is when you can't get beyond the prejudging stage.
  2. NoCalMike

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Does the game seem overly dark at times to anyone, which sometimes makes it hard to read the text on Nico's cell phone, or the tips/instructions that pop up in the upper left corner? I turned the brightness all the way up and it fixed the issue, but on the default settings the game is very dark unless it is daytime. Also, the graphics are only decent IMO. They aren't bad, but I don't feel they are up to par with everything else I have seen on the next-gen systems. I know this has been the case with the other games in the series too, but I am not that concerned about it. Also, driving didn't seem that difficult, until I actually had to follow someone in a high speed chase....then the corners became tricky.
  3. NoCalMike

    Real World Awards

    True Life: I have Embarrasing Parents = GOLD!!!
  4. NoCalMike

    Gas Price Check...

    As-if MOST cars aren't status symbols anyways.
  5. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    There's not, however the corporate media seems to have a "oh that's just that cutesy racist white preacher guy lets ignore the racist bigotry that comes out of their mouths and bring them on our cable news network shows to talk politics, I mean they might be racists but they still love jesus" relationship with the likes of Fauwell, Robertson, Bauer etc....yet when it comes to Rev. Wright, it is "OMG that angry black guy is going to bring down America, HE MUST BE STOPPED" And the hypocritical part is that the Republican party has not made it any secret over the past 30 years that they actively try to court the likes of these guys in order to get the religious right vote. The problem with the media especially around election time is that they run with these sensationalistic stories and put them front and center as if they are more important then voting records, where candidates stand on the issues, differeces in poliices etc etc etc, so people end up voting for candidates for ridiculous reasons. I hate to bring up polls/suveys but there was a recent one done that show the majority of responders agree more with the "democrats" agenda then the "republicans" agenda, but then if you magically insert actual names, the poll changes and favors McCain slightly, as-if Hillary & Obama are just planning something so much more radical then what the mainstream democratic party is offering up. It is ludicrous, really.
  6. NoCalMike

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Early impression: Graphics are ok and so are the mechanics. Is it me or is there a lot less random weapons just laying around to pick up then in previous installments. Maybe I have just not explored enough yet. Also, is there a certain button you press to pick up weapons or do you just walk over them? I beat up some CALTrans workers and they dropped their pick-axe but Nico didn't pick it up.....is that just not available or do I have to press a certain buttom combo?
  7. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    Keep telling yourself that. B.O. Hussein chose Wright. Either he agreed with his anti-American sentiments, or he didn't mind them, or he was blind, deaf, and stupid for 20 years. Pick any or all of the above, but don't imagine for one second that your answer (whatever it is) will make anyone more likely to vote for the Obamessiah. Or maybe he didn't give those types of sermons over the course of 20 years which is why nothing more then a couple of 30 second clips have been used, period. I really don't care if this makes more or less people vote for Obama, as the issue is the media running with sensationalistic bullshit that distract people from legit issues because afterall, ratings are what should matter when it comes to the news, right?
  8. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    He's the guy B.O. Hussein listened to for 20 years. Was wedded to his wife by him, had his house dedicated by him, said he brought him to Christ. He called him his "spiritual adviser" and his "mentor" and put him on his campaign team. Yes, Wright is an issue. One that speaks directly to B.O. Hussein's judgement and character. No, it speaks to Wright's character and judgement. Guilt by association is bullshit. Keep in mind this is still all over a couple of 30 second youtube clips. Nothing more, but lets stay outraged over nothing a little while longer, shall we?
  9. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    So you can get back to fellating your mulatto saint? What the hell have I ever posted on this forum or anywhere else that suggests I "fellate" Obama? Obama has legit flaws and issues, no one is denying that(well not me anyway), but the Rev. Wright bullshit isn't a legit one, it is a sensationalist media snow job over just about nothing, but they can't help themselves over such trivial garbage, can they? If the same thing was happening to a conservative candidate I could just hear Marney and co. screaaaaaaming "OMG LIBERAL MEDIA LIBERAL MEDIA, THE LEFTIST BASTARDS THIS IS SUCH A NON ISSUE"
  10. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    Quite frankly, I am tired of people being outraged, saddened, happy, angry, upset etc etc by Rev. Wright's comments. How about people start just not giving a flying fuck about his comments, agreeing or disagreeing is irrelevent, just stop giving a shit about them and let this coverage die the quick death it deserves. Seriously it is fucking trivial. The entire soap opera has gotten way more coverage then it deserves already.
  11. NoCalMike

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    I am already kind of jealous of all the kids I stood in line with last night to get the game. At 28,(well 28 in a few months), I was probably one of the oldest in the crowd of a hundred or so. All of them conversating with each other about how they would be playing all night, and into the morning etc......while I basically bought the game, opened it, popped it in for a preview of what is to come, then had to retire to bed for work.......I am now sitting here at work counting down the hours till I get to play the damn game.
  12. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    How 'bout "ignore Jeremiah Wright" and move on to something that matters?
  13. NoCalMike

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Just got home with it.....where I live there are two Gamestops within 2 miles from my house....both had lines around the building and the evening news came out to shoot some footage for the 11 o'clock news..... Ok gonna go play this now....
  14. NoCalMike

    Mario Kart Wii

    So to download the Mario Kart channel, can this be done via the game itself, or do you download it like other channels and just go online without the game on and download it?
  15. NoCalMike

    Mario Kart Wii

    Well I am officially an idiot. I totally forgot that Gamestop closes early on Sundays so I didn't get to pick up the game yesterday as I stayed at my cousin's sons birthday too long.....so today after work on the way home I will be picking the game up along with either a classic controller or a Gamecube controller, whichever is cheaper. How do you find your Mario Kart friend code, or is it something you create when you get the game, like a Game Tag or something?
  16. NoCalMike

    Real World Awards

    The dumbest thing ever is that show The X Effect, just because the entire scenario is beyond fake.
  17. NoCalMike

    UFC 85 - Bedlam

    So is that a strong enough ME to keep it on PPV?
  18. NoCalMike


    I use the Wii mainly for multiplayer games. The only platforming game I have purchase was Super Mario Galaxy. It was excellent so I would probably buy a sequel when the time comes. Other then that I have games like, Carnival Games, Super Monkey Banana Blitz, & a some stupid 4X4 racing game. Oh and I will have Mario Kart this Sunday. For me, I don't look to the Wii for much more then that and for the price tag of the system I don't mind that at all. When the right platforming games comes along that I really want, I won't hesitate.
  19. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    Pulling someone over is probable cause to search the vehicle. Sorry bud. I don't see what this has to do with allowing more conservative judges on the Supreme Court. Nothing at all, actually. Ok, maybe it is a state thing.....I always thought that pulling someone over for a traffic violation itself didn't warrent a search. Now, if you pull someone over and they are bumbling/stumbling/smell like happy hour/nervous/anxious/huge cloud of pot smoke coming from car/drug paraphernalia clearly in sight etc etc.... THEN YEAH there is probable cause for the next step, but if someone is merely pulled over for a traffic infraction I didn't think it warranted an automatic search of their car. I could be wrong though.
  20. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    McCain opposes equal pay bill in Senate http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080424/ap_on_...wQ7mAqqckfCw5R4 Is McCain confusing the issue? I thought the issue wasn't that women can't find good paying jobs, I thought it was that they are being paid less to do the same jobs that men do. Why should they have to have more education and training if they are already doing the same job?
  21. NoCalMike

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Yes it is, and MMA fighters should be smarter then that anyway, anyone with half a brain knows that anyone with Kimbo's punching power is going to have a chance, and it is not like the guy is not taking MMA seriously. His trainers are legit and are being smart managers for him. Sure, he still has a ways to go technique-wise, but he could probably legit put almost anyone to sleep if and when he connects with his fists. The more Kimbo is bashed, the more it gives Kimbo a venue to respond and grow a brand-name for himself and Elite XC, and when he finally does come to UFC, a lot of guys are going to hope they aren't the first to get a crack at him with a chance to eat their words.
  22. NoCalMike

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Yessir, I just got the event numbers mixed up.....so to clarify.....84 is a big money show, 85 should be free on Spike....and then 86 is Rampage/Griffin. Thanks, Mik.
  23. NoCalMike

    Gas Price Check...

    On top of no interest in selling oil any cheaper or having any loyalty to the american market.
  24. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    yawn No, you just missed the following sentence which said, I have little to no sympathy for this specific idiot, but this ruling is much bigger then this specific incident.
  25. NoCalMike

    Campaign 2008

    Another reason we can't have a conservative for the next four years appointing potential supreme court justices...... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080423/ap_on_...o/scotus_search WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court affirmed Wednesday that police have the power to conduct searches and seize evidence, even when done during an arrest that turns out to have violated state law. The unanimous decision comes in a case from Portsmouth, Va., where city detectives seized crack cocaine from a motorist after arresting him for a traffic ticket offense. David Lee Moore was pulled over for driving on a suspended license. The violation is a minor crime in Virginia and calls for police to issue a court summons and let the driver go. Instead, city detectives arrested Moore and prosecutors say that drugs taken from him in a subsequent search can be used against him as evidence. "We reaffirm against a novel challenge what we have signaled for half a century," Justice Antonin Scalia wrote. Scalia said that when officers have probable cause to believe a person has committed a crime in their presence, the Fourth Amendment permits them to make an arrest and to search the suspect in order to safeguard evidence and ensure their own safety. Moore was convicted on a drug charge and sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. The Virginia Supreme Court ruled that police should have released Moore and could not lawfully conduct a search. State law, said the Virginia Supreme Court, restricted officers to issuing a ticket in exchange for a promise to appear later in court. Virginia courts dismissed the indictment against Moore. Moore argued that the Fourth Amendment permits a search only following a lawful state arrest. In a concurring opinion, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she finds more support for Moore's position in previous court cases than the rest of the court does. But she said she agrees that the arrest and search of Moore was constitutional, even though it violated Virginia law. The Bush administration and attorneys general from 18 states lined up in support of Virginia prosecutors. The federal government said Moore's case had the potential to greatly increase the class of unconstitutional arrests, resulting in evidence seized during searches being excluded with increasing frequency. Looking to state laws to provide the basis for searches would introduce uncertainty into the legal system, the 18 states said in court papers. _____________________________ Wow, more people going to jail for drugs.....labor on the cheap in our privatized prison system. Doesn't it make you feel all warm inside!!!