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Wally Balls

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Everything posted by Wally Balls

  1. Wally Balls


    There is a difference between probability and odds. A probability is a number from 0 to 1 inclusive, usually expressed as a fraction, which is the ratio of the number of chances of a specific event to the total number of chances possible. For example, if I have 4 marbles in a jar, 3 red and 1 blue, then the probability of drawing the blue is 1/4. There is one chance of a blue marble and 4 total chances (marbles). Odds are expressed as the number of chances for (or against) versus the number of chances against (or for). So, since there is 1 chance of your picking the blue, and 3 chances of your picking red, the odds are 3 to 1 AGAINST you picking the blue. For odds in favor, we just reverse them. The odds are 1 to 3 IN FAVOR OF you picking the blue. If you're going to be so bold and smug about your statements about why I'm wrong, then please give an explanation. Otherwise you just end up looking like another internet forum regular with a false sense of intelligence because your other forum pals automatically denote you to be correct. Which you arent, in this case. And if you can think of any other outcome for the Cardinals game than Win or Lose/Tie then please tell me. They either win the game, or they don't win the game.
  2. Wally Balls


    Odds and probability are totally different things. The chance/probability of the Cardinals winning is 50/50. They either win or they don't. The odds of them winning is a different story as you have to take in other outside factors. Although it's hard to determine odds because we're dealing with people and talent and such and...erm.. Fuck it...
  3. Wally Balls

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Orton and Edge have only mainevented one mania, and that was last year. Hardy has never mainevented a mania. Orton was in the triple threat with Kurt and Mysterio. Hardy would be new, but he's the only thing fresh that I can really think of. Michaels and Taker haven't feuded since their HIAC back in 97, but it's still been done.
  4. Wally Balls

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Cena, Orton, Taker, HHH, Hardy, Edge Any combonation of those 6 will be main eventing....how exciting and new... I'm sure Austin will be involved in Wrestlemania somehow. Probably a stunner to someone and a prolonged beer bash. I'm not sure where Punk, Jericho, JBL, and HBK fit in. I can't see Punk or Jericho main eventing and I'm not sure if the JBL/HBK program will extend that long. In a nutshell, it will most likely be more of the same. Good matches, but I wouldn't expect anything overly new or suprising.
  5. Wally Balls

    Wild Card Weekend

    Someone had to take Summeral's place as the monotone, boring play by play guy. As emotionless as Joe Buck is, there's also somewhat of an endearing quality about him, and somehow, I find Buck and Aikman the easiest on the ears.
  6. Wally Balls

    Wild Card Weekend

    The hell? You're a Dolphins fan? Where'd you come from? He probably is a fan because of Marshall alum had Pennington, I would guess.
  7. Wally Balls

    Wild Card Weekend

    The hell? You're a Dolphins fan? Where'd you come from? He probably is a fan because of Marshall alum had Pennington, I would guess. Or he could just be a Dolphins fan. Geography and team preference don't always go hand in hand.
  8. Wally Balls

    Wild Card Weekend

    You seem awfuly confident in the Baltimore Ravens and I'm not so sure why. Sure they could win, but theres a great possibility that they could lose too. Such bold predictions Marvin.
  9. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    Romo will be back, no worries about that. Wade Phillips on the other hand...not so sure. This isn't all Romo's fault. The whole team chemistry is fucked. Besides, look who they have behind Romo...Brooks Bollinger and Brad Johnson, and we've seen what both of those guys can't do. They still have a 2nd round pick, so if they're smart, they will draft a decent rookie QB.
  10. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    They'll all be on NFL.com
  11. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    Well, at least this game wasn't all Tony Romo's fault. The whole team sucks.
  12. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    Oh come on...Romo is Mexican...I'm Asian. We couldn't be more different. My people make electronics and his people steal them.
  13. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    Great! Thanks for your input, Asian Tony Romo. Asian Tony Romo?
  14. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    Maybe Jerry will buy Aikman from the booth and suit him up. But seriously, I stopped caring about Dallas.
  15. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

  16. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    Oh, blow me, Mr. "Let Fans Support Their Team." If Lions fans are still around after bearing witness to the worst team to ever set foot on NFL field, then you can suck up your crocodile tears until at least the end of the game. Who the fuck are you? Fans can support their team, and fans can be pissed off at their team.
  17. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    Same here. I think it's Romo. I absolutely hate him and honestly don't want to see him succeed.
  18. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    Same here. I think it's Romo. I absolutely hate him and honestly don't want to see him succeed. I'm just sick of seeing this team under-achieve.
  19. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    This is odd. The Cowboys are playing terribly in a game that means everything, and I don't really care. I think my love for Dallas is fading away.
  20. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    I don't know what just happened there. My bad.
  21. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 17

    What about the couch-bound idiots who insist that doing nothing with 8 wins rather than 7 wins warrants ridiculous boasting? That is to say, the Texans fans here? Sure it doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things, but fans want to root for their team, regardless of their record.
  22. Wally Balls

    WWE Raw - December 22, 2008

    I have no problem with CM Punk...I just wish he would clean up his kicks...they look pretty sloppy. I'm torn about My Bloody Valentine 3D....I think I'm gonna have to roll a fat dutch and go see that...I'm fairly certain I'll have a stroke or heart attack.
  23. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 16

    It was a joke. Apparently over my usage of the word "class".
  24. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 16

    deleterious Guy's got a point, Czech. That's really the only point he has though If Czech didn't go all pedantic there, all Roho would have was original go-nowhere post of "Rod's a classy guy, and... uhhh... the end" I guess I lose this one. But it's okay, I have class.
  25. Wally Balls

    NFL Week 16

    It doesn't matter how classy he is. Unprecedented futility should yield unprecedented scrutiny. I'll applaud coaches for being classy when they're winners. This guy is just a red-faced dope who can't do his job well and makes deleterious nepotistic hires. Go away. If you think using complex vocabulary makes your point more valid, then you're wrong. It's no one's business who his daughter marries, and besides, there comes a point when a defensive coordinator can only do so much. The talent and athletic ability has to be there too. Or fuck it, let's just fire everyone without even knowing or working anywhere close to the organization. You don't know shit.