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Wally Balls

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Everything posted by Wally Balls

  1. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

    I think they showed that after being a dick heel for so long, Randy Orton is capable of getting over as a face, if it were to ever come to that.
  2. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

    Wow an RKO...that was amazing!
  3. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

    Haha...I'm really amused by all of this. It's great.
  4. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

    I agree...It would be even better if there were more wrestlers. By the way, in case anyone isn't aware, Super Smash Brothers Brawl is one of the finest video games ever made.
  5. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

  6. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread 3/17/08

    So does Cena do all the work in this match?
  7. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Truth, I appriciate you going well in depth as to what you consider to be a good worker. I agree with you about Bret Hart, but it's not like Bret was in there with a bunch of slouches either. Austin, before his neck injury, was one of the best workers I've ever seen and he and Bret have had some more than memorable matches throughout the years. Not to discredit Bret at all, but I think that there are wrestlers out there other than Owen, that are more than capable of hanging with Bret in the ring. I've always been one to pay attention to the crowd reactions in part, to determine a good worker, which is why I'm such a huge mark for John Cena and The Rock. I think part of being a good worker is being able to incorporate the crowd into your matches in one way or another. I don't think being a good worker is about being able to pull off a wide variety of moves at all. Which is why I agree with you about Angle not being a great worker and same goes with Punk. Although I think Angle did a pretty good job on the stick. As far as Punk is concerend, I don't think all of his praise is justified in his work. His promos are dry, and at times come off as a "Raven-esque" style. except not as good. I personally, just find Punk's style, along with all indy wrestling, to be pretty boring. I suppose I watch wrestling to enjoy the entertainment aspect seeing how I grew up during the Attitude Era. I can respect what guys over in Japan and the Indy's do in terms of their athleticism, but I can't find it wholly entertaining for every long. I don't even have much of a problem with Khali or Mark Henry. They're huge monsters who shouldn't be expected to pull off high spots and elaborate moves. They should be expected to punch, and just beat the shit out of their opponent. I think a part of pro wrestling that is unique and probably the best aspect, is that it's a bunch of different guys, different sizes, and different fighting styles going at it to determine who is better (in kayfabe obviously). I like seeing a match like Rey Mysterio vs Mark Henry because it makes you think how Rey would combat Henry, the big huge monster, using the style that he uses. Considering that we're in America, and that Pro Wrestling is an entertainment industry, it's only natural that I like guys with an ability to entertain, whether it's inside the ring or out. Guys like Rock, Cena, Bret, Austin...they all elicited a crowd reaction so electrifying, that it was hard no to consider them great at what they do. While I see a lot of praise in the IWC for guys like Ken Doane, Punk, Gunner Scott, Benoit, Joe, Christian, and the entire Indy circuit, I just can't find them entertaining considering that it's more an entertainment industry rather than an athletic one. Shit, I don't even find Danielson that entertaining. I always say that a great gimmick makes a great wrestler. Without a gimmick, you can have all the moves in the world, but the fans can still feel apathetic towards you. (Benoit, Lashley, and to an extent, Lesnar) I would much rather see an epic match between guys that can fire the crowd up, such as Rock and Austin regardless of how many moves in the professional wrestling library are used, than a heatless match between two nobodys that are just filled with some high spots and a variety of moves.
  8. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Well, if you're serious Pong, I wouldn't mind giving my opinion on what I consider to be a great worker. I'm serious...no sarcasm intended...sorry if you got that impression.
  9. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Truth, I want to know what you consider to be a good worker. Workrate is pretty much a matter of opinion, not fact. I mean debating workrate is no different than debating politics, ethics or anything else, but I'm just curious as to what you think.
  10. Wally Balls

    Floyd Mayweather vs The Big Show

    If Kurt Angle was still around, he would be the perfect fit. They could hype up the whole "boxer vs wrestler" thing and each guy can go on a rant about how his respective sport is superior. Of course, I don't think they would let it be a legit fight....I dont think we need to see the outcome of that...
  11. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    This was probably discussed already, but did anyone else get tired of him constantly repeating "Last time I broke your nose, this time, I'll break your jaw", last week? Is that all he can come up with? Is that his big threat? Oh wait, he's now using "Put your money where your mouth is". What's next? "Be there or be square"? Gay. Yeah, I was expecting a bit more promo ability from Money Mayweather.
  12. Wally Balls

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    They also might have Batista and HHH induct Flair together... Of course there are numerous people that should induct Flair over HHH, but the odds of them actually doing so are slim to none. AA would be perfect, but I don't think the WWE would him do it considering that HHH wants to be part of the big moment. Sting is an obvious no. I think Hogan has more history with Flair, but the more recent fans won't remember and WILL remember Flairs time with HHH in Evolution. Regardless, whoever inducts Flair is going to be totally overshadowed by The Rock making an appearance...but I think in the wrestling world, Rock one of the only three guys who are above Flair, the other two being Austin and Hogan. I just find it funny that no matter what, HHH will never be seen as being on that top plateau with Hogan, Austin and Rock.
  13. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    I'm looking into this too much...but technically, Shawn shouldn't be too confident in kayfabe terms, going into Wrestlemania...he's got one of the worst records at Wrestlemania.
  14. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Aside from Texas and possibly Mexico...are there any other places where a HOF ceremony could be based around guys from there? Canada might be fine in a few years one Edge, Jericho and such are done. They could also do Owen, Trish Stratus.
  15. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    And by the way...this is taken from my first post ever... "John Cena is the best thing going for the WWE right now. Some of you need to get off of this workrate and mat skills shit and focus on what matters, ratings and crowd attendance. When Ken Doane and Gunner Scott (no one really gives a shit about these two) sell out arenas, then I'll change my mind." Now what the fuck took people so long to realize this?
  16. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Mexico City is still in North America
  17. Wally Balls

    Raw 3.3.08

    HAHA....I was thinking the same thing...
  18. Wally Balls

    Raw 3.3.08

    I hope after they're done hyping the WWE CD...they go back to their old music...
  19. Wally Balls

    Raw 3.3.08

    I'm dying for a Jericho heel turn...
  20. Wally Balls

    Raw 3.3.08

    They might do a Batista / HHH match where the match ends in a no finish... JBL vs Cena probably... Jericho vs HBK... Edge vs Jeff Hardy... Taker vs Kane perhaps...
  21. Wally Balls

    Raw 3.3.08

    I don't understand HBK's submission hold...it's like...the love child of the Texas Cloverleaf and a Figure Four
  22. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    I told people it was fucked up how they did Masters, but I was bashed for it. I guess Congress agrees with me. I said the same thing. People were telling me that no one would give a shit about a mid card wrestler like Masters. The fact is, between Benoit and the already rampant steroid problem in professional sports, you would have to be crazy to think that Congress wouldn't care about something like this. Although many of you don't consider Masters to be a real human being (because he was low on the WWE card) the truth is, that not only the media, but Congress as well will eat up this sort of opportunity and talk with whoever is willing to talk.
  23. That's not true... if somebody loves the wrestling business and wants to be a wrestler, and has a spot working for the WWE and love what they're doing, why would they leave to make movies? Not everyone cares about more money.. and unless you love the film industry, why would you care about presenting or even getting an oscar? Being in movies isn't necessarily a better job than being a professional wrestler. They're two different professions and it depends on what you want to do with your life. Being an actor isn't "bigger and better things" than being a wrestler. They're two different things, one is not better than the other. I disagree 100% that any wrestler would trade places with the Rock. I mean, how many people who've presented Academy Awards can say they've won the WWE title? See, works both ways. You also need to take Rock's personal life into consideration. He has children...a family...maybe he wants to spend more time with them and make sure they don't grow up with a father who is always on the road. The Rock has simply moved on....I don't understand why retiring from wrestling is any different than retiring from something else. Rock has put in his time...someday someone might say the same thing about Cena. When Cena has a family and other outside endeavors, he'll know that it's not such an easy decision to come back to wrestling.
  24. Some of you guys are unbelievable... It's almost as if you would expect The Rock to work a match whenever the WWE wants him too...and if he didn't he'd be an asshole who doesn't appriciate the fans or the company... He's given enough of his life to the WWE...let him live the rest of his life the way he wants to. He has a family...he's moved on.
  25. And amidst all the boo's....the WWE would still try to play Cena as the face...which would be almost impossible.