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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    The 60 votes, was to merely make it filibuster proof though, right? Harry Reid should have dared Republicans to filibuster this package and let them go in front of the american people and explain why taking no action at all and just standing around doing nothing is somehow going to make that work, that and why giving tax cuts to the top 2% is somehow STILL a good idea? I understand the notion of bipartisanship, and why it is useful in certain situations, but the fact of the matter is, when people put the Dems in the majority in 2006 and then one step, one huge step more by electing Obama as president, to me that send a pretty clear message that we/they are tired of the economic policies of the past eight years and WANT a rapid new direction. That is what the stimulus package was offering, originally. The Republicans are standing around and acting like the Dems are going against the will of the people or something when the last two elections are pretty clear indication that the public wants them to STFU and know their role for the time being and give something DIFFERENT a chance. Oh and on the topic of the housing market. How do we protect from another bubble-type economy? For example, where I live in Sacramento, before this current bubble burst, 3-4 bedroom homes were going for 500,00 or more. Now this city and general outlying area does not having the income to suppor these housing prices, and most of the home buyers were folks from the Bay Area either buying & renting out 2nd homes, or just moving here because it was cheaper then the bay and commuting to work. I understand why homes going up in value is a good thing, but on the flip side of the scenario, when the value starts to become so inflated that no one living in the city can actually afford to buy a house i also see that as a big problem. I guess prices of houses rising wouldn't be as much of a problem though, if wages were somewhat keeping up, but they aren't. So how do we protect from another inflated bubble housing market, once the economy turns around?
  2. NoCalMike

    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    I saw the full trailer on the big screen before Friday the 13th.....looks awesome.
  3. NoCalMike

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Just got back. Wow. It was a lot better then I expected. The trailers looked good, but not enough to make me thing I would be this satissfied after the movie was over. The kills were cool, and they managed to write a script that wasn't overly annoying. They managed to find that fine line between cheezy-goodness and annoying and stuck with the former. I do agree with the sentiment that it didn't really feel like a remake at all, and more like a new updated installment, which is perfectly fine by me. I guess the only con I would have would be, Oh and also, My theater was packed and it was nice to see a crowd so enthusiastic for a franchise that hasn't been around for awhile, I mean there is Jason X and FvJ, but those are kind of alternative-world Jason movies if you ask me.
  4. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Well it took 30 years of Reaganomics, plus some Clinton free trade, to get us into the second Republican depression, yet people want Obama to get us out in four? Yeah fucking right. The likely scenario is Obama is long gone before anything has a chance to work, and labeled a socialist, tax & spend liberal, while all of his economic policies are reversed. Ok that was a bit sarcastic but really, the stimulus package is already a fraction of what it was originally, and now what, over 50% are tax cuts anyway, which isn't going to stimulate a goddamn thing, so the lesson of the 2006 and 2008 elections is what exactly, that Democrats still roll over and bend over backwards even when they are in the f-ing majority. Considering the way they were treated the last eight years when it came to input on any legislation, I think for now we can put this "bipartisan" bullshit aside, and do something for the economy. Right now the Republicans win because if the stimulus package works, they are going to say it's because they stood their ground and got a bunch of additional tax cuts worked in and got the spending down, and if it doesn't do anything soon, they can scream about "tax and spend, tax and spend" I understand the Republicans have a completely different ideology when it comes to the economy and how to get it working, but for two elections they have had their asses handed to them, yet refuse to show any sort of humbling, and are still carrying on about why we have to continue the same economic polices that we've used the last 30 years, which is a major factor in how we got here.
  5. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Bernie Sanders is a guest on Thom Hartmann's radio show every friday. I wish there were more like him in the government.
  6. NoCalMike

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    I'd try brightsidevideos.com
  7. NoCalMike

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    There are some rumors out there that Zombie didn't even want to do Halloween 2, but Lions Gate basically told him that unless he gives them their cash cow, they won't fund any of his pet project films he wants to do. And, really Devils Rejects is not a horror movie, it is a take on 70's exploitation flicks. It's isn't great by any means, but if you view it as a "horror film" it comes off as worse. House of 1000 Corpses had it's moments, I really liked the opening of the movie, but overall it was poor. The Halloween, remake, re-imagining, whatever the fuck, was garbage. Easily the worst of the three.
  8. NoCalMike


    Nope not yet, but my plans may be put on hold a little while longer since our tax return might not end up as big as we initially thought... The Sceptre you were looking at is down to 599. The Panasonic plasma I had my eye on is down to 899 - that's 400 cheaper than 2001 Audio Video, where I was looking at it. Plus, free shipping in the States (a buddy of mine will let me ship it to his place), and a sensible amount of sales tax (compared to roughly 45% in Ontario). Wow, No Shit? For that price, I don't even need a tax return to buy it, I can basically withdraw some quick cash and make the purchase....hmm how big was that set again 46"?
  9. NoCalMike

    Resident Evil 5

    From the Demo alone, I really enjoyed co-op. Talking to someone while playing probably did take a little of the creepy factor away, but that is no different from when you die and play areas over, you already know what to expect.
  10. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Wasn't FDR talked out of taking action for the first 2 or 3 years of his Presidency by the Republican opposition, which had bad results, and it is those 2-3 years that Republicans often like to point to as some type of "proof" that FDR's policies did some type of harm. It is very silly that the minute Obama gets sworn in, the entire right-wing radio brigade is trying to rewrite history when it comes to FDR and now they can't stop slobbering over themselves trying to out "we're turning to socialism" each other. 30 years of Reaganomics got us into the current situation, yet Republicans are still banging the same drum over and over.
  11. So, if Penn v. GSP III does happen, I don't think it should be a main event on a PPV. Mainly because it fucks people over who spent the money to see the second fight because that was supposed to be THE fight, and now we are supposed to just throw that one to the wayside and spend another $50 to see a third fight. If anything, throw it on as a main event of a fight night card, or one of the lead-ins to the main event, but I will be pissed if it Main Events another PPV. And then there is always that outside small chance BJ Penn wins, THEN WHAT? If it Main Events a summer PPV, I will just catch it at the bar.
  12. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    It seems now the the Republican's strategy is to gut this package as much as they can, until it becomes a useless or very minimal package, and then when it doesn't do much because of how much it was modified from the original package, they can jump around slap some high fives and decry how horrible "spend and tax" liberals are. The problem is that Democrats are bending too much and allowing this prophecy to take place. Harry Reid backed down like a spineless jellyfish when Republicans threatended to fillibuster. He SHOULD HAVE dared them to stand there all day and night and filibuster and let the american people witness them being obstructionists to any relief or recovery coming their way. Any tax cuts(if any at all) proposed in this bill should being going to middle-class or lower, because those are the people that spend 100% of their incomes. And that is what stimulates the economy, when you take the cash and go out and buy things, not putting the money in a hedgefund or in the bank. What the economy needs now is stimulation, not stagnation.
  13. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    The worst part is that now that the bill has had essential funding cut from it, it is going to be an even harder to sell to come back later and try to get that stuff funded.
  14. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Yeah I agree, Obama seems unwilling to break from his "I want to work with everyone" facade, even though at this point it is quite clear that everyone is not willing to work with him. After eight years of economic policy slanted completely in one political direction, you'd think after two straight elections that say americans want otherwise, the republicans might be willing to compromise and eat some humble pie on their policy initiatives, but nope, no matter how bad the economy tanks, no matter how many jobs are lost, etc etc, the answer is and always will be the same with these folks, "tax cuts will solve everything"
  15. NoCalMike

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    I was really hoping for the guy in the "One More Round" shirt to get knocked out cold, but it looks like he was more of an all bark, no bite kinda guy. I have nothing against wearing "MMA brand" clothing, but I hate how at least 75% of people who do, automatically thinks it makes them some big tough guy.
  16. NoCalMike

    The Upcoming Shows/Rumored Fights Thread

    If Nick Diaz and Shamrock get decent enough opponents, I might make the drive out to the Bay to see it. Anyone hear of that new MMA league starting up on ESPN Deportes? I guess they are going to have a 3-man spanish telecast, and a 3-man english telecast, so for all of us gringos, the SAP button on your remote will basically work in reverse as an "english language" button. Hahaha. They are going to be a tournament based league, at least that is how they are going to start out. All sorts of weight divisions, first show in a couple of months. With this and Strikeforce/Elite XC back with a vengence, 2009 could be a big year for MMA(besides just UFC), even if Affliction folds.
  17. NoCalMike

    Strikeforce buys EliteXC contracts and signs deal with CBS

    Well if they could manage to get all the fighters to agree to it, unification bouts would be pretty cool, but of course Silva is suspended, and Cung Le is done, so I guess not. Since Strikeforce is basically burying the "Elite XC" name, I guess they can just assemble whatever beltholders they have available from the combo of the two promotions and run with them.
  18. NoCalMike

    Strikeforce buys EliteXC contracts and signs deal with CBS

    Does Cung Le hold a title though? I mean if he does, he should have to defend it or vacate it.
  19. Bad Idea Baaaad Idea. I am as big a BJ Penn fan as anyone else, but this shouldn't happen. We have two deserving contenders waiting in the wings for each weight division, and the fight wasn't even close.......fuck. This has gone too far.
  20. NoCalMike

    Strikeforce buys EliteXC contracts and signs deal with CBS

    I'd take a rematch with Cung Le. Their first fight was very exciting, and Frank looked like he was starting to take control before his arm was broken. Also, Scott Coker has run Strikeforce very well as a regional promotion. If there is one guy who deserves his shot to try and take a promotion to the national stage it is him. Good luck, because with all the UFC's antics, they could definately use some competition. San Jose is not THAT far of a drive from here, I might consider going to the show, I know Strikeforce also runs shows out of the Stockton Arena which is even closer(and home of the Diaz bros) so that is another option. Also, right here in Sacramento, after a sellout crowd showed up for WEC, I think Arco Arena is a viable option to run shows from!!!
  21. NoCalMike

    XBOX 360 vs. PS3

    I think the PS3 exclusives are very underrated. Also, for me personally I don't hang on to many games once I beat them, merely because with a $60 price tag, I am usually trading in a game when I get a new one to knock off the price. Speaking of which I need to get off my ass(or on technically) and beat Resistance 2 so I can use it to trade for Killzone 2,(which will eventually be traded for Resident Evil 5)
  22. NoCalMike

    Resident Evil 5

    Also lets not forget that one of the staples of the Resident Evil franchise is that a lot of the times, running from enemies/battles is your best initial option. Run and find higher ground or a better hiding spot, instead of just trying to stay stationary and empty all your clips. The opening to the Demo is basically designed for you to run out of ammo in that little initial shack you are in, but once you start running around you find you can easily outrun the zombies, scoop up guns and ammo all around the map, and find better places to kill from.....
  23. NoCalMike

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Is the job market for top level executives so large that the CEO's in charge of a bankrupt company can easily find a job with another company? A lot of CEOs and Executives go from one board to another. It isn' uncommon, also a lot hold seats on multiple boards of directors anyway, which also could bring up a conflict of interest, but that's an entire different discussion.
  24. NoCalMike


    Nope not yet, but my plans may be put on hold a little while longer since our tax return might not end up as big as we initially thought...
  25. NoCalMike

    PlayStation 3

    Has anyone heard of the PSN exclusive burn zombie burn coming to the PSN March 30th? It looks hella cool.......... www.burnzombieburn.com