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Everything posted by naiwf
For a guy who vowed to not watch the rest of the game you sure seem to know exactly what's going on.
Masters isn't that tall which will be more noticable without the added muscle, he's balding, has a lisp and his entire gimmick, finishing move and everything that comes with it has to be altered if not completely changed. I don't know too many instances where the WWF/E had to do that with a guy they created and chose to push again. Basically he's Buff Bagwell now, without the benefit of people having at one time cared about Buff Bagwell.
His look was the only thing he had going for him. I'd say he IS a lost cause.
0 for 16 w/RISP. Is there any team that's done worse than that in a single game in the history of MLB Al?
That's a man, bay-bee!
Ultimate Fighter Season 4 the thread...
naiwf replied to Lt. Al Giardello's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
You guys pretty much summed up my feelings about the 1st episode. I do have a question though, who was the guy that had the machete gash in his head in the opening sequence of clips? -
The moral is that 30-26 needs to be reamed in the ass. I agree. The two 29-28's were just as bad though, since Diego clearly won that last round by 10-8. I was expecting 28-28 x3 myself. No way they'd have a draw. And how can you give Karo round one? He was cut up and had his back taken. No way he did enough for the first round. 29-28 was the right call. 30-26 should be shot though, you're all right about that. I had it 29-27 for Diego. I personally wouldn't have given Karo the first round. I thought the judges would though since he got a nice takedown in that round and aside from that nasty uppercut Diego caught him with, I wasn't sure how they'd score that one. Karo definitely won the 2nd, and Diego murdered him in the 3rd. I forgot I wasn't watching boxing for a minute where they surely would have gone 28-28 and held the rematch on PPV as a grinning Dana White proclaimed it to be "one of the greatest fights ever".
The moral is that 30-26 needs to be reamed in the ass. I agree. The two 29-28's were just as bad though, since Diego clearly won that last round by 10-8. I was expecting 28-28 x3 myself.
A KO with two guys who had their eyes closed. Way to show the skill level in MMA boys.
Nice KO, but someone told Goldberg to take Leben's dick out of his mouth. I'm having a hard time hearing the commentary.
Are you really asking how a racist term is racist if you're using it in a racist manner simply because you're the race it targets. I'm Puerto Rican, and if I go out in the street and call another Latino a "spic", I don't think he'll chuckle and say "well he's Latino, so it's OK, but if he was White/Black/Asian etc I'd fuck him up".
What is the official scorekeeper thinking calling that an RBI triple when it was more likely a single and a 2 base error, or at best a double and an error that allowed the run to score? I forget where I saw it but some sports site had the Phils going on this run primarily because they got rid of Abre-"who?".
Balls are just flying out of Citizens Bank Smallpark right now. Delgado's got 2 (28), Beltran hit his 34th and Howard his 42nd. All but Delgado's 1st took place in the last 5 to 10 minutes.
You know the Knicks roster sucks when we're desperately hoping for another Allan Houston in terms of the injury & contract package just to shed some of our deadweight.
Pedro's on the DL again. The Mets are going to end up with the best record in the league and still get run out of the playoffs Atlanta style this year, I can feel it.
This isn't little league. I'd be pissed if I invested 5 1/2+ hours of my life just to see my squad lose.
The Cubs actually scored. I'm stunned. Watch the Astros win with a 3 run pinch hit HR by a pitcher or something just to make Bruiser want to commit suicide.
Cubs have 1st and 3rd with no outs. I predict a triple play here!
Arizona/Colorado's in the bottom of the 14th at the moment as well.
Where were all those people in 1990? That's right, they were not giving a shit about the dead Rocky franchise. In 1990, it had only been 5 years since the last Rocky movie. 16 years is a long time for people to forget that they didn't like Rocky 5. Rocky will do quite well for itself. To say Rocky will bomb, based off how one movie did is stupid. To give an example with another long running series, Jason X didn't do very well but Freddy vs. Jason did really well. You have to give more details. Yeah, and Freddy vs Jason doing well at the box office had nothing to do with the crossover between two famous franchise characters meeting in one movie that had been rumored for years. It was really that people were just waiting for some time to pass to forget how much Jason X sucked ass. Rocky will bomb for a multitude of reasons. The fact that the last one didn't do well and the character is now a ~60 year old retard gives me confidence that it won't get more than 1 week of a high audience. Once all of the WP's of the world go see it in the first weekend and barely get it to $20 million, you'll see a huge drop and that will be that for this dead franchise. We're not talking Star Wars here.
I disagree with you. Heather deserved to win this over Virginia. You are right that Virginia had a better atmosphere, better menu and a better palette, but that means squat if you can't deliver the goods. Still, let's break it down: Atmosphere: Had the waterfall been completed properly (it was barely working) Virginia would've had an excellent feature piece there but I think she was overambitious there. Carpenters on TLC shows have difficulties putting small water pump projects together, so I knew that she'd get screwed there. The fact that the crew got the thing somewhat working is very impressive, to me. Heather's room was a bit too busy for me, but overall it reflected her personality quite well. Except that it was probably a bit more "vibrant" than I'd think she is. And possibly a bit too self-indulgent. Still, despite Ramsey's hesitance over some of her choices, none of the diners went "well, this place kinda sucks", so it probably wasn't a huge demerit. Menu: Virginia was probably the most creative person of the contestants, but the creativity did her in. She didn't trust in her crew to do the final platings, and it slowed them down. Not to mention that her meals were rather complex. Heather, knowing that they'd be trusting an entirely new menu to a crew on short notice, kept things simple so that her crew would be less likely to screw things up (although there is apparently no "right" amount of dressing to put on a napa salad.) It seemed to work, as I'd guess that the Red team finished up well ahead of the Blue (if you assume some editorial trickery regarding the finish times). Palatte: Heather showed just enough to get by. Virginia was presumably much better - they really didn't focus too much on this because it was so lopsided. Teams: Virginia chose Keith first, and Heather chose Rachel second. No surprise there, as Keith was the best chef out of the twelve, and Heather and Rachel were possibly a lot closer than they showed on TV. Virginia then chose... Tom. OK, I get that she and Sara didn't get along, and Giacomo is a fuckup, but even with the chicken issues, she should've chosen Garrett. I guess she wanted a girl on the team. Heather then, of course, chose Ga- oh wait, she chose Sara. Although that actually seemed smart in hindsight, since Sara wasn't trying to manipulate her way to the final two anymore. And Virginia then chose Mophead as her final chef. Again, I'm thinking because of the chicken issues, but hey, YOU DON'T HAVE TO PUT GARRETT ON CHICKEN. Leadership: Heather was obviously in control of her kitchen, plus she managed to earn their respect from the get go. It was pretty obvious that Keith, Tom and Mophead didn't give a shit about whether Virginia won or lost, and their respect probably went out the window when she gave into the bribe demands. On the line, Heather again kept things simple, calling out "steak" and "fish" where Virginia called out "chicken roulade" and "braised short ribs". Big deal, you say, but it's a subtle, important detail. You keep the words to a minimum, and you reduce the risk of confusion. Also in the subtle department, Heather had that "I demand respect" timbre in her voice, while Virginia, despite coaching from Ramsey, never had that. As you said, this was pretty much where Heather took this competition. Ramsey: Maybe it was the editing, but during the actual dinner service, I saw Ramsey coaching Virginia a lot more than Heather. To me, it seemed like Ramsey was saying "I'm doing everything in my power to help you win", but it wasn't enough. He obviously saw a lot of potential in Virginia (one of three things he saw in her), but the leadership was lacking, and that's something that, if it isn't there, has to be learned over time. And the Red Rock Casino didn't have that luxury. I don't disagree with what you've said, but I wouldn't hire someone to run a multi-million dollar restuarant with such an amateurish sense of what a restaurant should be. If anything I would have had someone like Virginia win and let her handle the "big picture" while someone like Heather would make a great sous chef who makes sure things are running smoothly in the kitchen. I just think when someone wins basically every single challenge on a show and then loses by a nose in the end that the whole thing was bullshit. It's not my money or anything, but I just think it was a really bad decision. There's nothing about what Heather presented that would make me want to go eat at her restaurant, while if Keith or Virginia had won, that would be a place I'd check out if I was ever in Vegas. Heather just strikes me as a poor woman's Rachael Ray and I can make what Rachael cooks in 30 minutes or less
The finale was bullshit. Virginia had a better atmosphere in her restuarant, a better menu, a better palette and lost because Heather had better leadership. After watching tonight I was amazed to see that both ladies were 25 years old but Heather still behaved like a child, while Virginia acted like a woman and they chose to give the multi-million dollar restaurant to someone who demonstrated a level of immaturity in all of her culinary ideas. Keith should have won the show, but fucked up when he chose to nominate Virginia at the F3 stage instead of Heather who didn't even realize it was a bad idea to serve purposely lumpy mashed potatos.
Pedro really shitted the bed today. Ugh.
What you stated about statistical idiocy is one of my biggest issues with people who only measure things based on stats. I'm not a huge fan of "intangibles", but when Ortiz ACTUALLY wins games with clutch hits on a regular basis and you don't take that into account, but you have a formula that states such and such THEORETICALLY proves X value over player Y in situation Z and THAT is counted, it just drives me nuts. What you posted about the FRAR list is another thing. Depending on how much weight you put behind a certain stat in relation to others you can end up with Grady Sizemore being the 4th most valuable player in the super stacked AL when anyone else with two eyes would be hard pressed to list him in their top 10 just based on how many other players are having tremendous seasons in that league. I guess I should probably see what James wrote because I think he understood the major problems that can arise when you base EVERYTHING on complex formulas that sometimes eliminate actual on the field results, and not on results in addition to formulas.
This is a perfect example of why I think sabremetrics is ruining baseball. I won't argue with Jeter, Mauer and Santana being up there at the top, but what the fuck has Grady Sizemore done that's worthy of being ahead of guys like Ramirez, Ortiz, Thome, Hafner, Halladay, Papelbon, Liriano, Verlander etc? I understand some people enjoy delving deeper into the stats, but give me a fucking break. Grady Sizemore?!?