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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf


    By freeing "harmless potheads"? If you're stupid enough to do time because you need weed you deserve to be in jail for it.
  2. naiwf


    You're incredibly naive if you think you can stop anything negative from happening in prison unless you go the route of 24/7 solitary for every inmate in every jail across the land. P.S. Good luck with finding the funding and space to accomplish your goal.
  3. naiwf


    You're arguing whether people DESERVE those things. I'm arguing that almost everyone should know by now that that shit happens daily in prison and that prison life is never going to be easy whether you got put in there for things that some consider benign like selling drugs, or getting drunk and being fortunate enough to not take someone out, or for the crimes everyone agrees should be punished like rape or murdering someone in cold blood. There's NO WAY to stop things like drugs being sold, or people being raped or killed in prisons when the guards can profit from it by turning a blind eye. No one DESERVES to be gang raped, not even a pedophile, but the odds are substantially higher that something like that will happen in prison than out on the street. Is it wrong that it happens? Absolutely. At the same time I don't really feel all beat up inside that someone who repeatedly broke the law and got locked up in a federal prison ended up getting an unnecessarily harsh reality check about how prison life works.
  4. naiwf


    No, we're saying that if you KNOW that there's a good chance you'd get raped by going to a particular location and it's totally within your ability to avoid said location, what kind of sympathy do you expect if you end up going there and end up getting raped by guys you KNEW had the potential to rape you before you got there? A woman who gets raped at night doesn't have the option of knowing ahead of time that by wearing a specific outfit (which isn't a requirement) and walking into her building or a bathroom somewhere that she's gonna get raped. If she did have that knowledge ahead of time, my hunch is that she'd stay home. A "model" prisoner still committed a crime to be put in prison. Prisons are full of rapists and guards that don't care/can't do anything to stop these things from happening. What's the easiest way to not have a dude/multiple dudes take you virginity? Don't end up in prison in the first place.
  5. naiwf


    My problem is when people say that the level of offense needed to put you in jail determines what kind of treatment you should get while you're there. "Now if this guy was a brutal murderer or a child molester, I wouldn't have all that much sympathy for him. But we have a lot of people in prison here for fucking weed. And they're being subjected to this shit." I don't see the point in arguing whether getting raped is fair depending on what you did to get locked up in the first place. As has been said by a few others, you don't go to ass raping prison for getting caught with a dimebag once. You don't go there for having 2 beers and driving either or there would be NO traffic in NYC at night on the weekends. I know it's overly simplifying this, but if you don't want to get raped by PRISONERS with nothing left to lose, don't put yourself in a position to end up in PRISON.
  6. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    That Oswalt deal looks like chump change right now. Zambrano would want at least an extra $40 million over that length of time before even stepping to the negotitating table.
  7. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    This AS game is beginning to resemble the Pro Bowl.
  8. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    MJ got even more borderline calls than Wade, that's all you need to know. He berated refs worse than 'Sheed ever did on a routine basis and rarely ever got T'ed up. As someone else said, he could hack, chop and elbow his way through 3 quarters while basically never getting fouls called until the end of a game. And God forbid some ref didn't read the memo and had the audacity to give him a couple of fouls in the first half and he had to sit for a minute or two. That doesn't even touch on the fact that he had a protective 2 foot wide bubble surrounding him in the 4th quarter of every close game he ever played in.
  9. naiwf

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    ...is it wrong for me to get my hopes up on Houston maybe going after him? Petitgout was the only lineman I had any kind of consistent confidence in. He'll upgrade some team and we'll be watching Eli get murdered from the blind side throughout the season. Unless the Giants know he's not going to recover from his leg injury it makes no sense to just cut him.
  10. naiwf

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    The Chargers just improved.
  11. naiwf

    UFC 68- 03/03/07

    I hope Sylvia wins just so I can watch Cro Cop beat his ass.
  12. naiwf

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    So the Giants cut LaVar Arrington, Carlos Emmons AND Luke Petitgout today. I don't know how they plan to replace that many starters and how much of a cap hit they're taking because of it, but I really don't like the Petitgout decision. Left tackles don't grow on trees.
  13. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    http://cbs.sportsline.com/nba/story/9992841 Nash to skip the AS Game . . . http://cbs.sportsline.com/nba/story/9992912 . . . Riley to return after it Nash is making the best move for his team, Riley isn't. I didn't have much respect left for Riles after he dicked over the Knicks but doing Ron Jeremy's twin dirty last year and then leaving his team only to return when they finally got their act together just seems unnecessary.
  14. naiwf

    Anyone watch Ninja Warrior?

    I saw when they had the Viking course on ESPN or ESPN 2. That was sick.
  15. naiwf

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    NASCAR Now replacing ATH/PTI for a whole week. This is ridiculous.
  16. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    It looks like Kris Benson's out for the year with a torn rotator cuff so that Mets trade doesn't like quite as bad a year later, as he's due $7.5 million for what amounts to nothing this season.
  17. naiwf

    2007 Grammy show

    At least they gave everything to the Dixie Chicks and didn't try to spread the wealth. I stopped watching at 8:05 so I don't feel like I missed much.
  18. naiwf

    2007 Grammy show

    Every MJB song since No More Drama sounds exactly the same. So yeah you hit it right on with the at least 5 years old bit since that album came out in August 2001.
  19. naiwf

    Tennis Thread: February.

    Nadal should just rest up for claycourt season because if he sucks during that period of the year he won't be in the top 20.
  20. naiwf

    2007 Grammy show

    Other groups have done medleys at the Grammys. A "supergroup" reuniting live on a program should get more time than Stevie Wonder and Tony Bennett accepting an award.
  21. naiwf

    2007 Grammy show

    One song? That was lame.
  22. naiwf

    Box Office Report...

    I'm now convinced Americans are just a retarded people.
  23. naiwf

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Tourney

    Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart, 3/23/97, WrestleMania 13, "I Quit" match Royal Rumble, 1/19/92, Royal Rumble, Winner gets WWF Title Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, 3/20/94, WrestleMania X Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior, 3/24/91, WrestleMania VII, Retirement match Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind, 6/22/96, Mind Games, WWF Title Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith, 8/29/92, SummerSlam, IC Title Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig, 8/26/91, SummerSlam, IC Title Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, 11/17/96, Survivor Series
  24. naiwf

    TSM All-Time Baseball Tournament

    '86 Mets
  25. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Tarpons looks too much like Tampons to be taken seriously. That Park to the Mets deal looks MUCH better when 80% of the value is in incentives.