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Wally Balls

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Everything posted by Wally Balls

  1. I'll use the example that someone used a few posts up.... Take Michael Jordan...I'm sure Michael Jordan loves and will always love basketball and the Chicago Bulls...but no one expects him to come back. How is retiring from professional wrestling any different than retiring from any other sport?
  2. The thing that bothers me about the whole Cena statement is the fact that he thinks that The Rock needs to give something back. I think that The Rock has given quite enough to the industry. Cena said that The Rock is a genuinely nice human being, so why would The Rock get back into a business that is filled with scumbags? Rock has done his share of wrestling and he just doesn't want to do it anymore...I don't see anything wrong with it at all. Looks like HHH and HBK hate of Rock has rubbed off on Cena a little bit.
  3. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Just to add another sports name that's bigger than Floyd Mayweather into the mix, and arguably the biggest name in sports today...Tiger Woods... But Floyd is biggest name that they could get that would actually make sense. Hearing that The Rock will be making an appearance at the Hall of Fame to induct his grandfather and father was probably the best news I've heard in the wrestling world in quite sometime. When he made an appearance on the titantron to predict the Battle or the Billionares outcome, I marked out like crazy...and it's happening again...I love it. I'm really enjoying the build up to the triple threat match. A lot of people think of Orton as being the third wheel, but it's kind of hard for him to be overshadowed when he's the champion. They have one of each of the three main wrestling acrhitypes in the match...Orton as the heel, HHH as the tweener, and Cena as the babyface...it's a great set up. Let's go Cena!
  4. Brock Lesnar was pretty bad ass
  5. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    It's wierd to say, but I would have loved to se Kurt Angle and Flair as Flair's last match. Obviously they have no history, but in a lot of people's eyes, Kurt Angle was seen as the greatest technical wrestler of all time, and I don't know...but it would be a match I would have loved to see. With Angle winning and taking one more step into being a legend.
  6. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Ali would jab your face into submission
  7. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    They don't need any of this, they're having their most succesful run since 2001, what they're doing is working fine. Then why are a lot of your posts complaints about Cena? He's talking in business sense. WWE has no reason to turn Cena. For all the "negative" reactions he gets, he makes a shit ton of money in this position. Obviously, Cena isn't turning people away. I'm not arguing that. If you read my post from about 20 minutes ago you'd see.
  8. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    They don't need any of this, they're having their most succesful run since 2001, what they're doing is working fine. Then why are a lot of your posts complaints about Cena?
  9. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    I think if anyone needs to turn heel, it's Chris Jericho...he has absolutely nothing to do right now. I actually feel pretty bad for him. The initial novelty of him being back has obviously faded, so turn him and let him be the sneaky, complaining heel that he's best at.
  10. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    What the WWE needs is to build up another heel, that the fans are dying to see turn face. Someone like a Stone Cold, Rock or John Cena 03-04 I can remember back in 98 when the fans were going nuts for The Rock to turn face. The crowd went nuts when he beat Mark Henry, and then Rock Bottomed Vince...even if the face turn only lasted a few weeks to Survivor Series, they still built that character. There isn't any heel on the roster that I can think of that the fans are dying to see turn. The closest thing they had was probably Kennedy or Carlito about 2 years ago...obvously no where near the magnitude of the fans desire to see Rock, Austin and Cena turn, but there was still some potential.
  11. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Turn Cena heel and you lose just about all of your women fans and the majority of your children fans. They've built Cena up as a hero for little kids to look up to, it wouldn't be wise to turn him. There was a guy named Hulk Hogan that was a hero for little kids too.......How did that heel turn work out? Regardless of how Hogan's heel turn went, I don't think Cena's would work at all. First of all, that was about 12 years ago. Hogan was wrestling in a different era than people are wrestling in now. He turned and joined the NWO, which was already getting the "cheer for the heel" cheers... Plus, Hogan had DDP, Luger, Sting, Savage...all of those guys to feud with and give the fans a new hero. I don't think Hardy could fit that bill, and I think people want to cheer for someone other than HHH and Michaels.
  12. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Turn Cena heel and you lose just about all of your women fans and the majority of your children fans. They've built Cena up as a hero for little kids to look up to, it wouldn't be wise to turn him.
  13. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Being the resident optimist of TMS...I can honestly say that tonight has been pretty...well...sub-par. It doesn't help that the crowd licks every inch of my ass...they could at least try to be a little bit more entusiastic. The MITB matches were pointless...like people have said, it would have been better if there was some actual thought as to who was going to win. Mayweathe and Show is going to be pretty entertaining, but I wouldn't know how to book it personally. If they wrestle, they can't expect people, even the casual fan, to expect Mayweather to have a chance, so who knows what they'll do.
  14. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    This is 99.9% fake...but just imagine...
  15. Wally Balls

    Bobby Lashley released

    51. Lashley never had Jimmy Hart sing his entrance music
  16. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    He is...the jabroni beating lalalalalalalalalallowwww, pie eating, electrifying, death defying people's champ Jeff Hardy.
  17. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    Orton as one of the greatest WWE champions ever is a tough pill to swallow
  18. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    Even the casual crowd knew there was no chance of Haitch losing
  19. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    Khali has to be last...either that or Giant Gonazales
  20. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    ECW...Kofi Kingston has so much potential...they really need to not fuck him up.
  21. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    King has some pretty awesome shirts...I wanna know where he finds those.
  22. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    Damn son...that shit looked like it hurt
  23. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    Haitch vs Hornswoggle?
  24. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    which is offset by his painted nails Yeah...and in HD, im sure his nails were looking especially emo and queer.
  25. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw is HD - January 21, 2008

    It really doesnt help that no one gives two shits about either JBL or Jericho at this point...