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Wally Balls

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Everything posted by Wally Balls

  1. Wally Balls

    Raw 1.7.08

    I still dont care what anyone here says....I think Ashley is pretty bangin
  2. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    The assholes probably shouldn't have released Cryme Tyme. They were the most over consistent tag team on the roster, and on Smackdown, they really could have had the chance to shine.
  3. Wally Balls

    Year End Review

    The irony of that statement is ridiculous.
  4. Wally Balls

    Year End Review

    Wrestler of the year: John Cena or Jeff Hardy. Cena has been the face of the company and has been doing a damn good jobm but as of late, Jeff Hardy is just on fire. It's a close call Worst wrestler of the year: I'm going to go with Big Daddy V or Snitsky...just because they were complete jobbers before they were "unstoppable machines" which is why no one cares about them. Khali is terrible in the ring, but he's over as an unstoppable giant, so being over in itself counts for something. Most Improved Wrestler: Although he hasn't changed a lot, Jeff Hardy has improved tremendously in terms of getting the crowd into his matches. Most Underachieving Wrestler: Kennedy, for the sheer fact that he's been given numerous big opportunities, only to fuck it up. Best Tag Team: I know it's only been one week, but Carlito and Santino Worst Tag Team: Just about the rest of the tag teams. However, it doesn't help when they totally neglect the tag team division. Best Heel: Edge. Even if he was out for months, he's still the #1 heel of the company. Best Face: Like with wrestler of the year, it's a close one with John Cena and Jeff Hardy. Best Diva: Candice Michelle or Jillian Hall. Candice's ring work has increased significantly while Jillian has played a pretty good annoying heel. Worst Diva: To be honest, I don't find Beth Phoenix to be anything special. She's boring. Match of the Year: Cena vs Umaga at the Royal Rumble. Worst Match of the Year: Jeff Hardy vs Khali. This is the only bad match Jeff has had and it's not his fault at all. It just looked so bad... Quote of the Year: "DAMN!" Best Comeback: Jericho. There's no question. Mark out moment of the year: When The Rock showed up on the titantron hyping the Battle of the Billionares. Funniest moment of the year: Santino's heel antics. Best brand: Raw....what can I say? It's true. Raw is the #1 brand and it's obvious that's how its percieved. Worst brand: ECW....I still don't give a shit about it. Best PPV: Haven't seen enough to say. Worst PPV: Haven't seen enough to say. Best Feud: Cena vs The internet. I've been a Cena fan from day 1, and I just couldn't see why people keep thinking he sucks when he puts on great matches and gets the crowd into them more than anyone I've seen in a long time. Not to mention, he's a class act outside of the ring. Definitely the type of guy who you want to be the face of the company. Cenas done more than his fair share for the WWE and it's fans. Give the guy credit where credit is due. Worst Feud: At first I liked Batista vs Taker...but now it's just getting tired. One guy doesn't talk, and the other guy cut's a worse promo than Sid. It's hard to get behind a feud that's supposed to be between two of the huge stars when there's no promos behind it. Worst Moment of the Year:
  5. Wally Balls

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    Jericho didn't exactly have a gun in that duel. He got his ass handed to him. Ass handed to him? JBL started off all happy/laughing at what he did to at the PPV but by the time Jericho was done ripping on him, JBL was pissed off and ready to fight. He fell right into the trap that Jericho wanted him to (to show up on Raw face to face). I thought both guys did great in their role and if they keep it up, this feud should get some pretty good heat. Everything JBL said about Jericho was true. He made him look like someone who will never win the big one (again). JBL basically shot on Jericho the entire time and Chris sat there with a stupid look on his face and threw in a couple of JHS level insults. Jericho may have gotten the result he wanted, but he took a verbal beating to get it. If JBL basically shot on Jericho, then I'd say Jericho did pretty damn well for not being able to shoot at all. I can't imagine hearing someone shoot on JBL, he'd get fucked in the ass. I'm not saying JBL can't cut a good promo, but he didn't dominate Jericho at all. It was a good back and fourth and I think it can generate some pretty good heat if they keep up the good work.
  6. Wally Balls

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    Get real. Did it ever occur to you that Eddie, Angle, and Cena are damn good wrestlers and more of the credit in their matches goes to them, and of course Jericho's finisher hasn't beaten anyone in years...he hasn't been wrestling...in years. He introduced a newer, high impact finisher which he used to beat Santino. JBL is a good promo guy, but he's not head and shoulders above everyone, he's not even above everyone. Vince, Jericho, Austin, Cena, Santino, Flair, Foley and HHH all cut just as good or even better promos than JBL. Jericho deserves just as much credit for tonight's promo as JBL. Both brought their great promo skills to the table, but it's not like JBL totally blew him away...not even close. The thing about the whole "wrestling god" thing, isn't that people are upset that he's claiming himself to be so, it's because people just don't give a shit. He hasn't done enough to warrant the fans to care about him. His title run is overshadowed by Cena winning his first title against him.
  7. Wally Balls

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    My new favorite tag team of all time I'm a huge mark for both Carlito and Santino...this is going to be gold.
  8. Wally Balls

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    I second that totally... JBL needs to drop the whole wrestling god thing, it's not believable at all. No one considers him a top tier superstar, not even close. I actually find his stint with the title quite forgetable.
  9. Wally Balls

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    Actually I think their back and fourth is pretty even ended. JBL isn't really showing up Jericho at all.
  10. Wally Balls

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    Does anyone else find JBL pretty unentertaining?
  11. Wally Balls

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    I certainly wouldn't put it past Punk to be a total asshole. If the story is true, then he needs to learn a thing or two about how to be a professional.
  12. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    I felt the momentum leave during the Jericho/Bischoff segment. I think they could have done everything memorable in 2 hours. The ladder match was amazing...huge ups to Carlito and Jeff. All the other nostalgia stuff could have fit into 2 hours.
  13. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    I was kind of hoping for a few different names in the gimmick battle royal... Max Moon, Adam Bomb, Virgil and 1-2-3 Kid would have all been awesome...but I got Repo Man, so I'm more than happy. I'm also suprised that there was no mention of Eddie or Owen (aside from his brief appearance in the montage)
  14. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    It was a great show. No complaints (other than my obvious one) but I can overlook that in light of a pretty well put together program.
  15. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    Something is missing... Oh yeah... The fucking Rock...I knew he wasn't coming to begin with, the reason I want to know is why? It wouldn't kill him to make his fans happy one last time.
  16. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    The couple hundred members that post on the wrestling forums could make more noise than this entire crowd. We overly appriciate this shit.
  17. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    Jericho hasn't gotten a good reaction since his re-debut
  18. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    If you burnt this onto a DVD and sent me this shit, I'd pay you a ass load of money
  19. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    I fucking love the Repo Man....his music, gimmick...everything about him.
  20. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    Bart Gunn sorta looks like Randy Orton
  21. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    Maybe The Big Show...
  22. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    I'm happy to see RVD and all... But there had better be more Santino tonight
  23. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    Yeah, that chair shot was probably the worst (best) chair shot in the history of wrestling.
  24. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    I'm not sure why people are so upset with this. If anything, they're honoring her by just mentioning her, but just weaved it into the storyline of the show. I really don't think Moolah would have been offended. I think the reason it was so tasteless is because they were insinuating that Vince fucked her best friend at her funeral
  25. Wally Balls

    RAW XV

    Oh okay. This match was pretty incredible if you ask me.