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Everything posted by randomguy

  1. What the hell man? I realize these European teams practice together a lot but still, this is weak. We suck. The rest of the world caught up to us damn fast.
  2. randomguy

    How exactly does one party hard?

    Anybody can get wasted. Can you do it 25 days in a row? That's partying hard.
  3. randomguy

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi Week 12 Thread - 8/29/2006

    Yeah this is awful, these guys look like they are on downers. When they run off the rope they are moving slower than I can walk.
  4. randomguy

    TWiB 8/28 - 9/3

    I'm a Yankees fan but not an asshole. Irregular heartbeat is a scary thing, I wish him the best, no matter how he developed it.
  5. randomguy

    TWiB 8/28 - 9/3

    Boston.com is now saying that Ortiz has an irregular heartbeat. Not good.
  6. http://entimg.msn.com/i/300/news/Britney_June06_300x298.jpg This picture speaks for itself. I know we've had other threads about Britney letting herself go but this picture was just too much.
  7. randomguy

    Survivor: Cook Island

    Taxi cabs aren't allowed on the island. ZING! Seriously, this sounds awful. I like how in that link they say it isn't a stunt. Right...right...
  8. Any storyline that relies on WWE.com sucks ass. There are what 5 hours of WWE on TV a week? In addition to that people are supposed to read the abortion that is WWE.com? Please. The on-air development of this angle was Foley randomly mentioning Melina for basically no reason in every promo. Show don't tell. Ever heard of it? If they wanted this angle to work they should have actually shown Foley and Melina together a lot, instead of just having Foley talk about it. They barely interacted at all. We're supposed to believe they are best buds?
  9. You pompous ass. Does it occur to you that people do get what happened and just think it was lame?
  10. randomguy

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Man the Red Sox gave that one away. The team never bunts, so they decide to bunt with Ortiz as the lead runner? Overthinking. Go with what has been working all season, don't put guys in situations they aren't used to. The Red Sox pen is a disaster but a lot of that is that the starting pitching is a disaster. The pen just has too work too much.
  11. randomguy

    What if Britney ate Jabba the Hut?

    Sorry, you guys are right. Britney looks completely normal for a woman about to give birth to twin Orcas.
  12. randomguy

    What if Britney ate Jabba the Hut?

    Most pregnant women don't suddenly gain double chins and huge flabby arms. The baby grows in your stomach, not in your neck. Is she giving birth from her shoulder also?
  13. randomguy

    Chuck/Wandy OFF

    How many of you would stop what you love doing at 40 because some internet nerds said you weren't good any more?
  14. randomguy

    Ultimate Fighter Season 4 the thread...

    Man Carter looked so gassed at the end there, he was about to fall over. But the guy he fought didn't appear to have any skills at all, either on the ground or standing.
  15. randomguy

    Chuck/Wandy OFF

    You can't knock guys for wanting to keep going. I've never understood that, like people that bagged on Jordan for coming back again. These guys do well in their primes because they have the drive, the same drive that makes them want to keep going as they decline. 'Preserve the legacy' is bullshit. Some guy should give up doing what he loves to do just because you can't bother to mentally segregate his prime years from his later years?
  16. randomguy

    Good lifting plan?

    When I started working out I was about 143 pounds, and within about 4 months I was up to 165. You see results really fast when you first start out. After that it becomes more about marginal gains unless you really devote yourself to it with the right diet, regimen, etc. And yeah the most important thing by far is stay motivated, don't slack, push yourself for that one extra rep, etc. You just have to keep pushing ahead the best you can.
  17. randomguy

    Good lifting plan?

    WP is clearly a gimmick poster with a homo-erotic fixation with Rocky and a pre-pubecent cartoon boy, so I find it hard to take anything he says seriously. The guy is clearly either a troll or plain f*cked in the head. I especially find his putting down of "girly men" amusing given that the guy is a total wuss who practically vomits if women even look at him. --- Anyway I've said what I want to in this discussion. If you want to look huge and ripped do that, if you want to be good at kickboxing choose an appropriate program. (Hint: probably not the same program) Very few kickboxers look like Mr. Olympia, for a reason. I am trying to actually lose weight now for exactly that reason. I'd much rather be lean and cut than big personally. You do realize that that *is* competitive bodybuilding right? If by "bodybuilding" you mean "working out with weights" then I don't think we disagree all that much. I am talking specifically about excersizes that are mainly to look a certain way rather than being done mainly for real practical benefit. You talk about having a v-shape or having quads or taking your picture with the right lighting conditions - those are aesthetic goals. A lot of great athletes do not have a v-shape at all. Having aesthetic goals is fine, but that's what they are. Looking like a V doesn't in itself make you athletic or strong or good at any particular physical activity. Male gymnasts usually have a very pronounced V shape. Male basketball and football players? Not so much. I'm trying to concentrate more these days on actually *being* athletic rather than just looking like it.
  18. randomguy

    Plans for Edge vs. Cena, Trish and Lita; news on HBK and MNM

    I actually liked the 3 way stuff with Edge, Cena and HHH where each guy got the best of the others by basically outsmarting them. Then that just got dropped for random DX crap and it was back to Edge vs. Cena.
  19. randomguy

    Chuck/Wandy OFF

    Well that sucks. As far as Tito vs. Ken goes, they need to give this thing a rest. I like Shamrock but he is done, and has been for years. These fights serve no purpose - there is almost no chance Shammy can win and if he does win it makes Tito look awful.
  20. randomguy

    Good lifting plan?

    My point is that "packing on muscle" is not an end in itself, especially if you are trying to do martial arts. There is nothing wrong in wanting to look good, but not everyone has looking good (in the body builder way, which is highly subjective) as their primary goal. Dama is an overweight dude (no offense) trying to shape up and do various MMA stuff. Training like a body builder for that is retarded. You can sigh all you want. Adding mass for the sake of adding mass is purely aesthetic. For a martial artists it's pointless unless you are trying to move above your natural weight class or something like that. Body building is all about looks, not about athleticism or endurance or strength. There is no athletic test involved, there is no athleticism on display. For all their muscles body builders don't actually have to lift anything or show any real strength to win, and in fact super-strong people usually looking nothing like body builders. Body building is judged based only on appearance. That's the way it works. If you want to work out to look like a body-builder fine, that's your choice. There is nothing inherently wrong like that. But if your goal is something other than "look like a body builder" then training like a body builder is misguided. Edit: Looking at your (DRH) myspace pics you are a bit bulkier than I am but I am more cut, especially in the chest and abs but also the arms to some extent. We actually look pretty similar even in the face. Sadly I also have somewhat fat looking cheeks, which is very annoying.
  21. The CM Punk match really wasn't anything special. That said, I'm always wary of these rating numbers. Maybe the reason a segment gets low ratings is that the previous segment sucked? And maybe segments get high ratings because the previous segment was good? The worst episode of a TV show won't get the lowest ratings, the episode AFTER the worst episode will.
  22. randomguy

    Good lifting plan?

    Why are you trying to add mass Dama? If you are doing martial arts the last thing you want is a bunch of mass that doesn't do anything but look good. And I agree with Eric - body building is pretty fucking lame in general, it's not about strength or athleticism or anything, it is purely looks. The only reason to train like a body builder is if you don't want to be strong or have endurance but just want to look ripped. Because that's what body-building is - purely visual. For someone looking to do martial arts training like a body builder is beyond dumb.
  23. randomguy

    Good lifting plan?

    When I do bench presses I feel it in my shoulders (I go down really low, I feel the shoulders at the low point) and triceps, not in my chest. But the next day I can feel it in my chest.
  24. randomguy

    DreamGirls vs Rocky Balboa

    I actually liked the concept of Rocky 5. Rocky 4 was just a retread with awful scenes and dialog. Watch it again - its a terrible movie. Rocky 5 was at least something different. Too slow and not particularly well executed but I still prefer it to 4 which is self-parody.
  25. randomguy

    Good lifting plan?

    Dama you need to relax dude. The most important thing is to stay motivated, stick with it, eat well, etc. I've never been the type to put together a solid plan. I don't have some elaborate scheme, and I'm not trying to get a perfect physique so I can go out and win Mr. Olympia. But I'm strong for my size, look trim and pretty ripped, have abs, etc. From your other postings it sounds like your diet is pretty suspect, and if you are trying to slim down that is a real problem. --- If you want to avoid "gym muscles" (muscles that look good but are not really good for anything) there are bunch of things to do. Use your muscles in new ways. Mix up your routines. Do wind sprints, do long-distance running. Try a new thing every so often. A lot of guys are "country strong" because they use their bodies in real ways. If you are going to Judo throw someone or powerbomb someone or whatever that isn't just your biceps or your quads or whatever, it's you entire body working in unison. Muscles have to learn to work together. Your body is a machine you have to learn how to drive. Using a machine to target a very specific area is something you do if you want to be a body builder or if that area needs serious help. The problem with isolation is that your muscles don't learn to work together and you don't learn how to pilot your body. The reason people are saying use free weights, do dead lifts and presses and pull ups etc, is that those require muscle group coordination. My advice is come up with a core routine that works major muscles groups and add some variety to that.