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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf


    I dunno, Simon might have just hitched his wagon to the $$$$ with that praise there. McPhee will win the whole thing if I read that comment of his correctly. I mean he basically said everyone else was a rank amateur tonight, and usually that's his seal of approval.
  2. naiwf


    Yes, in theory. They do try to mix things up though so you don't always get the same person in the two "best" spots which is why Ace cleaned up one night.
  3. naiwf


    Ace is so fagtastic tonight I'm getting nauseous. It should be him, Kellie and Elliott in the bottom 3 tomorrow night with one of the two scrubs going home, but America will let me down.
  4. naiwf


    Pickler will be safe even though she strangled a cat during that song.
  5. naiwf

    The Player Haters Ball.

    How do you hide something from young black kids? Hide it in a textbook.
  6. naiwf


    True, but I think it's safe to say that Chris and Taylor have the biggest fanbases. Paris is the only minority left in the competition so she has that working for her, and that leaves only one person safe out of Ace, Elliott, Katharine & Kellie. I think Pickler's got more fans than the others, and that's my logic as to why the other three will be on center stage. She's not a bad singer, but she and Ace are clearly the worst of the bunch and at least one of them is still going to make the top 6. I wouldn't mind if Ace took the bullet tomorrow night, but I just think we'll lose one of the better singers instead.
  7. naiwf


    Everyone left tonight is in HUGE trouble after these three started off the way they did. Poor Katharine and Elliott are likely to be in the bottom 3 since Pickler won't be there regardless of what she does. Ugh.
  8. naiwf


    Paris put me to sleep yet again.
  9. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Randy's old. It's Steingrabber's fault he wants an All-Star team and overpays for guys on their last legs. I for one enjoy seeing RJ get rocked. Posada is like Piazza was for the Mets in that they really suck at calling a game. With normal guys it's OK, but the diva type pitchers out there would rather sacrifice offense for the "comfort" of knowing that the guy they're throwing to is solely there for them. It's the same shit Maddux used to pull with taking Javy Lopez out of the Braves' lineup back in the day.
  10. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Well, looks like the Mets will have to try and win the rubber game tomorrow since the real Victor Zambrano came out tonight and has given up 5 runs, and 2 monster shots back to back to Jones and LaRoche. I didn't expect to win with 3 of our regular hitters out, but it would be nice if Victor wouldn't burn up the whole fucking bullpen tonight.
  11. naiwf

    College Hoops: 4/13/2006 - Midnight Madness (10/16/2006)

    I'm going to take the Devil's Advocate arguement and say that Morrison should stay in College. He needs to improve his mentality, and his play on Defense. Though with Joakim and McRoberts and a whole bunch of other good players waiting to break out, he may be better served to go now. Since we're on the draft....Does anyone think Gerry gets drafted? I say he goes early in the 2nd Round and becomes a project/role player for a few years. Your argument makes sense. Their argument was more along the lines of he wouldn't want to end his collegiate career crying at midcourt. I'd rather get knocked out in a heartbreaker in the NCAA and be a top 3 pick than go back and struggle just to make the NCAA and probably end up with no chance of being in the top 5 next season if anything goes wrong. Bare minimum, Oden, McRoberts and Noah would all be drafted ahead of him whether he scored 40 a game next year or not. This year the only people who are probably locks to leapfrog Adam are Aldredge and Thomas. Gerry Mac will probably end up somewhere in the mid 2nd round to a team that just needs a back up PG/spot up shooter off of the bench. I could see a lot of teams taking a flyer on him, but even if he's undrafted I still think he'll be one of those guys that makes a living being a role player. The funny part to me about the draft this year was everyone who supported the Eddy Curry trade at the time said the Knicks were far better off with him than anyone available in the draft. Right now, I'd much rather see Thomas or Aldredge wearing a Knicks uni in '06-'07, and if we didn't get a top 2 pick they could even get away with drafting a non defensive player like Morrison just to sell tickets/jerseys. Isiah is the opposite of King Midas, since everything he touches turns to shit.
  12. naiwf

    College Hoops: 4/13/2006 - Midnight Madness (10/16/2006)

    The Bobcats would be better off having an insurance policy for an injury prone Okafor than drafting a guy with no heart or desire. I saw at least a dozen UConn games this year and Rudy showed up for about 4 or 5 of them. If he can't care enough to dominate on a national powerhouse against inferior competition at the college level, why take a risk that he'll start to care once he gets that guaranteed ~$10 million to play for a horrible squad? Gay is exactly the kind of guy that leads to a GM losing his job as I said earlier.
  13. naiwf

    College Hoops: 4/13/2006 - Midnight Madness (10/16/2006)

    The worst kept secret in America is out, Morrison is going to announce his decision to go pro tomorrow. I can't believe some of the ESPN talking heads actually thought he'd go back to the 'Zags for his senior season.
  14. naiwf

    If it gets shut down, oh well-Duke LAX team not a match

    She ID'd them from photos with "100% certainty". The third guy she identified only had a "90% certainty".
  15. naiwf

    Which Disney Channel girl would you do.

    There's nothing wrong with lovin' fatties, it leaves more thin chicks for me
  16. naiwf

    Which Disney Channel girl would you do.

    I didn't know that TSM was full of chubby chasers. You learn something new everyday.
  17. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Sanchez reminds me a bit of K-Rod when he was Percival's set-up man, although he's clearly not on that level. I hope we can take one of the next two and keep putting pressure on the rest of the division.
  18. naiwf

    Rampage Jackson Vs. Chuck Liddell....

    Chuck via KO inside of 3 minutes, and that's only if Quinton showed up as Rampage again. If he entered the cage anything like the guy that grew his hair out and found Jesus, it would be over in half that time, easily.
  19. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Andruw Jones just pulverized one deep into the night against the wind.
  20. naiwf

    Which Disney Channel girl would you do.

    I'm going off of the board and selecting, Anneliese van der Pol (Chelsea on Fat So Raven) age 21 and stacked.
  21. naiwf

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    Why does anyone pitch to Pujols again? Xavier Nady is on fire this season. Unfortunately Pedro isn't his best tonight and will be lucky to complete 6 innings at this rate.
  22. naiwf

    College Hoops: 4/13/2006 - Midnight Madness (10/16/2006)

    That sounds about right. The ESPN guys amaze me with their thickheaded nature sometimes. They're arguing that Gay is a better pick than Thomas now because he has a jumper whereas Thomas is only athletic, and that Gay's "only" weakness is that he doesn't come to play every night. Anyone can work on a jumper, but you can't just go to the store and buy a player some heart or Derrick Coleman and Chris Webber would be two of the greatest forwards in the history of the league. If anyone takes Gay over Thomas they should expect to be fired 2 years later.
  23. naiwf

    College Hoops: 4/13/2006 - Midnight Madness (10/16/2006)

    Is your top 3 Aldredge, Thomas & Morrison?
  24. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Lakers in 6. Kobe will average about 40 PPG during the series.
  25. I have Fed winning the French when Nadal gets upset by a journeyman type clay courter in the Semis. The guy that upsets him will shit his pants at the prospect of beating Rog, and the 36 year old streak of no men winning THE Grand Slam will have to wait until London before possibly continuing. On the women's side I was going with JHH, but her recent form makes me think she's not a lock anymore. Kuznetsova, Petrova and Mauresmo could all be major factors, but as long as anyone but Sharapova wins, I'll be fine with the outcome. I don't like clay court season, but once it's over the rest of the year is usually great stuff.