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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    did he just lose the title?
  2. yeah, i was thinking about having a TSM sign. what is steph in charge of booking? smackdown? i wanted to do something knocking cena, but he's been jobbing lately, so no need for that.
  3. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    all i know is i will be going to unforgiven with expectations of seeing punk as champion, and a great climax to the jericho hbk feud.
  4. mfn

    Who in MMA do you hate, and why?

    Serra Hughes Sylvia Kimbo Shamrock Cote
  5. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    kinda wish they wouldn't have done that chokeslam bit. kinda ruined the mood. and LOL @ the flames.
  6. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    now i kinda of wish the lights would go out and kane's old school music hits with the organ's in the beginning and dominate taker post match!
  7. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    theres my bump
  8. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    edge spear count is at 4.
  9. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    jr and tazz are doing a fantastic job. crowd is hot, match is amazing... im glad im watchin the stream.
  10. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    that was bad ass. this match is awesome so far.
  11. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    good call on the TLC element.
  12. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    some of these kids are just retarded in this stream chat.... im just hoping for a solid match all around. bloody, some chair shots, and maybe a bump from half way up the cell through the table like hbk took way back when.
  13. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    chances of seeing a semi-good bump in the match?
  14. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    im so not watching this match... no way.
  15. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    that actually wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. props to triple h for carrying his ass.
  16. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    im just not happy about this khali triple h match at all. i thought everything besides the hardy/henry thing and this match, has been awesome. i can't wait for the hell in a cell match.
  17. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    i'm an idiot. for some reason i thought edge taker was for the title.... oh well. apparently cena, batista, edge, and undertaker are all more important than the world titles of the wwe.
  18. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    this is going to be match of the year right here. mark my words.
  19. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    "i will bleed for this" that was fucking bad ass right there.
  20. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    sweet bulldog bump jbl.
  21. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    It needs to be a clean finish. That's the way the story was going, for punk to win clean.
  22. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    yeah raw is in chicago. stream just went out so i had to click on another one.
  23. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    or even HHH/Kahli oh shit. i totally forgot about that suck fest. im going to watch it just to see how fucking bad it's going to be. the only matches i have an interest in tonight is this one, and the taker edge HIAC. so is it pretty much expected that there won't be a big bump in this match?