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Wally Balls

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Posts posted by Wally Balls

  1. Here goes nothin...



    1. Who will win the 2008 Royal Rumble? Triple H....as much as it kills me to say


    2. Who will be the runner-up? hmm...Im gonna say Kennedy


    3. Who will be the iron-man? HBK


    4. Who will have the shortest time? Santino


    5. Who will have the most eliminated opponents? Umaga


    6. Who will draw #1 and #2 HBK and Carlito


    7. Who will draw the most successful winning entry of #27? Foley


    8. Who will draw the #30 spot? Lashley


    9. What will be the eventual winning #? 15


    10. Will there be any surprise/unannounced entrants? (No point value), If yes, who will they be? Lashley, possibly Big Show


    11. Will the endurance record of 62:12 set by Mysterio be broken? (No point value), If so, what will the new record be? (Closest to the supposed new record gets 10 pts) no


    12. The final six men eliminated will compete in the second chance Elimination Chamber next month, who will those people be? Taker, HBK, Kennedy, Umaga, Batista, Lashley


    13. How many instances of interference by non-active competitors will we see? 1


    14. How many people will Hornswoggle eliminate? 2


    15. Will anyone bleed? (no point value), if so, who? HBK probably

  2. I personally think Austin doesn't want to wrestle Hogan because he knows flat out that if he wrestles Hogan he's jobbing there. I don't think Vince considers Austin on the same level as Hogan, and if so I would agree with Vince.


    Reverse that and it would be correct. Hogan was never as big of a draw as Austin...or even Rock for that matter. Like it or not, Austin and Rock are on top of the wrestling mountain. Look what Austin did to the industry...he changed the whole role of the face, was the WWE's top star during their most sucessful period, and sold way more merchandise...probably only rivaled by Cena in terms of sales.

  3. I'm debating whether or not the pop Jeff would get if he won would be bigger than Foley's on 1/4/99



    That still wasn't the biggest pop I've ever heard though....Watch The Backlash where Austin came out to help Rock win the title from HHH....or Cena being drafted to Raw....those are probably the biggest pop's ever.

  4. Fuck that facemask call.


    Barber's been gettin his facemask pulled the whole game and not 1 call.


    Every time the Cowboys play the giants, the refs fuck the Cowboys.


    Aren't you from Evansville or Seymour or some shit? Unless you emigrated from Amarillo within the past decade, I'm going to have to officially consider you a Kentuckian.


    You are allowed to root for a team that isn't your home state's...

  5. Are you mental? The pinfall/submission in the cage rule is much better than the escape. It doesn't make sense for something designed to keep you in be able to be escaped on a regular basis.


    Just my preference bro....believe me, your opinion on the steel cage match doesn't have any influence on my life.

  6. JBL needs to do some bench presses and push ups...stat


    Why? His chest is built. he needs to do some cardio and ab work.


    I can't believe they did an implied hanging of a Canadian after all the Benoit stuff.


    To define his man tits

  7. Ashley was looking HOTTER?

    Was there a different feed I'm not getting?


    Looked like she lost way too much weight everywhere and the fakeness of her breasts really stood out. That was horrifying.


    I thought her new hair looked pretty good....long hair or short hair, shes still nice to look at.
