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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    Well, at least you got the "blind eye" part right. Unless by "you" you meant "cheech." The only Wagner-related comment I made in that thread was the disbelief that anyone still cares about him using "Enter Sandman." Your copy of the record seems to be defective. Yes, it is about time we start giving more shit to guys with an ERA+ of 195, a K/BB ratio of 94/21 and a 95% save conversion rate. That's downright awful. Dude, he blew the game tonight. No Mets fan would care if he'd been Eric Gagne automatic in the regular season and blown tonight's game. I don't see what's so hard to understand. 1 NLCS blown game is not erased because he saved 40 regular season ones, especially when he blew up in that Yankee game before this one. Thus far he's choked in the 2 biggest opportunities he's had in a Mets uniform. You don't really have a foot to stand on when he's 0-1 with a 7.71 ERA in the postseason and owns the only loss the team has. If he gets beat by Pujols, so be it. But So Fucking Taguchi? C'mon.
  2. naiwf

    1 vs 100

    True, but the difference is something I can illustrate with this paraphrased example. Q: What kind of animal is Pepe Le Pew (sp?)? The TV choices would be something like cat, dog, skunk. Online game is weasel family, rodent family, marsupial family. There wasn't one question on the TV show I couldn't answer before the choices came up. Some of the online ones I'm just blind guessing at because I've never heard the answer, seen the movie or TV show. Even with the repeated questions it's still much more difficult than any question I saw on TV today.
  3. naiwf

    1 vs 100

    The online game is about 10,000 times harder than the TV show.
  4. naiwf

    ALCS: Detroit Tigers vs. Oakland A's

    What other storied franchise in any sport is renowned for losing?
  5. naiwf

    ALCS: Detroit Tigers vs. Oakland A's

    Or you could read what I said and realize that with only 8 home games a year it'd be dumb to end up losing your season tickets for life. Let's not act like the Packers have been atrocious since WWII either. They won a championship, played for another and had a legend at QB for quite some time. The Cubs have had the Bartman ball ruined season, and a whole lot of nothing else. Czech, can eviscerate you but for now you forgot '69, '84 and '98. That's just off the top of a Cincinnati native who really never paid attention to the Cubs. You should stop talking about things you don't know about, and Chicago Cubs is just one of them. I don't recall the Cubs winning anything in 1969, 1984 or 1998. Did they get the 2nd place trophy or something? I really don't know how a "storied" franchise gets that way by not winning anything in the lifetime of anyone under 100.
  6. naiwf

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    Should we cheer Wagner blowing the biggest game of 2006? No one cares about the regular season saves he managed to notch, many of which were of the 2 or 3 run variety. We're not supporting the Cubs here buddy.
  7. naiwf

    1 vs 100

    This show was really bad. The trivia questions have to offer SOME challenge. I just don't think watching people decide whether they want to give back $25,000 to answer the next question which will be just as easy is enough to keep the ratings. That 2nd mob must have been comprised of JHS dropouts though. 28 people missed the first 2 questions!
  8. naiwf

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    It's game two and it's not even over. We just lost our closer for tomorrow with this 105 pitch performance, Mota got rocked, Steve Trachsel is pitching Game 3 and Oliver Perez is pitching Game 4. St. Louis would have to try really hard not to have a 3-1 series lead in 2 days. We should have won this game, beaten Carpenter, and broken the Cards, instead Wagner shit the bed, we have nothing resembling starting pitching for the next two games and the bullpen is taxed.
  9. naiwf

    ALCS: Detroit Tigers vs. Oakland A's

    Or you could read what I said and realize that with only 8 home games a year it'd be dumb to end up losing your season tickets for life. Let's not act like the Packers have been atrocious since WWII either. They won a championship, played for another and had a legend at QB for quite some time. The Cubs have had the Bartman ball ruined season, and a whole lot of nothing else.
  10. naiwf

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    Life sucks right about now. Wagner, Mota & Maine just cost us the series. Woo.
  11. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    When a team hasn't won a championship in about 100 years and has 5 playoff appearances in the last 68, yet packs the house every night, that to me screams "aw shucks, let's go Cubbies!". People stopped going to see the Bulls when they sucked for a while, but the Cubs could finish in last place for another 20 years straight and Wrigley will still be packed in 2027. If it was (college or pro) football or something where your team has like 5 to 8 home dates a year I could see not giving up on the "experience" of seeing them live, but I just can't take the "lovable loser" teams like the Cubs seriously. Boston was bad too, but at least their fans sounded borderline suicidal year after year. With the exception of the 2 Cubs fans on this board, it's almost like the fanbase's mantra is "well, there's always next year", said with a cheesy grin on their face.
  12. naiwf

    ALCS: Detroit Tigers vs. Oakland A's

    Yeah, because over the last decade people have certainly had the reasoning to be concerned...When should they have been, when they lost 119 games? When their biggest star was Bobby Higgenson? Their ace was Justin Thompson? I'm not supporting bandwagon fans, but certainly nobody can logically argue that a team that loses on average 96 games over a ten year span is going to be at the forefront of a lot of people's minds. That's my point exactly. No one, even in Detroit, has given a shit about the Tigers in at least 15 years, but these announcers act like the city lives and breathes baseball and always has. "From the moment we got off of the plane yesterday morning this city has been electrified like never before". Nigga please.
  13. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    Yes, and if the fans didn't eat Sammy Sosa alive they wouldn't do it to A-Rod who is superior in every way and actually gives a shit about his teammates. Unlike those other guys made of glass like Lee, Wood & Prior, A-Rod rarely gets hurt and plays his 150 games a year. A-Rod just won't go there because he's had enough of being on last place teams and wants a ring damnit!
  14. naiwf

    ALCS: Detroit Tigers vs. Oakland A's

    If I have to hear how Detroit's always been a baseball town again I might just puke. Over the last decade I'd say Detroit was more concerned about the Red Wings, then the Pistons, then the Lions, then the 2x WNBA Champion Shock and finally the Tigers.
  15. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    If Alex Rodriguez was eaten alive in the Bronx, he'll be eaten alive on the north side, only now garnished with celery salt and sport peppers. Who would eat A-Rod alive? The "tourists who go to Wrigley Field" or the fans who root, root, root for the Cubbies despite their ownership and team often being the drizzling shits?
  16. naiwf

    ALCS: Detroit Tigers vs. Oakland A's

    Who is this guy, and what did he do with the real Kenny Rogers?
  17. naiwf

    Ultimate Fighter Season 4 the thread...

    This was the entire fight. . . They exchange a few punches, most of which miss, Thomas goes for a takedown and slips or fails to execute it. Chris dry humps him until the ref stands them up, rinse and repeat. Execute this game plan at half speed in the 2nd round, and one quarter speed in the 3rd. If that was a fight they didn't want to "deprive the world of", I'd hate to see a fight that they didn't want us subjected to. Both guys were gassed after the first round, and neither landed one clean shot or sub attempt. In summary, for a SF it was the drizzling shits.
  18. naiwf

    NLCS: St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Mets

    Reyes or Wright would be the "heart and soul" depending on who you asked. Lo Duca is a decent piece, but the verbal fellatio about his value/skillset really needs to stop. On any given night when everyone's playing, he's at best the 5th most important Met on the field.
  19. naiwf

    Ultimate Fighter Season 4 the thread...

    That fight sucked. The narcoleptic timekeeper didn't help matters either.
  20. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    No, the more the Yankees and other high end teams spend, the more the pocket stuffers get in revenue sharing.
  21. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    So is this the year where a bunch of marginally better than average players get monstrous contracts? Soriano's gonna get $75 million+. This Matsuzaka chump who doesn't have an inning of MLB service is going to get more than just about any other pitcher in the league when you factor in the bid. Zito's gonna rob some team blind and then come up empty down the stretch/in the postseason again. I'm only bitter because the Mets need pitching and are likely to end up drastically overpaying someone who will probably go 15-10 or 16-11.
  22. naiwf

    If you could only watch one wrestler

    I'd say Bret Hart because he seems like he'd have the best match against himself.
  23. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    I don't know if Soriano's worth more than $14 million/yr but I guess he's definitely going to get it from someone. I'm much more surprised that the Nats offered him $70 million than the fact that he turned down said offer.
  24. naiwf

    30 Rock

    I'll guess both shows dip a point next week (the overly hyped The Nine lost almost 2 points from its premiere last week to this one) and get the axe by January 1st. EDIT: Also, Help Me Help You is by far the best new comedy I've seen and has a cushy timeslot behind DWTS. It has maintained its audience pretty well too (7.0/11 this week, 7.0/11 last week, 7.7/12 in its 1st week). Once DWTS is over it may run into some trouble, but it's in a solid position for the next couple of weeks at least.