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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    WWE Raw - September 8, 2008

    You didn't know? The non-matching boots are part of his schtick.
  2. mfn

    WWE Raw - September 8, 2008

    Him and Morrison had a dark match at the PPV last night, and he was over as fuck. They popped huge for his SSP.
  3. mfn

    WWE Unforgiven 2008

    What PPV did you guys watch? I was there live and it was awesome.
  4. mfn

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    All I can say is, please, let this spill over into the occasional WWE television appearance! A feud with Norman and Santino... GOLD!
  5. mfn

    Discussion: WWE Scramblemania~!

    you underestimate us cleveland browns fans.
  6. mfn

    What's the Best Version of this Song?

    it's a toss up between hayes and the stripes.
  7. mfn

    WWE Raw - September 1, 2008

    i always have, and always will, hate cena. no matter if he's face or heel. i can't stand him.
  8. mfn

    Shawn Michaels Injured at RAW/SD Taping

    I'm going to the show Sunday, and really all I want to see is this match, and CM Punk.
  9. mfn

    The Fast and The Furious 4

    after just watching the original movie on television the other day... i have no interest in seeing this movie unless, like mellow said, i want to fall asleep on the couch.
  10. mfn

    You know there's a hurricane out there

    hood hope everything is well with you.
  11. mfn

    You know there's a hurricane out there

    i said before katrina hit that there would be other storms. well, surprise surprise. they're not just going to start avoiding NO you know?
  12. mfn

    Songs you hate by artists you like

    Sloan - Pick It Up And Dial Zeppelin - All Of My Love ACDC - Shook Me All Night Long Black Sabbath - Paranoid Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water Queen - We Will Rock You Oasis - Wonderwall The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony The Vines - He's A Rocker The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So
  13. mfn

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Sounds about right.
  14. mfn

    Comparing The Brian Kendrick to Mitch Hedberg

    hahahahaha that's my favorite joke.
  15. mfn

    John Cena having major neck problems

    I'm all for Cena taking some time off. I'm honestly sick of seeing him on my TV. I don't like him, I never have, and I probably never will. As far as the pushing new talent debate goes? I'm all for it. Keep the title on Punk. Putting it on Batista or anyone else for that matter will just be a massive disappointment.
  16. mfn

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    No hate here. I have nothing but respect for every single worker that makes it to their level. I don't like CM as a choice for champion, though. Dressed in black with greasy hair is such an "indy" look, and I'm simply not impressed with his work in-ring as champ so far (he's so low-impact!). Now, with Cena out, I'd work the belt around Batista's waist. He's much more marketable and credible as champion. I will say that Batista is crazy over, but I think keeping the title on Punk would be the smartest move. I'm not saying he should keep the title until Mania, but I think he should hold on to it until Survivor Series at least. As far as the low impact stuff goes, maybe he toned it down to protect the workers in WWE? I don't know. I haven't really noticed the low impact stuff.
  17. mfn

    Weekend Box Office Report

    He was so good in Snatch and Lock Stock. I prefer him in movies like that as opposed to these action films he keeps getting put in.
  18. mfn

    The OaO WWE Raw thread (8/25/2008)

    Punk not over enough for you Noah? I think Punk is one of the most exciting champions we've had in a while. I like it. It's fresh. It's new. It's not Cena/Orton/Batista/Triple H. He's mad over and has worked a good match with just about everyone he's faced. I don't see what your hate is all about.
  19. I'd say Booker T was buried the worst by Triple H.
  20. So does Ortiz get 'Never Gonna Give You Up' as his theme song now? one can only hope.
  21. mfn

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    im still bitter that i won't be seeing the jericho hbk blow off at unforgiven... maybe they will throw jericho in the scramble and hbk will come out and cost him the match?
  22. mfn

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    then i hope they at least setup a jericho/punk fued for the ppv, then have jericho win so he can go to defend against shawn or something.
  23. LOL @ me watching a volcano show on discovery channel and steve blackman's theme coming on. im posting this in the wwe folder cos he used to work there i guess, if this is wrong i apologize.
  24. mfn

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    man that sucks. i really want the jericho hbk blow off at unforgven seeing how i'm going to be at the show.