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Everything posted by randomguy

  1. randomguy

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    I would pick Brock against Mirko. Don't think Mirko could stop the takedown and he isn't good from his back. But it would be stupid booking. Mirko has looked bad so far in the UFC. If Brock beats him he gains little and if he loses he looks bad.
  2. randomguy

    Superbowl XLII

    Hard to overstate how much worse that Pats looked later in the season. I loved watching MNF and hearing that idiot Kornheiser say things like "the fact that they basically sucked this game and lucked out a win is just further proof that they are the best team ever!" Or "Brady just finds a way to win -- sure the Ravens had it won but called timeout on that fourth down, but still -- Brady just knows how to win!" I guess Brady forgot how to win. Whoops. Eli is good at late-game drives. Luckily the score wasn't 21-3 at that point. The Giants D deserves the lion's share of the credit for putting them in a situation where one last drive could win the game. In so many games down the stretch the Patriots were even or behind going into the 4th, then turned it on as the other team choked. Kind of looked like it was going that way again with the 12 men on the field but the Giants avoided big mistakes. No dumb penalties, horrible turnovers or shooting themselves in the foot.
  3. randomguy

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    Couple more comments after watching the replay a couple of times: Lesnar is fast as fuck. Fast body movement and pretty fast hands as well. Watching him flip from one side to the other is crazy. Also green as fuck. He didn'treact at all when Mir got his foot positioned behind his leg. Didn't seem to occur to him that that was a bad thing.
  4. randomguy

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    As I said earlier it was smart booking by the UFC. Brock lost, but he lost to a former champ after looking good. It doesn't hurt him all that much in the long run.
  5. randomguy

    Superbowl XLII

    The Patriots looked a lot worse in the second half of the season and deserved to lose a couple of games. The fact that they made it to 18-0 is the real fluke. After week 10 or so they looked like a pretty typical good to great team, but not a dominant force.
  6. randomguy

    George Romero talks "Diary of the Dead"

    Day remake is direct to video. Aintitcool.com reviewed it - terrible.
  7. randomguy

    American Gladiators

    The contestants seem like they are really coached on what to say. They all blabber about their families or ramble about how they like a monkey or a fucking mongoose or something. It's cool for the gladiators to have over-the-top personalities but it's silly when the contestants get in on the act as well. Also far too much trash-talking and self-hyping. If I were them I would cut out most of the interviews and do canned video pieces, showing them sporadically throughout the first half hour. Interview them only when something dramatic happens. (Like they dominate an event) We don't need every bozo every time talking about how their kids inspired them, and the trash talking is just insipid, the kind of shit you would expect on a show like Elimidate. "She may be a cowgirl but Ima gonna knock her out the saddle and bring home the bacon!" Yay.
  8. randomguy


    Physical activity is great, because not only does it fight stress for real biological/chemical reasons but it also gets you in shape. The time when I was most stressed out in life is also the time I put on 20 pounds of muscle in a few months.
  9. randomguy

    Pizza Hut

    Papa John's has good vegetarian pizza. With veggie pizza the freshness of the ingredients makes all the difference and you can tell their ingredients are just fresher and higher quality than other chains. I'm not sure if I've ever had another kind of pizza from them though.
  10. randomguy

    Low Carb Dieting....what are rules?

    If you are going to start going to the gym regularly why start a mini-diet right before? Don't want to take your shirt off in the locker room? Instead of doing a low-carb diet you'd be better off just getting on a healthy diet you can sustain as you start going to the gym.
  11. randomguy

    UFC 81: Breaking Point

    I think this is smart booking by the UFC. If Lesnar wins he goes over a former champion. If he loses , well, the guy just started and has one previous MMA fight. Losing to a former champ ain't bad. I assume if he loses he will stick around and fight a total can next. This is so hard to call. Lesnar is a total question mark and Mir has looked bad against bad competition.
  12. randomguy


    Yeah that is a pretty good description. Too campy for Carpenter though.
  13. randomguy

    Smackdown Spoilers for 01-25-2007

    I like Burchill, but how many gimmicks has he had already? This must be at least his 3rd or 4th. HD is great for sports. Wider field of vision and nicer picture. Especially something like football where there is a lot of different stuff going on, you can see more of the action. For non-sports I don't really care. You don't gain a whole lot by watching a sitcom or a drama in HD.
  14. randomguy


    Death Proof was not particularly good. Bad acting and bad scripting. For example the black girl in the first group that was trying to meet up with some guy - totally pointless. My problem with Tarantino is that he keeps making the same movies and all his characters sound the same. They all engage in this overly-hip chatter where none of the personalities are really distinguishable. The chatter in Death Proof sounded really forced. At least when he first started his style was somewhat original, now it is played out. Planet Terror was more like an 80's movie spoof than a grindhouse spoof to me. I mean it was pretty much Return of the Living Dead 2. The experience of watching them together along with the fake trailers was fun but as individual movies neither strikes me as anything special.
  15. randomguy

    American Gladiators

    Yeah Wolf is awesome on pyramid the way he just throws his body at people. I only saw the first 20 minutes and the last 5. They need to make the eliminator easier or make points worth more because right now it doesn't matter at all who is ahead on points. Maybe it will in later rounds when the scrubs are out though I guess.
  16. randomguy

    Global Impact

    I agree that it was well-produced but only one match kind of sucked.
  17. randomguy

    Bar Stories!

    One time I was at a bar/dance club and a friend of a friend who is kind of thug was trying to pick a fight with some other thug there. They started fighting and since my friend's friends were outnumbered I grabbed one of the opposing thugs and put him in a full nelson. It was pretty funny really, we knocked into a shelf against the wall and knocked over some drinks but mostly he just tired himself out until the bouncers got control and I let him go. Of course a few hours later my friend's friends and those thugs went at it again and our guys got the shit beat out of them. Can't say I care though, they were dickheads looking for fight. Still I'm pretty much the last person you would expect to be in a "bar fight."
  18. randomguy

    This week in the NBA

    Why are the Celtics suddenly losing? I haven't really been following them.
  19. randomguy

    Sarah Connor Chronicles

    Agree 100%. Pilot was awful, incredibly boring and barely featured Blade. The series itself was good. I'm a sucker for good genre shows. Blade was one of my favorite shows of the past few years, it's too bad the pilot was such an awful piece of shit.
  20. randomguy

    So which movies are you anticipating in 2008?

    Midnight Meat Train is such an average Barker story.
  21. randomguy

    The Matter of Leena

    I never understood what the objection to her was. There are 50 more annoying posters. Seems that some people are scared and confused when confronted by someone without a penis.
  22. randomguy

    American Gladiators

    The casting calls were in September I think so realistically the Gladiators have only had a month or two to practice at most.
  23. randomguy

    American Gladiators

    I expect the Gladiators will get better over time. I doubt if they practiced all that much beforehand. On this type of show a lot of shit can go wrong.
  24. randomguy

    American Gladiators

    It's not bad, pretty enjoyable and silly. Crush is hot.
  25. Asylum makes a lot of stuff that plays on the Sci-Fi channel. You can always tell it's an Asylum production because they rotate through the same 10-12 actors constantly. It's all B-Movie schlock with terrible acting and poor plots. If you enjoy B-movies you may like it though.