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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

    So, does Roy win ROY? I think he's the most complete player in the draft and Pubes might not get to put up huge numbers if Okafor misses most of next year and the defense can double him. The more pressing question, will JJ Redick end up being more like Jeff Hornacek than Ashton Korver? I'm guessing no.
  2. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

    So has Cena's Writer weighed in on the Knicks' awesome draft yet? If you're a Bulls fan you should thank us now for getting you Ty Thomas this year and probably Oden next year, all for that immortal in the making, Mr. Eddy Curry. Isiah has a special place in hell reserved for him. I shudder to think how much worse next year's draft will be when the Bulls get the # 1 overall from us and we draft another bust in the low 20's.
  3. naiwf

    Ultimate Fight Night V

    I can watch that Leben fight for hours
  4. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

    Even Manute Bol thinks he needs to eat a sandwich.
  5. naiwf

    Ultimate Fight Night V

    AWE-SOME! I won't be able to watch the show until Saturday, but watching Leben get beaten like a redheaded stepchild made my night.
  6. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

    So the Knicks get Rolando Blackman and Mardy Fish. Whoop de fucking doo. Thank God I went out tonight and didn't stay home or I might have broken my TV.
  7. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

    That too.
  8. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    I'll admit that I wouldn't be able to tell how many tourists or casual fans go to games at Wrigley. As someone who has lived in NYC my whole life I can always know whether the Mets or Yankees are doing well based on how many people go to see the games. Yes, there are millions of bandwagon types here as evidenced by Yankee Stadium drawing about 1.5 million per season in the '80s to nearly 4 million per now, but they don't continue to go see games if the team sucks. It's possible that because Wrigley is one of those three parks everyone tries to visit (Fenway and Yankee Stadium being the two others) that on any given day a huge amount of people in the stadium are just there for the atmosphere, but I still think the Cubs have a national reputation for being some of the most forgiving fans out there. I didn't make that up, and I can see how people outside of the city would think that going to a Cubs game is more important than going to see the Cubs win, or going to see a successful Cubs team for a lot of people. It's kind of the same rep that Lakers & Dodgers fans have where it's jus cool to say you went to the game without really caring about the outcome or what you saw. New York teams just don't have that same kind of support. All you have to do is look at how mercilessly they boo the "best player in MLB" here on a daily basis. As I said before there used to be a decade long waiting list to gets Knicks season tickets, now you can go up to the ticket window and buy packages. For teams like the Cubs and Packers I don't think you'll ever have that kind of about face because the fans think differently.
  9. naiwf

    What seperates Smarks and Marks?

    Have you been in the WWE folder lately? No. I can't watch the product anymore so I don't really care to see people try to discuss it. On another board I went to the mentality was that if you're a fan or a mark then you MUST like everything. Needless to say, I didn't agree. Most marks I've encountered still think like 10 year olds, and as such I can't talk to them without wanting to inflict bodily harm.
  10. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Do you live remotely near Lake Michigan? Do you interact with lots of Cubs fans? Do you read our papers? Where are you coming up with these judgments? You're saying that the majority of Cub fans don't care about losing because people come to the park. Apparently it's a virtue now to quit on your team when they're losing. Last I checked, you're supposed to support your team through thick and thin. (I mean, that was the slogan on all the local Chicago Bulls season ticket commercials for the six years that Jerry Reinsdorf did fuck-all with the team.) The majority of Cub fans really love this team, want to see them do well, and don't mind spending a day at Wrigley Field when they can, because it's a great place to see a game. Why hold that against fans? Not going isn't going to make the team better. (And neither is tearing down Wrigley, for that matter, like some idiots seem to think. As if getting rid of that pesky tourist destination will finally let the Cubs concentrate on winning. What happens when they don't? The Cubs would suck ass, and they wouldn't even have a nice park to see them suck in.) Of course Wrigley brings in some meatheads in pink dress shirts, but no, they do not represent the majority of the fanbase. But hey, you know us better than I do, so I'll defer to you. Supporting a team that's terrible just sends management the idea that they don't need to improve the product. A couple of years where the stadium isn't at or near capacity MIGHT just get them to change their mentality. One of the main reasons the Knicks won't get any better is that they still turn a profit. If people stopped going to the games because of the dreadful product, then it's possible the team won't turn a profit and the "powers that be", might actually have to do something to change that. There's a difference between being a fan of a team and not caring whether they win or lose. You're a fan. A lot of the people that root for the Cubs are just happy to see the Cubs, they don't care if they lose 100 games a year or not. I look at it like this, anyone who keeps renewing season tickets for the Knicks deserves the shitty product they get because they're willing to pay 100s or 1000s of dollars per game to watch a team that wins about 35% of their games and charges the most per ticket in the league, or at least close to it.
  11. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Zoolander pitched 8 innings of shutout ball for Los Tigres today and won his 10th game. The Astros failed to score a run. Again. Maybe that $12+ million you guys spent on a guy who pitches every 5th day, if he feels up to it of course, could have been better spent on a bat?
  12. naiwf

    What seperates Smarks and Marks?

  13. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    The Cubs haven't won a title in almost 100 years. They haven't been good in at least half of those 100 years. Yet, they sell out or come close to doing so for almost every home game, every year that I can remember. Only fans who don't care if the team is any good continue to support it by going to games. The Knicks and Rangers used to make acquiring a ticket at MSG a near impossibility. After sucking donkey dick for a few years you could have purchased Knicks season tickets without having to wait 20 more years like things were headed during the Ewing era. The Cubs could finish last in the NL every year for a decade, and they'd still be pulling in close to 40,000 a game and people would still root, root, root for the Cubbies. Again, Czech and Bruiser do not represent most Cubs fans. I think there's a special place in heaven for guys like those who can continue to torment themselves simply for the love of the game, but they're not typical fans of that team.
  14. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Jesus Christ. Have you been reading the baseball threads all year long? The Cubs fans here do care. And yet the Cubs are still # 6 in attendance this year averaging 39,687 per game, or 96.5% capacity. Bruiser and Czech do not represent most Cubs fans. If the Yankees or Mets were 40 games under .500 in June they'd be lucky to get 12,000 in the building. I realize paid attendance and actual attendance are two different things, but Cubs fans just don't care for the most part and will still support their team no matter how much they suck year in, and year out. Brewers/Cubs attendance last night when neither team is going anywhere, 39,399.
  15. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    If A-Rod is willing to play 2B for the Mets, we'd welcome him with open arms. . . until he K's with the bases loaded in a clutch situation in an important game and then gets booed again. His salary basically means he can only play in one of baseball's biggest markets so he either needs to start getting clutch hits, or just suffer the wrath of the fans. The only team I could see him doing well for that could afford him would be the Cubbies. Their fans don't care if you win or lose.
  16. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    I just hope the right Beckett shows up so we get the game we're all expecting. I don't think anyone wants to see another 1 1/3 out of Beckett. I'd LOVE to see Beckett go 1 1/3 assuming it's because the Mets are beating his ass and not due to an injury. Pitching duels are only fun when your team wins, and I wouldn't mind seeing a laugher tonight.
  17. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    It's quite tasty and delicious, especially around the Bronx. Hopefully this year's MVP can actually get a hit in a late or close game.
  18. naiwf

    Ultimate Fight Night V

    I checked TV Guide's site and it doesn't have any replay times listed, but I would assume that it would be replayed on Saturday night. EDIT: Yep, it'll be replayed July 1st at 9PM and July 9th at 7PM. Thanks. I'll definitely be able to catch it on Saturday night.
  19. naiwf

    Ultimate Fight Night V

    Bonnar should kill Rashad. Leben's gonna do to Silva exactly what Kos did to Leben, BUT he's not gonna call it a bitch tactic when it works in his favor. That's precisely why I hope Silva beats the piss out of him.
  20. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    How 'bout dem Astros? Still can't buy a run when Rog pitches, and I LOVE it
  21. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    That's my guess too.
  22. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    What the fuck is Manny Acta thinking sending Reyes home on a grounder to shallow left when we're DOWN 5-2 with only one out in the inning and Delgado and Wright coming up with the bases loaded? Of course Reyes crashes into Varitek and may have dislocated a shoulder. Most importantly, Acta was interviewed during the game and said he probably WOULDN'T do that. He should be fired tomorrow. Dickhead.
  23. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Why is Chris Woodward playing? And, if you must play him why put him in front of Milledge? Let Valentin hit until he can't anymore. Woody is the drizzling shits and always will be. I hate when Randolph concedes games by "resting" his starters against pitchers that are beatable.
  24. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Soler is making me nervous. This looks like it could easily be a 12-3 type game for the Sawx.
  25. naiwf

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Zidane is a bad mofo. Stupid Spaniards.