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Failed Bridge

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Everything posted by Failed Bridge

  1. Failed Bridge

    Alf deserves the heavyweight title

    The OAOAST is a sinking ship ruined by politics and some writers who are less than stellar. There's only one person who can save it. One man that can guide it into the new year and take the company on his back. That man is Alfdogg. The man that survived the vicious rumors of being a "low draw" from those around him that were jealous of his success. Yes, Alfdogg. The only man available to bring Sandy briefly out of retirement because Sandy knew the match would be the greatest of his e-career. When booking future shows I want you to ask yourself this; In a year where the title has been tarnished by NGA and then sent to Popick after Hoff threw it away like it was a gift basket of fruit...couldn't we use a champion as dignified and respected as Alfdogg? I think the answer to that is clear. Paid for by the committee to make Alfdogg World Champion
  2. Failed Bridge

    2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread

    yup, Wade Miller's rights are still owned by Boston. Who knows if he'll come back healthy but I bet he'd be able to bring back a pretty decent prospect in return if they traded him.
  3. Failed Bridge

    Alf deserves the heavyweight title

    I'll leave it be because you asked and the thread was, as I said earlier, really made to just speak up for ya. I think you get the shit end of things and you deserve better. I'll leave it be though.
  4. Failed Bridge

    T.O. suspended for the rest of the season

    I'm certain if you don't like Terrell Owens, just stay the fuck out of topics concerning him, Czech. I can't stand hockey and while there are next to no hockey threads here, if there were, I sure as fuck wouldn't waste my time bitching and moaning about how bad I hate that sport. I see on the list of threads in sports on this first page, you've started exactly ZERO threads on "hockey or something" or anything for that matter. Why don't you practice what you preach and start up a thread about a sport you actually like and stay the fuck out of Terrell Owens threads since you don't really have anything to contribute as far as discussion is concerned.
  5. Failed Bridge

    Czech: "I Declare War!"

    The Burger King one in this very thread is just god awful.
  6. Failed Bridge

    2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread

    There are supposedly talks between the Red Sox and Padres where David Wells would go back to San Diego, Dave Roberts would come back to Boston and the Red Sox would also aquire a pitcher (most likely Akinori Otsuka)
  7. Failed Bridge

    Alf deserves the heavyweight title

    You drive out most of them with your inability to actually work with somebody and instead go the "Its my way or the highway" route. and I didn't leave because of drama. I left because I got sick of writing up whole things on my own when I made plans with somebody just to watch them skip out for some reason. and as far as NGA goes I think he believes I hate him. That's untrue. He doesn't matter to me one way or the other which is what I hope he would feel about me. The thing I'm saying is he has no talent to write. Maybe he can build a house faster and better than anybody or fix electronics better than the average person. I'm certain he has a talent, its just not writing. If anything I've just said publicly what everybody I've spoken to has said privately behind your back. At least be thankful that I was honest to your face. Eski is a good writer and so is KC. Before he comes in I'd also like to state that Tony is a good writer as well in my opinion. Still, Alfdogg is the clear cut choice for Heavyweight champ. This really wasn't intended to be an "Air your dirty laundry" thread or one to start drama. I just believe that Alf should be champ. With all the shit given to him over the years and the fact he's time and time again been one of the most entertaining writers that has been there in a bind he deserves the title. Even Popick admitted it.
  8. Failed Bridge

    Alf deserves the heavyweight title

    Actually I "took it to Japan" after everybody I had planned on working with for the next 2 months up and left. I had a plan set with PK for month 3, but by then I no longer cared about the fed. The main thing is an actual good champion tossed the title away because of all the politics in a freaking e-fed. This is all that matters.
  9. Failed Bridge

    Czech: "I Declare War!"

    The Dominican Republic is the only successful gimmik I've ever had. Its sad that it was wasted at that board.
  10. Failed Bridge

    Czech: "I Declare War!"

    So when do we rename the folder "Frivolous The Czech Republic Shit"
  11. Failed Bridge

    Bird Flu.

    people figured out it wasn't a threat as long as you ate some Chicken Noodle Soup, drank some orange juice, and took a couple of asprin.
  12. Failed Bridge

    TNA Announces Major debut @ Genesis

    Don't trust anything from there. I still regret lending my services to that place. You really won't find any useful info there. I'll stop there before it derails the thread completely.
  13. Failed Bridge

    This week in the NBA

    somehow asking for a trade to a contender so you can win a ring before your one good kidney (that you recieved via transplant) gives out, makes you an asshole.
  14. Failed Bridge

    New Dawn Marie photo

    looks like she's packing twins. I'm surprised she can stand up that straight.
  15. Failed Bridge

    Bird Flu.

    In the album Kayne West is now working on he explains that "The Bird Flu" was released by Prime Minister Tony Blair and the "British FBI" into the crow and raven population to keep them from protecting the other members of the bird species from bird-watcher brutality.
  16. Failed Bridge

    The Source vs. BET

    I find it funny that a majority of the people here talking about rap are white WWE fans that read comic books and junk. Its like a folder full of the Michael Bolton character from Office Space.
  17. Failed Bridge

    The 0 stands for O-YEAH!

    Great to see it get those kinds of ratings even with a shitty heavyweight finals. I'd like to know how the Diego Sanchez/Nick Diaz fight alone did in ratings.
  18. Failed Bridge

    T.O. suspended for the rest of the season

    Ripper wouldn't be making quite the fuss over this if the player was white.
  19. Failed Bridge

    RUMOR: D'Amore May No Longer Be Head Booker

    There were talks, and then they told Jeff Jarrett, "Shut up. It aint going to happen."
  20. A.) Slacks, a fairly nice looking shirt, and clean shoes B.) Depends on what the minimum wage in your state is. C.) They may offer you the minimum they give to anybody in an overnight stocking position as you have absolutely no prior working experience evidently.
  21. Failed Bridge

    T.O. suspended for the rest of the season

    Except after T.O. said the thing about the Eagles being better if Favre was their QB there was a player only meeting while T.O. wasn't present where Donovan said "You're either with me or you're against me. I just want to know where everybody stands.". Donovan clearly drew a line in the sand at that point. nobody is to blame for T.O.'s suspension and deactivation except for T.O.
  22. Failed Bridge

    2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread

    I'll allow that because I doubt Manny would waive his 10/5 no trade for Philli and Philli probably wouldn't give up Abreu for Manny. I'm all for aquiring Abreu though.
  23. Failed Bridge

    Low Carb snacks

    I found substituting the bread with a huge ass piece of lettuce allows for low-carb sandwhiches.