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Wally Balls

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Posts posted by Wally Balls

  1. Why doesn't Cryme Tyme ever wrestle? Despite being the most over team on the roster


    Have you seen them wrestle?


    Yes...and they aren't that bad. JTG is charismatic as fuck and can get the crowd going...and Shad is your standard big man. They aren't bad by any means

  2. Well, I can see them doing this as a one time deal...but certainly not everyweek...


    The WWE isn't the NFL, Microsoft, Exxonmobil, Shell, Wal-Mart, Mcdonalds Etc...theres no way they could afford that. Hell, their net income last year was only roughly $52 million

  3. Not really important, but just something I was thinking about as they just came back form commercial. Do the commentators continue talking during the break so they don't miss a beat as they come back to the action, or are they told right before the commercial break ends that they are coming back?


    I don't know why I would have been paying attention to this, but at the Raws I've been too it always seemed like the announcers took a break during commercials.


    I'm assuming that they stop talking...considering that they always come back from the commercial with "We are back live on RAW"


    They probably get a 3...2...1...we're back


  4. Yeah, like riding the short bus to retard school.



    Ouch...I guess I can't beat that one.


    But lets see if I can try...


    I'm in college with a 3.4 GPA

    I have sex with girls

    I have friends

    I go to parties

    I dont have 8,000,000 posts on TSM

    I'm probably more attractive than you


    I think I come out the winner here.

  5. How did it take you guys so long to pick Kobe? He's probably the best player of all time next to MJ. Why is there this notion that just because a player is "old" or played in a previous era, that they are automatically better than the players of today?
