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Everything posted by randomguy

  1. randomguy

    TWiB 9/11 - 9/17

    The Yankees always seem to get boned on baserunning calls for some reason. It seems like the rules about guys being in the basepath need clarifying or rewriting, because the enforcement is all over the place.
  2. randomguy

    Iron Maiden

    Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter also won a Golden Rasberry award for worst song of the year or something like that. Anyway I've known Bruce was back for a while, I just lost interest after Virtua XI. Really the last 4 to 5 albums before that were a very mixed bag. The last few Bruce albums were not particularly good. X-Factor had some good songs but the middle section was way too bland, the entire middle of the disc is songs about war that basically sound the same. Virtua XI was just awful. So after that I just figured their best albums were behind them.
  3. randomguy

    Question for those who work out

    I'm not a big guy at all, looking huge is not something that interests me. I don't do leg stuff very much, some deadlifts but that's it for weight. I do use the bike a lot on high resistance and things like that though. I don't really want big legs.
  4. randomguy

    WrestleMania XXIII Main Event (RAW)

    Some of you guys are crazy hoping for all these guys that don't care about WWE any more to come back. Batista is proof that a nobody can become WM material if booked right. A long slow build with a good rub from established guys. Carlito could be that guy if they booked him right. He has more charisma than Batista and is over now even though his booking has been garbage. He hasn't had any fueds of note or gotten rubs from anyone really in a sustained way, and is still over. I doubt that Orton will be involved because of all his problems with behavior, drug testing, etc. I'm sure they will plan for that but give up on it eventually. He just cannot be trusted with responsibility. I say, move Cena over to Smackdown and do Cena/Benoit or Cena/Lashely, and do Carlito/Edge of Raw.
  5. randomguy

    OAO "Blade: The Series" Thread.

    I liked this show a lot, I really hope in comes back. I am a sucker for genre fiction that is not Joss Whedon dreck. "So what's the plan?" "We're going in with two gun - one might not work." "That's it?" "That's it." "...Give me the one that works then." (Something like that anyway)
  6. randomguy

    Iron Maiden

    The last Maiden album I got was Virtua XI, which was awful. I actually own BNW but I've never opened it! I guess now that Bruce is back I should check them out some more.
  7. randomguy

    TOAO The Wire Season 4 Thread

    I will definitely either get this on DVD or netflix it. I've heard nothing but great things about it. No HBO here though.
  8. randomguy

    Project Runway

    I hated Vincent. He couldn't talk intelligently about his clothes at all. "I like it. What can I say? It excites me! It really gets me off!" Rather than making artistic things he makes "artsy" things. At least two of his dresses were just tube bottoms. Good riddance. I watch it on and off, I've seen most of this season because they've shown it so many times. I like shows like this because I get a chance to learn a bit about something that I don't have any serious interest in but is interesting is small doses.
  9. randomguy

    Question for those who work out

    Well, WildPegasus seems serious on this topic. By the way I randomly visited your MySpace, the Garbage Bond theme is pretty cool. --- I worked out a lot in college, then after that I only worked out about once a week for a couple years, but now I've started up again more regularly in the past 4 months or so. I've always been kind of strong for my size in some ways. For example I've always been able to sit down and stand up on one leg. I have a pretty skinny build, when I graduated high school I was at 143 or so. Most people who look at me (with clothes on) guess I am about 150 or so, which is at least 15 pounds low. I'm just naturally slender. So I guess I'm (relatively) strong for my size because not a lot of my weight is bones and organs. I've never tried to put on weight, in fact recently I've been trying to lose a few pounds. Edit: Now that I think about it I think my problem with overhead presses is that my lower back is weak. I've been doing deadlifts recently. (Never did them before) My upper back around the shoulder blades is pretty decent but I have a real problem with stability. My center of gravity is pretty high as well. I couldn't even dream of overhead pressing 250. I think my entire body would explode. Edit 2: According to http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/...thStandards.htm my bench press is pretty well developed and my overhead press and deadlift much farther behind, which is what I figured.
  10. randomguy

    Question for those who work out

    Well incline bench press is halfway between an overhead press and a plain bench so it makes sense they would be closer. What about your straight non-inclined bench press? Also my arms are pretty average length. Can you throw out some actual numbers? (IE your weight, IBP, etc) Edit: OK, I get the Leena post now after Felonies made it more obvious to my simpleminded self.
  11. randomguy

    TWiB 9/11 - 9/17

    If pitchers are not in consideration they should change the rules, or introduce a non-pitcher award. (Which is slightly different from an offense award in that it also rewards field play)
  12. randomguy

    Question for those who work out

    Um...wtf are you talking about? LOL.
  13. randomguy

    TWiB 9/11 - 9/17

    Given those numbers I would agree on Santana. I wasn't aware the disparity was so high between him and the other Twins pitchers. Given their record with and without him its pretty impossible not to call him the MVP.
  14. randomguy

    TWiB 9/11 - 9/17

    Yeah, most valuable really means "how many extra wins is this guy worth?" Playing every day doesn't factor into it, nor does being a DH, at least directly. Now for the DH you have a guy that does not play the field, which is less valuable than a guy that plays the field well. You have less flexibility. If Ortiz played an awesome SS he would clearly be more valuable. Being a DH doesn't mean you are automatically out of contention, but it means you have to be well ahead of all other batters. Imagine if Hafner went to the Sox or Ortiz went to the Tribe - not a lot of net gain there since both guys DH. If one of them could play the field they would be more valuable. Being a DH-only means if someone is a bit banged up instead of playing DH they have to sit. Similarly with a pitcher, not playing every day does not make you less valuable by itself, but it means on days you do play you need to have a huge impact. How much better is Santana vs. a replacement player compared to say Ortiz or Jeter vs. a replacement player? I would go for Mauer. Mauer does a great offensive job at catcher, and his numbers are far superior to other catchers. Hafner has slightly better numbers than Ortiz and appears to have the best combination of OPS, OBP, RBI, etc. There are different ways to define valuable. Most valuable vs. average replacement player? Mauer by far I would guess. Put him on a team like the Yankees and he would have numbers as good or better than Jeter, and be a catcher. Most valuable contributor relative to overall team? Hafner probably. I'm thinking of "how good is this guy compared to the next best player on his team?" Ortiz is only slightly better than Manny, and Jeter has a lot of company on the Yankees. Hafner doesn't have a lot of great company on the Tribe.
  15. randomguy

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    What makes you say intangible? UFC fighters are better in very tangible ways. Hit harder, tougher chins, better defense, better conditioning, etc. Take the last TUF fight. Guy let his back get taken pretty easily then didn't defend the RNC at all.
  16. randomguy

    US Open Thread.

    Roddick was gassed. You could tell when he started yelling and grunting really loudly on each hit, which he wasn't doing earlier. I don't think he gave up, I think he was dead tired.
  17. randomguy

    Randy Orton Fails Drug Test

    His matches are boring and he keeps fucking up. He isn't really strong and powerful, he isn't technical, he isn't a high flyer, he's not a a guy that can engage the crowd. He's just boring. He's basically a weakling version of Masters. At least Masters can sell pretty well and make some goofy-looking facial expressions. Edit: And he keeps squandering any pushes he has been given. The WWE have invested a lot in him in and return he just keeps dropping the ball.
  18. randomguy

    Bonnar jucing?

    I get excited by 5000 leg kicks.
  19. randomguy

    Ever worry that some athletes just don't care?

    But they can be in ads and such. Yeah, money is the problem. Does anyone really think Britney cares about music? She thought "I love rock and roll", a song she COVERED on an album, was by Pat Benatar... Then you have basketball dudes that are tall so they play, even though they couldn't care less. Like that center on Utah, he even said flat out that he didn't really care about basketball. If there is enough money involved people with enough talent or marketability will do it for money/fame alone.
  20. randomguy

    Street Fighter is the best movie ever.

    I liked the series, it was one right before WCW. It was pretty cool IIRC, pretty dark too. The first movie was good, the second was awful. It was a direct-to-video movie that somehow got released in theaters.
  21. randomguy

    Bonnar jucing?

    Like plenty of other guys don't use steroids? Please. His mistake was getting caught. Sucks.
  22. randomguy

    Why the hell is it so hard to meet people...

    Same thing always happens for freshman. They form large groups and do everything in herds of 10+. Everyone seems to have a ton of friends after 2 days. Six months later, none of those people even speak to each other. As a freshman I wouldn't worry about it. That's just how it is. As a junior if you still aren't making friends that might be a problem. That said, most of the good friends I have now came from high school, not college. More history there.
  23. randomguy

    Cryme Time... Opinions???

    It's not offensive, just stupid.
  24. randomguy

    TWiB 9/4 - 9/10

    Obviously having good players is important. No manager can win with a terrible team, but it is quite possible to lose with a good one. Also Torre's in game strategy is pretty good overall, he doesn't make a lot of head-scratching calls. Compare that to the last few guys the Red Sox have had before Francona, especially Jimy Williams. That guy had no clue. --- As far as runner interference goes - after the playoff game with the Yankees where the throw hit the guy in the back running to first and Knoblauch stood around arguing while runs scored I've hated the way they call interference. It is so arbitrary.
  25. Is it wrong to say that women's tennis is more interesting than Raw these days? Edit: Oops wrong thread. Man who starts these threads so early?!?!?!?