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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    I'm going to DVR this since I'm going to be out and about tonite... This better be what I've been hoping for or I'm going to be very, very upset. Jericho comes back.. He has to get a push... a big one.
  2. mfn

    OAO 2007 Survivor Series Thread

    just found out that HBk can't use the super kick in his match with orton... on am raw.. hbk over orton via sharpshooter as a big FU to bret hart.
  3. mfn

    South Park: Season 11

    I am so going to start saying 'Does that sparkle with everyone?' Oh man.
  4. mfn

    Bonds indicted

    This is why we don't lie kids.
  5. mfn


    Lionheart > Y2J > The Human Highlight Reel. Wasn't Sabu dubbed as the human highlight reel in ECW for a short period of time? I really am getting excited for monday night.
  6. mfn


    Jericho v. Orton fued with Jericho using the 'RKJericho' I think a double underhook neckbreaker would be nice.
  7. mfn


    I always thought The Regal Cutter was a fantastic move... Maybe Jericho could use that as an alternative?
  8. mfn


    They can always twist it and say that Edge has never been pinned at a WM. Either way, I would LOVE to see Taker vs. Edge for the title. In fact, I'd order the PPV just for that match.
  9. mfn


    Who cares? Streak vs. Streak for the title I think is a much bigger draw than some paint by numbers feud that Triple H would be in with Orton/HBK/whoever it might be. Since Triple H has come back.. I haven't found anything that he has done, apart from his match with King Booker, to be worth while.
  10. mfn


    HAHAHAHA! You'll never see a Smackdown! title match headline WM again. I don't know. Edge vs. Undertaker for the title is something I'd be more interested in than anything RAW could produce.
  11. mfn


    I was wondering the same thing. Anyone?
  12. mfn

    Levels you hate in game you love

    Oh, pretty much any level on UN Squadron. I still to this day have yet to beat that game. IMO, it's the hardest game ever made. Look it up, try it out. It's for the SNES.
  13. mfn


    I think he looks fine for how long he's been off. If the WWE has put this much time into promoting him, I don't see why they would just blow it all on some mid card comedy act.....
  14. mfn


    I figured it was old. I just don't remember seeing it. It could have been during my off period from wrestling.
  15. mfn


    someone posted this on another forum... is this supposed to be his new titantron? or is this something he used a while back? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVAGZ_eDqk4
  16. mfn

    EliteXC Renegade

    I want to see Kimbo against someone who isn't a jobber. Kimbo vs. Brock Lesnar. Make it happen.
  17. mfn

    Levels you hate in game you love

    the control room in goldeneye on 007. impossible. took me honestly like 3 hours to beat it.
  18. mfn

    OAO RAW Thread 11/12

    my friend texted me and said jericho is debuting next week... any truth to that?
  19. mfn

    OAO RAW Thread 11/12

    Man.. Nothing comes across as appealing for tonights show. How many times is Randy Orton going to get punked out by HBK?
  20. mfn

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It's not THAT bad. Passes the time. Saves me money on beer too. I'm not that inclined to go out and drink money away when I see my bank statement and $15 went to a game.
  21. mfn


    He might just work on Mondays. Who knows...? I don't see him doing the full schedule at this point unless the money is great and he has some sort of creative control...
  22. mfn

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm willing to bet someone here plays it. Not me though.....don't have the time. Or intrest. Meh I just got back into it. I only play for like an hour or two a day... Not nearly as much as some of my friends. A kid was telling me he played it for 10 hours straight... Why?? The last time I did that with a video game was Ocarina Of Time for the N64.
  23. mfn

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Is it safe to assume that I'm the only one on the board that plays WoW.
  24. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    I love that they are using The Hives for the Survivor Series theme song. I can't wait to see the video package they put together for it!
  25. mfn


    I know that a shirt going on sale that day means absolutely nothing, but what would be the point of bringing Jericho back then? Is that the RAW before or after Survivor Series? (pardon my ignorance on this, I don't keep up too much on when PPV's are).