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Everything posted by mfn

  1. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    im a little pissed they are putting punk/jbl before the non title cena/batista match. oh well.
  2. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    damn here lip is actually swollen.
  3. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    well... i didn't see that one coming.
  4. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    yup, and when wwe won't let him back he'll show up in TNA.
  5. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    how is this justin.tv site getting away with streaming ppv's? anyway... hbk fake retirement part 21820482048?
  6. mfn

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    i will be so uber pissed of JBL wins the title off of punk tonight.
  7. hahahahaa. that's so awesome.
  8. wasn't that what sid said once? i dig it.
  9. anyone got any sign ideas for Unforgiven?
  10. between him and johnny depp... you can't go wrong. looks like winehouse got a tan....
  11. mfn

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    new oasis single. i rather enjoy it.
  12. mfn


    Lars is like the most pompous asshole in music IMO. His band really hasn't done anything spectacular in the last decade, yet he still feels the need to be. well... Lars. Really though, I'm going to go to the show, but only to see The Sword... If you haven't seen them live yet... go. It's a good show. Ps. Speaking of good shows... not to change bands/topics/whatever. The Hives. So good live.
  13. mfn

    A list of foods I hate

    You're exactly like me when it comes to texture. I can't stand anything with tomato on it, but if it's tomato based... I'm all about it.
  14. mfn

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I really like it, but maybe that's because I haven't listened to them in about a year or so. Anyone heard the new Oasis track yet? It's fucking amazing.
  15. mfn


    From what everyone is telling me The Sword went over very well at Bonaroo if that means anything.
  16. mfn

    UFC 87 - Seek and Destroy

    I thought Lesnar heeling up was the greatest thing I saw that night. I laughed so hard.
  17. mfn

    Sid coming back?

    YES YES YES! MAKE IT HAPPEN! Either a powerbomb or that swank one-armed chokeslam he used to do. He has to wear his old WWE get-up though, not that lame "long black tights under jean shorts" look he had in WCW in 2000. Wonder if WWE will dig out the big sparkly "SID" sign that used to drop to the ring during his entrance? I liked the way he looked with his short stint in ECW.
  18. mfn

    Sid coming back?

    I loved all the 'Here Comes Sid' signs.
  19. I just got tickets to Unforgiven in Cleveland. club level section 108. They seem like they are really solid seats so i'm pumped for this. any ideas on what the card might look like? i know it's a while ahead, but still.
  20. mfn


    I'm going to go to the Metallica show just to see The Sword. It's going to suck seeing them in a big arena though, the last time they were in Columbus they played a small club and it was amazing.
  21. mfn

    UFC 87 - Seek and Destroy

    Brock looked soo much better in this fight than he did against Mir. A few more fights under his belt, and I can see Brock being the shit.
  22. mfn

    Manitoba Greyhound Bus Murder

    1) He does have any argument whatsoever, namely that PETA means well if not acts well 2) Given that he bothered to articulate a point while you just said they're barely better than Fred Phelps, he has not been awarded a "loss" 3) The enormity of the aforementioned comparison drags the discourse so low that you can hardly say an ad hominem is out of bounds 4) None of the declarative sentences (that is, statements) in his post: a) I don't think animal rights is a bullshit cause b) PETA is annoying but their heart is in the right place c) comparing them to the Westboros is ridiculous and small-minded appears to be bullshit. In short, you've made one of the most useless posts ever. You're the shit! (For the win!) you're so cool bro.
  23. mfn

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Yes they were. Worthless shameless derivative bullshit. Jet for the Black Sabbath crowd. Both bands could have never existed, and the continuum of rock music wouldn't have been affected in the least. "Burnin' for You" You have no idea what you're talking about.
  24. mfn

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I never really read the articles, i just go for the headlines to see whats going on. then i google for some good articles you know? i agree about then nme thing. they are always up winehouse's ass and the babyshambles as well. it's a bit annoying.
  25. mfn

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    "And nothing of value was lost." yeah, besides one of the best rock bands in recent years.