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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Yes, but last year's 11-19 start was unacceptable, this year's team should have known better than to get off to another lackluster start, the Yankess (sic) and their fans deserve more, blah blah blah, 27th championship is the only thing we desire blah blah blah.
  2. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    K-Rod gets it done despite his Armando Benitez moments. To answer the previous question, a Steinbrenner missive is eminent if the Yankees lose tomorrow. Mike and the Mad Dog will have lots to talk about because the General will NOT be happy.
  3. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Those are the two umps that nauseate me the most as well. They're right up there with Joey Crawford in terms of most disliked officials in pro sports.
  4. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    He finally retired, and after all the years he played in Seattle...well they must be honoring him. From everything I've heard he was a good guy in the Seattle community as well. Yankees might be on their way to starting the season 1-5. Now I know this won't last, but its fun to laugh at for the moment. The home plate up just gave Giambi at least five, and possibly six strikes in that one at bat, so you never know.
  5. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Winning that Cy Young was the worst thing for Zito's career. He went 23-5 that year and was a robust 39-36 in the 3 years that followed. Either Barry forgot how to pitch, or the league just caught up to his curveball. It's hard to believe a guy who isn't even 28 looks washed up already. He kind of reminds me of Steve Avery after '93 when he went 18-6 and then never won more than 10 games again.
  6. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Can you blame them? Oswalt would rather be landscaping with his brand new Caterpillar than conducting interviews anyway. You can't blame us big city folk for not caring what goes on out in cow country
  7. naiwf

    NHL Thread

    I was watching the interview but the phone rang, and I missed it. What exactly happened?
  8. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    That's true, I was just trying to simplify things by saying it's silly to pay for the right to e-mail a woman you probably won't end up with, and even if you do, it's not going to be a major relationship anyway.
  9. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    A while back I did a search on myspace (Women/Single/Dating/age 20-28/within 50 miles of me) and I got a lot of matches, but Id say 99% of them fell into one of these 4 categories: 1) Fake profiles or ones who have over 500 friends.. 2) Lesbian 3) Single Mothers 4) Hadn't been active in 6 months or more.. I sent out a couple of friend request out and I got about 5 to add me, but as of right now I have only 1 friend not named Tom and I actually know her so I can't even count it, and its not like we're going to be going out anytime soon. I haven't reached the desperation point where Id go after single moms..I dont do well with kids and I have no interest in having kids anytime in the near future. The 500 friends people strike me as being the ones that have big "look how many friends I have" egos and probably don't even know more than 10 of them in real life and don't want to.. I dont know how anyone can recommend Myspace over a dating site for someone that wants a dating service.. Myspace is free. You're paying for the "privelege" of sending women who more than likely are not what you're looking for some e-mails or winks or whatever the fuck they have on those dating sites. I know a girl who was paid to keep her profile active, as in log in once a week, send out anywhere from 5-10 e-mails and respond to at least 5-10 guys who e-mailed her. She was never going to date these men, but she did it for a paycheck. Just a word of advice, but the vast majority of women on paid dating websites probably think they're too good to be on them and will treat you like shit anyway. At least you won't be wasting your hard earned money to get blown off in an e-mail or to convince some woman to go out on a date, where you have to sink even more money into the "experience". The basic rule of thumb I have is if you're NOT looking to get married, you do NOT need to pay to talk to a woman because you're clearly not looking for your last partner.
  10. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Something makes me think that management won't want 19 of their 81 home dates playing in front of an empty stadium when out of towners all but guarantee sell outs. Baltimore is a nice town and you guys have a well above average stadium, so take it as a compliment that so many people are willing to travel.
  11. naiwf

    This week in the NBA April 3-9

    Darko > Pistons, bwahahahaha
  12. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    I wonder if Mo will actually get in a game this weekend just to get some work, assuming of course the Yankees don't come back and take the lead tonight. I'd think Joe wouldn't want the whole week to go by without giving him at least an inning.
  13. naiwf

    OAO Smackdown thread 4/7/06

    Maybe Tazz meant shortest in relation to the height of the champion?
  14. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    This Jorge Julio clown needs to be cut by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.
  15. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    I know, I'd much rather take 170 hits and 80 BBs from Jose as opposed to 190 and I think 27. Mr. Wright just sent one over the left field bleachers. That one Billy Wagner episode aside this has been a nice opening week thus far for the Mets.
  16. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    He did have 190 hits last year. Jose's big issue is that he never took any walks, but as long as he gets on base at a significantly higher clip than his .303 career mark I don't really care how he does it.
  17. naiwf

    Text might be hidden 'gospel of Judas'

    The papyrus manuscript was written probably around 300 A.D. in Coptic script, a copy of an earlier Greek manuscript. The original Greek one was the one that was denounced around 180.
  18. naiwf

    Army Woman's coach Maggie Dixon passes away

    That's crazy. I remember seeing her interviewed on one of those Women's Selection Special things on ESPN 2 just a couple of weeks ago. 28 year old hearts shouldn't just give out like that.
  19. naiwf

    The Torrie Eps Of Saved By The Bell

    Out of all of those shows, the only one I used to watch long after it was cool in reruns was California Dreams which I used to get on my WPIX (WB) affiliate early Sunday mornings. Even though I've seen every episode multiple times I still sit through it whenever it might be on. I've probably seen all of the original SBTB's at least 5 times and actually sat through the brutal college years, but I thought every season of the New Class sucked ass. The Tori eps were almost as bad as the college years. City Guys and Hang Time were fine, but I have absolutely no recollection of USA High. One World was just a stupid concept. I feel bad for the kids/tweens these days who don't have any kind of "classic" shows they can talk about with their peers a decade from now.
  20. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    I think I just saw a scrolling graphic on ESPN's Bottom Line which said that the Tigers hit 15 HR's in their first 3 games, which is a MLB record. That's insane.
  21. naiwf

    TUF 3: The Thread

    So Kalib wins $5,000 and is in the final four in his weight class for 10 seconds worth of effort. I guarantee that causes some resentment with his teammates who really wanted to fight, especially if one of them ends up barely eking out a decision in a war.
  22. naiwf

    TUF 3: The Thread

    That fight sucked.
  23. There's nothing worse than a boring ass, 10 pitcher, 4 hour baseball game. Nothing. I'll say that I liked NBA games back in the '90s when the Knicks were actually good. Since they became the drizzling shits, I'd go with NFL as I've been to both Jets and Giants home games and was always entertained by the crowds.
  24. naiwf

    Ultimate Fight Night IV lineup so far

    Ha ha. But really, I get your point. How did Bonnar win that? He got in one good shot but Jardine kept his wits and covered up quickly. Other than that Jardine had the clear edge. They want to make Bonnar a star. The UFC judging is as "legit" as boxing's far too often for my liking.
  25. naiwf

    Ultimate Fight Night IV lineup so far

    Just to join in the party, that was bullshit.