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Everything posted by jwpeer

  1. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/15/05

    You think Dusty's got that much control already? A dusty finish would be better than another foot on the ropes heel win...
  2. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/15/05

    John Cena HAS to lose for Jericho to even look at ALL likely as a winner at SSlam (Even though we all know he won't) If Cena can beat both Carlito and Jericho (Which would make them both look horrible also) how can JUST Jericho beat him...it's ridiculous.. course we know what's gonna happen...
  3. jwpeer

    Triple H on Punk'D

    I watch this show, and the HHH segment was pretty funny, but the one before with Avril Lavigne (sp) was even more hilarious. HHH was funny cus it was obvious he had no idea what to do, and he was getting pretty pissed off at the camera guy (Didn't want evidence?)
  4. jwpeer

    TNA going all out for Bound for Glory

    Am I the only one who dislikes the name Bound for Glory? It's too long and not catchy enough to be a number one pay-per-view. They need new marketing people for sure, as a good catchy name adds so much credibility to an event. Maybe something like PowerClash WrestleRush Something strong, something you can addendum numbers next to in the preceeding years (and in this year like WrestleRush or BattleRush 1, 2005, etc.) to increase signifigance/prestige on the surface. Bound for Glory seems like a second-rate name to me, for a non-primary event. I'm sure with some playing around with words/concepts and market testing a far better name could be come up with that has a lot more relation to TNA, as Bound for Glory doesn't even tie in with their name. Final Collision Maximum Conflict Even those seem better to me.. I don't know. Just musing
  5. See, I see the way he has his arm wrapped around his opponent as emphasizing the fact that he's -supposedly- carrying them into the flip using his own strength. I'm more likely to believe that then crap like the Hulking Up/People's Elbow/Five Knuckle Shuffle type stuff that's really grounded in the realm of fantasy. Course my favorite move to watch right now is a Batista Spinebuster, which is as real as any high-impact body-slam type move will ever look. Guess it's all about what an individual is willing to buy into as a fan and what triggers their buttons.
  6. I don't believe it'll happen either. It's too complicated for the WWE...but hopefully Regal can help get him over, because I do like his look.
  7. I just don't believe logic ever comes into play in pro wrestling. If it did, most of the silly conventions would be dead already and it'd just be fake mma action...which isn't really entertaining compared to real mma action.
  8. I have to agree with this...and doing something physically impressive is what it's all about. So all the kiddies want to buy the newest wrestling game so they can have Paul Burchill doing a C-4! Money!
  9. I'd have to say the full-nelson being a viable finisher is more unbelievable than the C-4. But isn't it supposed to be unbelievable, it isn't an actual competition (I mean people not stopping after being irish whipped into the ropes, do they lose control of their motor functions, that's the least believable thing in ALL of wrestling, so why can't you believe a well-sold C-4?)
  10. You'd think, but this is the WWE, we'd rather do high ric-flair style back-body drops than low-impact near the ground flips. I think they'd be more worried about Burchill's backflip part of it though, they have this ridiculous fear of backflips.
  11. Hahahah, that's true. I realize it's opponent coop on that move...which is probably the main reason he can't use it, because does Christ Masters really have the athletic ability to do that move? Now him working with Shelton without restrictions would be a different story... *Can hope*
  12. We know HHH is gonna lobby for him to be able to use it, so he can no-sell it at a ppv someday! Right?
  13. Holy crap, I saw the C-4 video, and that's pretty awesome. I'd mark out if the WWE let him do that (The one in the debut video, I can't see them letting him do one of those from the ropes) He'd be my new favorite wrestler with that finisher.
  14. So is WWE gonna let him do a backflip exploder suplex??? Somehow I doubt that
  15. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08.08.05

    I can't stand hogan, but then again I never have enjoyed watching him either. Masters has DEFINITELY improved, and I don't think he's terrible but he's so horribly fake looking that it gets on my nerves. I can't stand how over-developed he is, mroe so than maybe any other wrestler on the WWE roster...it was the same thing that made me hate Scott Steiner when he got real big. It's worse on Masters cus he has such a ridiculously small head. And his finisher is a full nelson, that's not credible to me...BECAUSE IT'S A FULL NELSON. And I mark out for nearly EVERY submission move, except for his cus it's so ridiculously lame. Now if he was using the torture rack! I think Masters could looke even better in a program with some like Angle or Benoit (If he were still on raw) where he'd be carried more (His best match I can remember was with Tajiri...and only because Tajiri had all the offense and Masters actually sold it pretty damn well) I think Benjamin just needs to be booked to win more, and you might see him use a lot less spots than he has lately (With how little offense he's been getting because of how he's being jobbed out)
  16. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08.08.05

    I don't think there's anything Sting could do for me to NOT mark out for him. I don't know how he would get the fans to turn on him. I'd die if he ever showed up at a WWE show. Not likely though.
  17. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08.08.05

    *shrug* It's certainly more enjoyable than watching cena or hogan or chris masters. I don't think there's anything wrong with "meaningless" ridiculous spots. And that's certainly not all SB does in the ring.
  18. jwpeer

    top 5 favorite anything

    1. Gattaca 2. A Room with a View 3. Blade Runner 4. Suicide Club 5. Battle Royale
  19. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08.08.05

    I guess it depends on what you're looking for out of your program. I agree he hasn't shon much of a character, but I don't think they've done anything to HELP that problem by giving him terrible lines. You'd think they would go up to him and say "Deliver this line like this, and it'll go over perfectly, people will take you seriously" He definitely needs a serious/edgier gimmick/character because comical doesn't work for someone who really isn't a funny guy. I still like him...which is funny because my other fav. guy on raw is ALL character and NO moves yet (Carlito) They should turn Shelton and make a tag team.
  20. jwpeer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08.08.05

    Because some of us are entertained by a good wrestling match by someone with tons of athletic talent? If I cared about -personality- (Or fake personality in the case of wrestling) I'd go watch a good movie...I'd go watch Gattaca for the 60th time, for example...I don't expect amazing acting out of these guys, I want to see interesting and exciting athletic choreography, don'ya'kno.
  21. jwpeer

    Storm comments!

    The Walters promos overshadowed my title match! They were good though, like the dynamic, love the morals. Their characters are so the exact opposite of mine in so many ways with how much they CARE about the things people do, and how little Ward does. Oh yeah, expect a premier Marcus Ward promo sometime tomorrow, to get some inside scoop on what he's all about!
  22. jwpeer

    SWF Lockdown Card 8-10-05

    The smileys just put it over the top for me, I cracked up totally. This card looks really awesome, almost as good as the ppv in fact, I'm looking forward to reading AND writing (Woo to normal matches!)
  23. jwpeer

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    I'm gonna be a turtle tamer, it's gonna be roxxorz! After I finish my match,
  24. jwpeer

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    Goodness, that game looks to be ridiculously entertaining.