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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. Someone posted a link to the Katie Couric interview, but here's the text.
  2. So if someone lies to you a lot, and then says "hey buddy, trust me I'm telling you the truth NOW!" am I to assume you'd believe them? If so, that's where we differ. I don't believe Pettitte only did HGH 2 or 3 times, I don't believe that Marion Jones didn't know that she was taking something illegal when her coach told her to put it under her tongue and not tell anyone she took it, or that she didn't realize she could run faster after she took this secret pill than she could before it. I don't believe Bonds got to be the size of an NFL linebacker/DE on flaxseed oil. I don't believe Clemens suddenly picked up his lost velocity at the age of ~35 because he "worked real hard". I don't believe Pudge Rodriguez decided to lose about 30 pounds right at the time testing became public by accident. I don't believe Palmeiro and his tainted B-12 shot theory. I don't believe Giambi was sorry he did some stuff he can't tell you about, I DO however believe he was sorry that he got caught. THAT is the only thing I believe about any of these cheaters. I hope you see where I'm going with this.
  3. What do you want him to do? What would you do? Admit it the first time. The years of lying is what aggravates me most. Then everyone falls back to the "I only did it once" mentality which is even more annoying. It would be better to say nothing and have people speculate how long you used as opposed to insulting everyone's intelligence like so many athletes have done. "Uh, I was taking a supplement from GNC and had no idea anything was wrong when my arms grew 6 inches that year. My coach said it was flaxseed oil, so I believed him." Spare me the BS.
  4. The bigger question at that point is, why bother? We already know you're dirty, and unless I'm a fan of your team I'm not going to believe you just took HGH those 3 times, or 1 tainted B-12 shot you got from Miguel Tejada.
  5. That's how a classy organization like the Yankees does business.
  6. naiwf

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    Larry Fitzgerald is a man playing against boys on defense.
  7. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Lamar Odom just earned himself a nice payday with today's game. The Lakers snapped Cleveland's unbeaten streak at home with a subpar game from a sick Kobe, who should end up with his 2nd MVP if his team finishes with the best record in the league.
  8. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Unless the Nets are going to get some personal satisfaction out of seeing the Spurs win a 5th NBA title I don't see why they would trade their biggest chip for a bunch of junk parts. Clearing cap space isn't going to lure any big free agents out to the swamp lands of Jersey.
  9. And those are the Yankees fans!
  10. naiwf

    Nadya Suleman

    Someone needs to sew her vagina shut or at least cut her tubes up into millions of tiny pieces.
  11. That's pretty much what I thought too. I wouldn't be shocked if he stopped taking steroids and just switched to some other PED that MLB doesn't test for. There's no difference between A-Rod and every other power hitter who has been outed for juicing, or can't get a pass in the dreaded "court of public opinion".
  12. Yes, yes I would. I wouldn't want to pay for it, but I'd really like to see BJ get humbled again.
  13. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    The NBA took away LeBron's triple double from the Knicks game thanks to what had been called his 9th rebound not counting.
  14. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Phoenix should have blown it up already. Most of their best/most tradeworthy players are pushing 30 or beyond it, and if they send those guys away then they have no core to build on. Nash will be 35 in a couple of days, Hill is 36, Shaq turns 37 next month and those guys are heavily involved in their rotation. Amare plays no 'D'. They traded Bell and Diaw for a guy who is 28 and has never played on a good team. Barbosa might be their best young player but he doesn't get enough minutes and Barnes is a journeyman averaging 26 minutes a night. The window shut when Horry hipchecked Nash and he oversold the impact getting his teammates to come off of the bench, and well we all know what happened next. I know Kerr gets a lot of the blame, but lets not forget that ownership has sold draft picks and nickel and dimed their way into NBA purgatory (aka being just good enough to make the playoffs but not good enough to win a round or two).
  15. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/11838893/13427209 I just read that article today saying that they may end up firing the coach and/or trading Shaq or Amare before the deadline. I haven't been able to follow this season very closely, but I'm wondering if they don't consider a playoff spot worth competing for if it means they can't get younger/better/less cap strapped by next season.
  16. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    So I guess Elton Brand to Philly turned out to be one of the WORST offseason moves based on this season alone. Oops.
  17. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Ray Allen got Nelson's spot on the AS team.
  18. naiwf

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Funny you should say that. I'm glad the Mets didn't offer him a contract if this is true.
  19. naiwf

    Biggest Flash in the Pan

    How about Penny Hardaway? The guy was All-Rookie team his first year, All-NBA 1st Team his next two, All-NBA 3rd team in season 4 and then injuries finished off his career even though he hung on for bits and pieces of another 9 or so seasons at astronomical salaries after that.
  20. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Could he be back for the postseason, or is he going to be shut down until next season?
  21. naiwf

    Sports Cliches

    "We're talking about football not chess".
  22. Triple J from TNA's early years is my choice. I'm amazed that he didn't book that company into bankruptcy.
  23. Or the replay official. How can they not thank the true MVP behind their last 2 SB victories? Both of Santonio's feet were clearly down when they zoomed in, and Warner had lost control of the ball before his arm went forward. The replay guy also sure helped the Steelers out by overturning that Roethlisberger rushing TD in the first, and the Warner non-fumble in the third. The only bad call Zona got was the roughing the passer, but they got away with a ton of holdings on Harrison and Woodley that weren't called either. Um, the two overturned plays were CORRECTED only because the on field officials were worse than the one in the booth. But can someone explain roughing the "holder", that bogus roughing the passer when a guy tripped and two hand touched Big Ben, the lack of excessive celebration call, Harrison not getting ejected for punching a defenseless Francisco in the middle of the field etc. The officiating was terrible and Pittsburgh got every call they needed to steal another one.
  24. He plays for Pittsburgh. It's the same reason Harrison wasn't ejected for that cheap shot on Francisco. I guarantee if the roles had been reversed they would have called those plays appropriately.
  25. Or the replay official. How can they not thank the true MVP behind their last 2 SB victories?