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Smartly Pretty

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Everything posted by Smartly Pretty

  1. Smartly Pretty

    A friendly reminder!

    totaallly pick one for me
  2. Smartly Pretty

    Women browsing myspace.

    Inc, you live in Jacksonville? Weird, that's like, the 4th person here who lives there.
  3. Smartly Pretty

    Storm Comments

    You said you were Cross in the stats problem thread thingy. I blew nothing. NOTHING~!
  4. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Storm Card - 10/6/2006

    "No, I work for a quality establishment" eh? eh?
  5. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Storm Card - 10/6/2006

    I'm pretty sure that match would lose, Bruce
  6. Smartly Pretty

    CM Punk Shirt Poll

    Hardcore, one would guess.
  7. Smartly Pretty

    Some people should not be allowed to own computers...

    So, Rando was having computer problems? "My Cinderella laptop won't connect to the internet"
  8. Smartly Pretty

    Smarkdown Comments

    Zyon and Akira are finally officially tagging. Can I get a "Well, ok, it was gonna happen eventually"/"woot"?
  9. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Storm Card - 10/6/2006

    It's due this Friday.
  10. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Storm Card - 10/6/2006

    Zyon and I will have stats and an official name up as soon as the bastard signs on and I can talk to him...
  11. Smartly Pretty

    End of Year Awards Nomination Thread

    I thought that was a joke. I didn't know people vacationed (vacated?) in Wales.
  12. Smartly Pretty

    End of Year Awards Nomination Thread

    so yeah, like, what happened to this and stuff
  13. A class for it Do/Did any of your schools have time traveling gambler classes?
  14. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Wrestler of the Month - September 2006

    #24. Larkin (NR) #25. Akira Kaibatsu (11) If that isn't the most awesome thing in the world, I don't know what is.
  15. Smartly Pretty

    PROMO: Ancient History IV

    If this is ancient history, then aren't like, the socks Toxxic was wearing that day artifacts and worth a lot of money? Is Gabriel Drake after Toxx's socks? Cause that would be the best angle ever.
  16. Smartly Pretty

    SWF Lockdown Card - September 27 2006

    By booking a show at the Rexplex, duh!
  17. Smartly Pretty

    PROMO: "Scarlet"

    "Me is greater than Landon"?
  18. Smartly Pretty

    Promo: Insanity Beckons

    I like this a lot. A lot. Like a comic book villain.
  19. Smartly Pretty

    Hey guys, remember X-Net?

    Bryan Danielson is the top heel in pro wrestling right now, as far as I'm concerned, and he doesn't cheat. Or lose. Ever.
  20. Smartly Pretty

    Oh No, Not Again (Part 2 of 2)

    Maybe we could send him on a 15 hour plane flight so he can slap an old man?
  21. Smartly Pretty

    Hey guys, remember X-Net?

    "X-net, where one dimmensional characters kick ass"
  22. Smartly Pretty

    the OAO Genesis VII Discussion Thread

    for theriow. thuper theriow.
  23. Smartly Pretty

    the OAO Genesis VII Discussion Thread

    I don't think Kylee Kross is attractive. I like her tats, but I'm not so into her.
  24. Smartly Pretty

    the OAO Genesis VII Discussion Thread

    That was the car crash.
  25. Smartly Pretty

    the OAO Genesis VII Discussion Thread

    Go hand write another promo, faggot.