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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    Sid Vicious update

    I don't know, but if Sid came back, he'd just get a nostalgia pop and that's about it. Jericho is still fresh in the fans' minds and I'm sure he could get plenty of fans backing him right at the get go.
  2. mfn


    That's an interesting video with the tabs. I don't know man, I really really really want it to be Jericho, but you know, for some reason... I think it's going to be something extremely dissapointing.
  3. mfn


    LOL @ The Chest Protector!!!
  4. mfn


    Mad TV > SNL. Yeah, maybe 10 years ago. Mad TV is a joke now. which makes SNL.... not as big of a joke. BTW O & A rock dude. I wish they were still on air here in columbus.
  5. mfn


    If you're looking for B-Sides just get the B-Side album, The Masterplan. Tons of classics that would have been definite singles had another band wrote them.
  6. mfn


    We had a glitch in our cable box and we had showtime on demand just long enough to watch the first episode, and i must say, i was hooked from the start. David Duchovny is absolutely hilarious. If you could, maybe PM me a link to where I can download these? I have internet restrictions at work and it won't let me search for downloads on my normal TV download sites. I'll check it when I get home.
  7. mfn

    Teenage girl is beaten

    Of ALL the fights that I've witnessed, the worst have been cat fights. Bitches are crazy man. Guys atleast know when to stop you know? Girls.. man... Girls will go for the kill.
  8. mfn


    Mad TV > SNL. Yeah, maybe 10 years ago. Mad TV is a joke now.
  9. mfn


    What's this Project 161 you speak of? I haven't really been keeping up with ROH much lately. God damn, might just be better to read on the ROH boards, or in the post about here in the Indy section. Long story short it was a "viral marketing campaign" started on the ROH boards, pretending to be out of kayfabe, with blog postings and weird eerie pictures and stuff, all talking about "161" and Chicago on Sept 15th (ROH's 161st show.) And on that date (PPV taping) they revealed themselves as Jimmy Jacobs' new faction, sort of an uber-sick Raven's Flock. It's all over the video wire, with him standing under Jay Briscoe as blood rains down on him, drinking it, etc... Along with Tyler Black, Lacey and Necro Butcher, The eerie pictures are now at http://www.ageofthefall.com/ The blog is at http://projectonesixone.blogspot.com/ It was brilliant and kept everyone guessing, passing out weird half-assed underground leaflets at shows, occasionally showing up in the crowd with a megaphone to yell "project 161" and then disappear. Stuff like that. Yeah, just got done watching the videos and reading the posts about it. Holy shit. Probably my favorite wrestling angle in a long time, then again, I mark out like a little bitch for well thought out angles like this.
  10. mfn


    What's this Project 161 you speak of? I haven't really been keeping up with ROH much lately.
  11. mfn

    What is your favourite web browser

    Firefox. Anyone that uses IE annoys the piss out of me.
  12. mfn

    Cena's title reign

    It's terrible. Cena needs a new gimmick. This half soldier, half rapper, bullshit has gotten way too stale.
  13. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    safe to say there is no video. what happened to UT's tats?
  14. mfn


    A Jericho/Cena angle would be absolutely fantastic IF they put the strap on Jericho. They don't have to hot shot it onto him, but have a build up for a month or two before they actually have the blowoff match on PPV. Think about it. Jericho gets the title, then Triple H can bury him again, and all would be well in the world of 'sports entertainment'
  15. mfn


    Oasis is one of my favorite bands of all time. They saved me from the likes of "nu-metal." If you are just trying to get into them, I would suggest either of their 3 first albums. Definitely Maybe, Morning Glory, and Be Here Now are all rather solid from start to finish.
  16. mfn

    House: Season 4

    I didn't see that ending coming at all. The lupus line was amazing. I just got my two roomates hooked on the show.
  17. mfn


    As much as I would like for it to be Jericho, I don't think that's going to be the case. Possibly for Kennedy?
  18. mfn

    UFC 77: Hostile Territory

    Stephan Bonnar is the only guy I really even want to see fight.
  19. mfn


    I DVR'd it so I'm going to watch it today. WAY off topic here, but our original cable box went off, I hooked up the new one today, and now we have Showtime and Cinemax on demand... for free..... how the hell does that work? ** EDIT ** Just watched the first episode, and I was rather entertained. Seems like it's going to be a promising show.
  20. mfn


    That's pretty pathetic. Yeah. I said the same thing, but he's obsessed with Halo. Oh well. I'll just go down a few doors and play it all the time so I don't have to buy it.
  21. mfn


    So, we're not going by indie labels at all? I'm a bit confused now.
  22. mfn

    Raw 9.24.07

    Raw's gotten fucking horrible, I'm really thinking about not watching it anymore if it keeps up like this. Do it. It's the best thing you will ever do in your life. Reading the results on here and watching people complain about how terrible it is = much more entertainment than actually watching the poor excuse for a wrestling show.
  23. mfn

    Raw 9.24.07

    I'm always out on Friday, so I never have the time to watch it.
  24. mfn

    Raw 9.24.07

    I just don't even find RAW worth watching anymore. Their best show is on Tuesday Nights IMO.
  25. mfn


    My friend has been waiting at Wal-Mart since 8am.