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Wally Balls

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Everything posted by Wally Balls

  1. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - August/14th/2006.

    I'm about 20 minutes away from Glens Falls and I was thinking about going to see ECW... anyone been to an ECW house show? is it worth it?
  2. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - August/14th/2006.

    I need to get myself some apples.
  3. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - August/14th/2006.

    Hawk asked about the longest Raw sponser... I believe it may be Sony....Playstation/Playstation 2 has been around for quite some time....Playstation first coming out in around 1996ish....I think that might be up there on the list.
  4. Wally Balls

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    Im not sure if I'm the only one....but I really think Kurt Angle has ruined his legacy... and I'm pissed that CM Punk isnt wrestling...as we all are...
  5. You probably should've waited a little bit before you posted that, or atleast put it in spoiler tags. Now all the "super smart marks" in this thread will send you hate mail. Itd be more 'whiney' than 'hateful'..."Why did u have to tell us who the real father is? And stop pickin on WWE. Meany...dont watch it if dont like!" Okay...lets try this from a different approach... If you're Vince McMahon...you are going to do whatever is best for your business. Now, it's clearly obvious that there are more marks than smarks in the wrestling fanbase, so why would you want to intentionally put out a product that the majority of your fans won't like....you need to look at this from a business perspective and realize that a few hundred smarks online don't mean anything to vince....the important thing is that he is still making money and guys like DX and Cena are still drawing ratings and crowds.
  6. Some posters think it's cool to be "smarter" than a "smart mark." Which means they cheer for what Vince McMahon wants them to and insult everyone who doesn't do the same. I dont cheer for everything Vince produces, but I don't lose every shred of optimisim left in me. I watch Raw to be entertained...I dont watch Raw for a painful and miserable experience that I will just bitch about afterwards....if I wanted to inflict pain on myself, I'd pour fucking morton salt in my eyelids and then post about how much it hurt.
  7. Honestly, what are you trying to prove? Do you think people will actually listen? Obviously you did
  8. The thing that really bothers me is that some people continue to watch Raw already saying it's going to suck and after posting 56000 posts saying how much last week's Raw sucked and how this week's is going to be even worse. IF you hate the product that the WWE is putting out right now, then why do you continue to watch it? Same with the ECW fans....they know that these shows are going to be toned down a tad to fit the WWE style...if they don't want to see that, then dont fucking watch the show or attend the events...its that simple.
  9. Agreed 100% And to say that ECW fans are hypocritical would be a gross understatement. They chant "same old shit" when at the same time, all Sabu does is throw chairs in peoples faces and RVD's matches consist of Rolling Thunder and Five Star Frog Splashes....they seem to hate everything that is WWE but yet they cheer for Kurt Angle? Yeah...it makes a lot of sense. If you ask me, ECW fans are bigger marks than Cena Fans.
  10. yeah....It's gotta suck to be either Big Show or Batista....because like you guys said, you're out there taking bumps and the crowd is shitting all over you
  11. change the channel.... wow lol....whoever said that the ECW fans should just get up and leave hit it on the head... Seriously why do they even bother to watch and attend the show when they already know they are going ot hate it.
  12. Matt Hardy needs to go to ECW....I think he could be one of the few current WWE guys that would get cheered
  13. Wally Balls

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    Cena used the throwback for the first time in forever...I kinda liked it...anything thats different in a Cena match is good
  14. Wally Balls

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    I was hoping they would have smoked the cigars...I woulda laughed...
  15. Wally Balls

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    I like Armando....but Im not a fan of Umaga...he woul dbe better with CArlito
  16. Wally Balls

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    Id shit all over the place in excitement if Orton goes over Hogan at Summerslam... maybe they can bring back the legends that we all care about....I.E. The Rock and Austin
  17. Wally Balls

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    Im not very familiar with OVW or anything...but arent Rob Conway, Venis, and Eugene more than capable of putting on great matches?
  18. Wally Balls

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    Cena vs Striker....not sure if this is a bury of John Cena or a push for Matt Striker
  19. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - July/24th/2006.

    There really needs to be an Asian WWE Champion....like myself......maybe I can convince vince to give me a big push if I go AWOL and harrass women.....oh and have an affiar with my best friend's girlfriend.
  20. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - July/24th/2006.

    Have you seen the WWE Affirmative Action policy? It's probably three lines, ending with "YOUUUUU'RE FIIIIIIIRED!" You are aware that WWE has pretty good base of minorities right? Batista Umaga Benjamin Booker Lashley Henry Mysterio Eddie's ghost Funaki Davari Tatanka Long AAE Viscera Kristal Sharmell Chavo Khali Boogeyman That's better then the past and alot of those guys are main event/upper mid-card acts. You forgot Coach and Carlito
  21. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - July/24th/2006.

    The STFU wouldn't be as bad if he pulled back on the neck to make it look more painfull....I think the FU is a legitmate finisher and I think the matches should end on that.
  22. Wally Balls

    OAO Raw Thread - July/24th/2006.

    Hogan isnt anywhere near as over as I thought he would be... they really...really....need to try to get The Rock or Stone Cold to make an appearance
  23. Wally Balls

    OAO Smackdown Thread - July/21st/2006.

    Or someone who just finds them attractive and disagrees with you....I know its a difficult concept to grasp ahold of, but it does happen.
  24. Wally Balls

    OAO Smackdown Thread - July/21st/2006.

    theres something i really like about all of them