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Smartly Pretty

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Everything posted by Smartly Pretty

  1. Smartly Pretty


    I think My Lunch and My Fallen Idol are the best two consecutive episodes in the series.
  2. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Storm Card for February 14, 2007!

    markers are kind of important
  3. Smartly Pretty

    State of the SWF, 2007

    No, because it actually enforces what mvs was talking about, with only talking to people he knows and stuff.
  4. Smartly Pretty

    State of the SWF, 2007

    I find myspace to individual based. It's very comment this person, comment that person, but never really everyone reading and everyone talking together.
  5. Smartly Pretty

    Not Another Teen Shooting

    Totally not funny tidbit - In 2nd period health the teacher was rattling off suicide statistics, and around the same time this story was reported (I assume it took an hour to report this, happened at 7, probably broke around 8 when I'm in there) I figured out how many suicides theoretically had already happened. This wasn't a suicide, but it's still kind of creepy.
  6. Smartly Pretty

    Storm Predictions

  7. Smartly Pretty

    Storm Predictions

    Toxxic...prepare to be proved wrong! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad to do it. You were asking for it.
  8. Smartly Pretty

    An idea

    Spike, you're pretty emo. Get on that.
  9. Smartly Pretty

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Shit, yo.
  10. Smartly Pretty

    Pictures I Like

    what with black history month and all...
  11. Smartly Pretty

    TSM All-Time Baseball Tournament

    the mariner team that won 116. 2001?
  12. Smartly Pretty

    Promo: Losing

    I wanted to do something for this storm, but I couldn't get to a computer the last two days, so I couldn't talk to you about it. Really good ending. Nice job.
  13. Smartly Pretty

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    I took that sabermetrics poll last night. the numbers got way out of hand. 97% of the population can't be an expert on something. That's completely illogical.
  14. Smartly Pretty


    I approve. I like that they finally added the iTunes track thingy that ichat had.
  15. Smartly Pretty

    Storm Card for February 7

    Anyone hungry with 15-18 dollars to spare...?
  16. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Clusterfuck Card! Live, January 31!

    Nah, I think homophobic slurs are still politically incorrect. *ba dum shish*
  17. Smartly Pretty

    Pavement Thread, Pavement Thread

    Trigger Cut/Wounded Kite at :17 is one of my favorite songs ever. edit: The thing about the Pixies reunion tour is that the people who attended weren't people in their mid to late twenties who liked Pixies when they were still together—It was a pretty diverse crowd age wise. Pixies have managed to stay popular with younger music fans and kind of transcend generations (I wasn't even a fetus when Doolittle came out). Pavement on the other hand, while equally influential on indie rock, don't really have that, and a reunion tour would most likely be attended by people who were fans of them back in the 90's.
  18. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Clusterfuck Card! Live, January 31!

    I'm seriously hating myself for no-showing. I'll make it up to myself somehow, but seriously, mad suckage yo.
  19. Smartly Pretty


    I had a dream where I actually died in a plane crash, and then when I died I woke up.
  20. I'm on the newspaper at school. That's where most of my writing goes.
  21. Smartly Pretty

    2007 Results Thread

    SWF Storm 1/3 No matches. SWF Storm 1/10 Matt Myers defeats Ghost Machine 3.0 with a moonsault. Zach Malibu and Calvin Szechstein. Zach Malibu and Cadillac defeat Barbosa and Clark with The Pause the Refreshes. Landon Maddix defeats The Wildchild with an Oklahoma Roll. Insane Luchador defeats Gabriel Drake with a Fishermans Suplex Michael Stephens wins a battle royal. SWF Storm 1/17 Matt Myers defeats Wayne Blank with a roll up. Zyon defeats Ricky Barbosa with the big shot. Landon Maddix defeats Michael Cross with the Cucaracha Kick. The Wildchild defeats Alan Clark with the Super Space Rana to win the SWF Cruiserweight Championship. Gabriel Drake retains his SWF World Heavyweight Title over Insane Luchador with a stunner.
  22. Smartly Pretty

    Blades of Glory

    I laughed so hard at the My Humps part at the end. "No one knows what it means, it's provocative!"
  23. Smartly Pretty

    Clusterfuck Discussion

    so have an undercard match.
  24. Smartly Pretty

    Clusterfuck Discussion

    I'm in dawg.
  25. Smartly Pretty

    NFL 2007 Draft Thread

    As a rutgers fan, I'm curious as to where Brian Leonard goes round wise. He's the best full back in the draft, but how much is that really worth?