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Smartly Pretty

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Everything posted by Smartly Pretty

  1. Smartly Pretty

    Ancient History V

    This is so so so much better than real history class
  2. Smartly Pretty


    I've been forgetting the join part
  3. Smartly Pretty


    3 -- Once connected to Phazenet, join #wrestlingshouseofhardcore having trouble with this part. it tells me that's an unknown command
  4. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Smarkdownoween - 10-30-2006

    Indeed I am, Jonathan
  5. Smartly Pretty

    Best Halloween Costume?

    I always thought Quailman would be a pretty good costume.
  6. Smartly Pretty

    Painted Marvin Showdown Halloween '06

    I tried to do Silas from The Da Vinci code but I failed miserably.
  7. Smartly Pretty

    Vets, help

    Alright, so last night I was starting my match, and due to some people asking me to do some favors at very wrong times I didn't actually get started until after the actual deadline. And then as I began to write, I realized even I was bored by my match. In, I guess it was June, I took a month break cause we were on vacation, and I wanted a break anyway. After that, I haven't actually showed for two consecutive shows. I can't seem to be able to get back into the swing of things. Vets, my question id this. How do I get back rolling after a break? Also, Raynor, I totally owe you an apology for just leaving you hanging like that.
  8. Smartly Pretty

    Pictures I Like

    I think you can still just drag it and drop it.
  9. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Smarkdownoween - 10-30-2006

    Believe me, you're flying solo.
  10. Smartly Pretty

    Pictures I Like

  11. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Lockdown Card - 10/25/06

    I want to character swap as well, so if Wasted Youth wins, as the official everything of Wasted Youth, we want it pushed back.
  12. Smartly Pretty

    An idea

    I like the 2nd option where Smarkdown is the four day show.
  13. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Lockdown Card - 10/25/06

    Zyon + Akira = "wasted youth" so you know. I've started the stats at least three times but never finished, so that never got out there, but yeah. Wasted Youth.
  14. Smartly Pretty

    Smarkdownoween Poll

    fuh sho
  15. Smartly Pretty

    Girl tries suicde but kills another

    If convicted, she faces an automatic life sentence....Brunstad, who was treated for an ankle injury, had told friends she planned to kill herself
  16. Smartly Pretty

    PROMO: Silver Bullet

    ...did Czech just join fuvolution?
  17. Smartly Pretty

    The Official Ashes 2 Ashes "Stuff" Thread

    The RexPlex was a place in jersey (which is already worth a tildebang) that held a bunch of ROH moments. Lot's of big ROH moments in that building. and it's in Jersey~!
  18. Smartly Pretty

    Storm Comments

    HAY WHAT A GREAT MAIN EVENT for rlz though, nice job to Cross who did pretty well considering the whole debacle he caused with the stats thread.
  19. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Storm Card - 10-20-2006

    Zyon doesn't actually do anything until football season is over.
  20. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Storm Card - 10-20-2006

    Hey, um, Raynor, um, you know Phantasmo and Benson tag together as the Grand Aerial Armada, correct? So, uh, ZyKira vs GAA cough cough cough
  21. Smartly Pretty

    The Official Ashes 2 Ashes "Stuff" Thread

    We should do it in the RexPlex.
  22. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Smarkdown Card - 10-16-2006

    Chuh. Like Spike Jenkins is over.
  23. Smartly Pretty

    Lockdown Commentskis

    Oh that Devin Benson. Always censoring himself. (like the f c freaking c, la la la) EDIT: Oh, and don't worry about it, Toxx. I mean, it's not like you had him WEARING A MASK NOT THAT I KNOW ANYONE WHO'S MADE THAT MISTAKE
  24. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Lockdown Card - 10-12-06

    Nighthawk and Helmsley are getting title shots in return, right?
  25. Smartly Pretty

    A friendly reminder!

    what is it?