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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    I hate Joey Crawford. Haslem deserved to get the gate, but that guy honestly acts like the fans pay to see him 'T' someone up every fucking night.
  2. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    It's also huge BREAKING NEWS OMG on CBS Sportsline. I could understand if it was a slow sports day, but c'mon.
  3. naiwf

    Klitschko crushes Byrd

    God is good. No more Byrd or Ruiz stinking up heavyweight "title" fights with 12 rounds of jab and grab (at least for the short term) should get people excited.
  4. naiwf

    TUF 3: The Thread

    The only thing I can think of is that I forgot the 2nd episode was on until 10 to 15 minutes into it, and only recognized that it was on because I saw this thread get bumped. I think a lot of people knew the season premiere was happening after the live fights so they were able to tune in based on that. Since I don't watch much on Spike TV, I didn't see any ads, and it took a week to remember that TUF is on Thursdays at 10 with no lead in. I think it was a blip caused by forgetfulness more than anything else. Now that people are "locked in" so to speak with the schedule I'd guess that the rest of the season should be between 1.5 - 1.9 with the finale about a half a point better on both ends.
  5. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Pujols looks like he's ready to stake his claim to his 2nd MVP this year. It's hard to believe in 5 seasons he's never finished lower than 4th in the voting and that he might be running with 3 straight already (or at worst 3 of the last 4) if not for Bonds.
  6. naiwf

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    That was a wicked no look, behind the back pass in the Dallas game. I think the Rangers can win this game, but they need to stop wasting PP opportunities.
  7. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    I can't say I'm shocked. Burnett is damaged goods.
  8. naiwf


    I'm just waiting for the Pickler/McPhee sex tape/shower scene to emerge after AI's over this season.
  9. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    I know you're not supposed to root against your team but if the Mets don't score here in the top of the 14th, Willie needs to let Jorge Julio come in and serve one up to end this. The Mets have already used every other reliever they've got and it's approaching 2 AM in NY. Pedro's not going 9 tomorrow, and I shudder to think how bad things will get if Jorge has to pitch 2 or 3 innings in that one. Well, Bradford played the role of Julio as Cliff Floyd played what should have been a single into a game winning RBI double. 2-1 in 14.
  10. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    The Mets should be losing this game by at least 4 runs. The Padres have left 12 men on base through 7 in a 1-1 ballgame.
  11. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Why is Hawkins in a game that is still winnable? Did they learn nothing from other throwing gas on the fire guys like Benitez & Julio in the past? Ah well, the Mets game should be starting any minute now.
  12. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Big Papi and Manny go deep back to back. Unless Jeter throws it into the crowd or something like that he doesn't get the E-6 at home, especially if it's gonna be a "no-name" like Wang that gets screwed thanks to the official scorer.
  13. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    A rare two run infield single (even though he was out) for the O's gives them the lead thanks to Wang's sloooooooooow delivery. Miggy makes it 3-1 with another single.
  14. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    The curse talk was in regards to a guy who already owns "the worst franchise in sports" trying to take over the Cubs.
  15. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Is it wrong to bring up the whole curse thing now?
  16. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    DEL-GAD-IT! That ball was smoked. Lo Duca's was a rocket too that somehow died on the track, but Carlos obliterated that one. There's no way Petco's #'s are accurate since Delgado's looked to be 420+ easily, and barely went over the 402 sign and Lo Duca's looked to be over 400 too and didn't even reach the 396 sign.
  17. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Julio FUCKING Franco just hit a 2 run pinch hit homer to become the oldest player in MLB history to touch 'em all. Mets lead 3-2 now, after Mr. Wright redeemed his bootfest yesterday with a sparkling 5-4-3 DP to end the bottom of the 7th. It took the Mets 4 pitchers to get those three outs, but I'll take it.
  18. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Beltran Griffey Jr. seems to have hurt his hammy again after resting up for about 4 days. Maybe they need to send him to the guy who had to teach Reyes to run again.
  19. naiwf

    TUF 3: The Thread

    That was total domination. Fuck yeah!
  20. naiwf

    TUF 3: The Thread

    These guys are AWESOME! I think Ross is the other kind of binger (and purger)
  21. naiwf

    TUF 3: The Thread

    I think Ross went on the Lohan-Olsen diet overnight. Just a hunch.
  22. naiwf

    TUF 3: The Thread

    Tito mindfucking Ed was awesome.
  23. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    I still rue the day we traded him for Victor Zambrano. Carlos would have been acceptable, but no, we ended up with the redheaded stepchild of Zambranos and Kazmir will likely be a multiple time All-Star years after Victor gets waived/retired. I have no clue what management was thinking on that one.
  24. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Oh please don't start with the curse talk. Injuries are a part of the game. The Cubs are unlucky, but people are too quick to point to every downside being part of this "curse." Normal bad luck is seasonal. Cubs bad luck lasts a century. Is that better?
  25. naiwf

    Survivor Panama- Exile Island

    It's amazing to think Bruce waited like 10-12 days to start seriously complaining that he wasn't feeling well. The dude's fucking crazy. It's not worth $ 1 million dollars to possibly die on some island in the middle of nowhere.