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Blue Bacchus

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Everything posted by Blue Bacchus

  1. Blue Bacchus

    Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday The 13th

    Serioulsy though, aren't there rules against the crap in Yuna's sig? The previous one was ok as it left it to the imagination of the viewer but this one...
  2. Blue Bacchus

    For those of you who have not seen the...

    You Rock Downhome, thanks man!
  3. Blue Bacchus

    The OAO NWATNA thread for 11/5

    They should get Buff back while they're at it.
  4. Blue Bacchus

    Brother Love in Hospital

    Did they confuse Brother Love for the Million Dollar Man in that article? I really don't remember him paying people to do tricks.
  5. Blue Bacchus

    Why isn't Larry Zybysko commentating?

    What no love for the Living Legend? The sad thing is people did chant Larry...
  6. Blue Bacchus

    Star Wars Galaxies

    While it would be fun playing as a Jawa in a roleplaying sense you could never leave Tatooine. Being a Tusken Raider (or to the laypeople Sand Person) would be much more fun!
  7. Blue Bacchus

    Smackdown: HCTP CAW thread

    That Sting CAW isn't bad but you do have to change him from nWo Red Sting to classic Crow. Also the hair doesn't make much sense.
  8. Blue Bacchus

    John Heidenreich

    Do you honestly believe that?
  9. Blue Bacchus

    Star Wars Galaxies

    I fully believe that the Holocrons are red herrings. I'll unlock my FSCS on my own 12 years down the road
  10. Blue Bacchus

    Its Official:

    To me I like RAW for it's Nitro feel. I was a huge WCW mark and those stars are on RAW. That's why I watch. Smackdown! I hardly catch as I'm not feeling it.
  11. Blue Bacchus

    John Heidenreich

    So this comes down to Hoss Hating. Didn't they sign Ultimo and London for the workrate shows? Hosses gotta get some love too And I went to the TNA aniversary show and didn't think the Japanese Guy was that bad. He didn't set the world on fire but he wasn't terrible. WWE probably see's something in the guy that is marketable thats why they signed him.
  12. Blue Bacchus

    John Heidenreich

    Yeah injuries happen but they shouldn't be happening in matches because someone doesn't know how to not hurt the other person. Injuries happen in life. If someone shoots you by accident because they don't know how to use a gun, does that make it OK? Apples and Oranges. Injuries are at least somewhat controled and/or expected in their line of work. It's an accident if it happens there and it's also a caculated risk. You aren't an expert to judge if Heidenreich is dangerous in the ring. Maybe Steve didn't "Fall" right. Maybe it was both of their faults he got hurt. Now if I get "cow blasted" while walking down the street, it's a whole new game. If I were to get shot while hunting, then I'd buy what you're selling.
  13. Blue Bacchus

    John Heidenreich

    Injuries happen in the business, get over it.
  14. Blue Bacchus

    OAO Alien: Directors Cut Thread

    I had never seen Alien before but I had seen Aliens, Alien3 and Resurrection. For the 70s I guess it was a great horror flick but I was more bored with it than anything. Guess I should've seen the flicks in order
  15. Blue Bacchus

    Star Wars Galaxies

    I fully understand your point but there are other combat professions you can choose from If you think BH is hard wait till Jedi I myself chose BH and that only lasted two weeks after grinding Investigation II. BH is the hardest profession.
  16. Blue Bacchus

    Star Wars Galaxies

    There's an easier way of doing Bounty Hunter now. The SpyNet informants are usually right next to the terminals now. SWG is incredibly addictive. And to wait till Space comes out would be folly. You won't be able to afford a decent ship if you start with Space. Best to get in now and start that bank roll going. I play on Starsider and Test Center.
  17. Blue Bacchus

    OAO Alien: Directors Cut Thread

    KKK I just wanted to Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Slap that dumb bitch for just standing there So I agree with you wholeheartedly.
  18. Blue Bacchus

    Recent purchases

    WWE Bloodbath baby... Magnum TA goodness!
  19. Blue Bacchus

    The I 'Just Bought' Thread

    Smackdown!: HCTP in order to follow the trend here on the board.
  20. Blue Bacchus

    Alien vs. Predator teaser trailer!

    You guys should check out some of Dark Horse comics old Aliens vs Predator comics. You'd probably enjoy 'em if you liked that teaser.
  21. Blue Bacchus

    BATMAN casting

    This movie will not suck. WB and TPTB are going to do things right for a change. Too much money is to be made for them to screw it up. Spider-Man made a ton for Sony and stayed mostly true to the comics. And everything I hear about this new flick is that it'll stay true to the comics. The other flicks were such rapid departures from the comics. I still shudder on how they dealt with Bane in B&R. *Authors Note - I'm surprised this made any sense at all. One shouldn't post when Drinking.
  22. Blue Bacchus

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

    Woot! I just got a 113 Hit Combo with Splinter! I just hope that the next game (if there is one) is little more closer to the Arcade game.
  23. Blue Bacchus

    The I 'Just Bought' Thread

    Four letters TMNT Nuff 'Said
  24. Blue Bacchus

    Spielburg to do Star Wars 7-9

    If there is Sequel Trilogy then the Expanded Universe (Books, Comics, Video Games) will be shot or just quietly forgotten. There's too much shit out there for Lucas or Speilberg or any other writer to try to play around with the Original Characters. While the New Jedi Order series is great and so are certain Bantam Double Day books (Thrawn Duology and Trilogy, X-Wing Novels) they would have to be cut. George has always said that it's HIS universe and he'll play with it as he sees fit. Hence why Boba's Origins were changed.
  25. Blue Bacchus

    RVD news

    Money Talks Mike.