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Wally Balls

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Posts posted by Wally Balls

  1. I said this before that I don't really think the movie looks that bad. It isn't anything I'd go out of my way to see, but it seems like a safe movie. John Cena sitcks to his action/hero role and doesn't doesn't try to do something he can't pull off. Seems to have a decent supporting cast, and for a WWE movie, looks passable.

  2. http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true


    This is an article on NFL.com talking about the Cutler situation. One of the more humorous, albeit retarded things I read is this:


    "If you can fire a Mike Shanahan, you can trade a kid like that," an NFL source said. "Everyone is disposable in this league. And (Cutler's) a guy who hasn't proven a thing yet. He's had some great statistics, but he hasn't won a thing yet.


    And Matt Cassel has proven something? He's won something that Cutler hasn't? I give Cassel credit for stepping up when given his opportunity, but the recievers and offensive line that he had made him look much better than he actually is. As far as Josh McDaniels bringing the "system" with him, he doesn't have the players nessecary in Denver to make it work right away. No Randy Moss or Wes Welker, and no great offensive line. It's going to be a little harder to find success with just Brandon Marshall at reciever, a downgraded O-line, and no running game to depend on.

  3. In no particular order


    The Bends - Radiohead

    In Utero - Nirvana

    Blood Sugar Sex Magik - Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Icky Thump - The White Stripes

    London Calling - The Clash

    The Soft Bulletin - The Flaming Lips

    Magical Mystery Tour - The Beatles

    OK Computer - Radiohead

    Dookie - Green Day

    Nevermind - Nirvana


    Some of these might be cliche, but I didn't want to put something not well known on the list just for the sake of looking musically well rounded.


  4. You really can't blame Cutler for being upset. I'd be pissed too if my team wanted to trade me after putting up pro-bowl numbers. He couldn't have done more to help his team win. You can say that Cutler blew his teams chances at making the playoffs, but people need to be reminded that football is a team sport. The defense did him no favors at all, especially after letting the Chargers score 52 points in the season finale with a playoff spot on the line.


    I don't understand Denver's logic behind wanting to trade for Matt Cassel. His numbers weren't as good as Cutler's and not to mention, Cutler put up decent stats the year before as well. At this point, Cassel is a question mark and Cutler has a better resume. The Patriots had a better record, but in the end couldn't make the playoffs either. Now Cassel is off the market and Cutler wants to be traded. The Broncos did this to themselves and I find it hard to believe that they will be able to replace Cutler's production in the draft or in free agency.

  5. Roho, get the nurse or attendant that's assigned to you to help you understand this: There are many, many, many ways to tell whether or not a person is a moderator here. Your failure to do so made you bad at messageboarding. That was my whole fucking point. I am not trying to have a feud with you, but it pains me when people can't grasp what I am talking about. I made a comment in an attempt to be funny Either stop taking shit so seriously and try to be a better messageboarder or get really mad and stop posting here. Either way makes it a win-win situation.


    Stop projecting. The only reason this is even an issue is because you posted something I asked you as an example of my terrible

    'messageboarding'. The problem was that you responded entirely different when no one else could see what you wrote. You were a moderator before, and I just assumed that you still were when I asked you the question. I'm sorry for making that mistake but you didn't have to be so two-faced about your responses. You should have said this the first time if you wanted to avoid this discussion.

  6. Are you sure that top quote was me? I don't remember sending you two responses, but I do remember sending the second quoted message.


    This might be difficult for you to understand, but I have never had a problem with you, so I was being polite with my answer. The fact is, you have been a terrible poster lately, and I cited the fact that you messaged someone who was not a moderator to fix something for you as an example of how bad you are at messageboarding. Thanks for the reply from the heart, though. It shows a passion and desire not seen here since the days of fishyswa or Pong Kong.


    Um, yes the top quote was you. For the sake of your arguement, I know you "don't remember" sending the first response. I didn't know you weren't a moderator, for some reason I thought you were. I asked a general question, I don't think that warrants calling me a terrible poster.


    Also, contrary to what it says, I didn't start this thread.

  7. roho will you shut the fuck up? I defended you every time someone said you suck because I find you funny in a bad trainwreck kind of way? I make one joke and it's like that polite fucker in an office who takes shit for years and then snaps at the smallest thing. quit being a gook ass bitch


    Sure thing Mexicant

  8. So Test had a vanilla character, terrible promo skills and couldn't work a decent match. I really don't think that's justification for being happy that he's dead.


    Half of the posters here were ready to collapse from despair when Benoit died and he murdered his family.


    Will everyone be throwing parties when Khali or Mark Henry dies?

  9. Well, if you were banned the first time for having two names, that was an oversight by the moderating team at the time. The process for that was to ask for a name change, or alert them that you would like to delete your old account and start a new one. They most likely thought you were trying to make a duplicate account for nefarious means, which was quite common, actually. Then, by coming back as a new account you had created each time, they kept banning you. This latest time was due to that exact same reason, not anything you said against HTQ's posts. Consider yourself a victim in all of this, and just post the way you have been. Thanks for understanding.


    I haven't been a mod since May. Someone else will need to change your name. You can change your name back four days after it has been changed, which appears to have been the 14th. However, if everything was changed like you said, someone must have gained access to your account at some point. I'd say make the changes back to the way you want them, but make sure to change your password as a precaution.


    The above quotes are messages you sent me in response to my original message. I don't understand. You say one of the reasons why I'm a bad poster was because of the question I had about my username, yet you seemed to reply to my message without any hostility. In the top quote, when I asked about why I was banned, you responded nicely to that as well. You even said "consider yourself a victim in all of this, and just post the way you have been. Thanks for understanding."


    If you dislike me, I'm okay with that, but at least be consistent about it. Don't give me polite responses and then say a bunch of negative things about me in this thread.

  10. Bringing up Kerry Collins makesthe shittiest of posters come out I guess.


    I love everyone's one sentence retorts on this site. Seriousy, no one presents any sort of arguement when they post. Is that the ideal way to post? Clever retorts without any sort of justification as to why they're posting what they are? In all reality, many of the posters here are just sexually repressed people asserting their internet manliness and intelligence in order to compensate for their lack of actual real world communication skills.

  11. In a nutshell, I think Joe Montana ranks up there as one of the most overrated QBs of all time. Right up there with Troy Aikman.


    I think this is kind of an asinine argument. Neither guy needed to put up Dan Marino numbers because they had talented teams around them, as the combined 7 Super Bowl wins will attest to. Generally speaking, an NFL QB throwing for 400+ yards on a routine basis is more based on need than anything else, as it's usually a sign that the run game and defense aren't any good. And it's not like Aikman or Montana were Trent Dilfer-esque "game managers" or anything. Both guys were really integral parts of offenses that won multiple championships.


    Are you playing devil's advocate or do you really believe that? You said it yourself, they both had good teams around them. It's really easy to win games when you have numerous guys on both sides of the ball to depend on. Given the coaching philosophy and team talent, it's reasonable to think that a lot of other guys could have done exactly what Montana and Aikman did if put in their situation. Steve Young did it perfectly. I'm a Cowboys fan, but I think Aikman was as big a freeloader as anyone thats ever played)


    I'm not saying these guys weren't good, but it's easy to win games when you don't have to do it by yourself. It's more impressive when QBs do more with less. An example would be Donovan Mcnabb. He's done more with less offensive talent than just about any QB I've seen.


    Just a brief list of QBs that I would take over Aikman and Montana(in no particular order)


    - Dan Marino (based on his massive numbers and the fact that he got those numbers without any real talent on the offensive side. Yeah he had Mark Clayton, but I think Clayton's success had more to do with Marino, than the other way around.)


    - Brett Favre (Regardless of how much he's hated around here, the man started his first game in 1992 and hasn't missed a game since he retired. Not to mention he now has pretty much every passing record there is to be had without having a consistent offense. He threw a lot of interceptions, but he also threw 464 touchdowns compared to Montana's 273.


    -Peyton Manning (Like Montana and Aikman, he had a great offense around him. The difference is that Manning put up way more numbers with his good offense than Aikman and Montana could do with theirs)


    -Donovan McNabb (Like mentioned earlier, did more with less offensive talent that perhaps anyone. No consistent running game as well as no consistet target to throw to.)

  12. Even if he does stay healthy and start all year, I could see him coming up juuuuust short. I know he only needs 200 yards a game, but he didn't quite average that last season.


    With another 4000 yard season, Manning will be behind only Favre, Marino, and Elway on the all-time passing yards list. He's currently at 45,628, behind Vinny Testaverde.


    Just to illustrate how far he is above everyone else in the league, of active players, Collins is next at 37,363, and then McNabb at 29 and change.


    Kurt Warner, Brad Johnson(!), and Trent Green are all around the same ballpark, within 1000 yards of each other. After that is Jon Kitna, and then Tom Brady, who is one year younger than Manning.


    Discussion question: Vinny Testaverde is top ten all time in passing yards, touchdowns, attempts, and completions. Every other QB in that statistical tier is in the HOF. Does Testaverde belong in Canton?


    He never won a Super Bowl, so that will be everyones justification for him not getting in, which is utter shit. He started his career with the Tampa Bay Bucs when they were laughing stock of the NFL so his numbers there aren't going to look impressive. Steve Young had a bitch of a time in Tampa as well and he couldn't fix that mess. Fortunately for Steve, he was able to go to a Super Bowl contending team. Vinny's gotten into the playoffs a few times and once to the AFC championship. Also to menion what you pointed out, he put up better numbers than Joe Montana.


    If it were up to me, yes Testaverde would be a Hall of Famer. Problem is he isn't as iconic as Montana, Favre, Young, Aikman, Elway, etc. so he'll be left out unfortunately.

  13. Man it's gonna be so fucking weird to see Kerry Collins pass Montana for all-time passing yards this year... if he can stay healthy that is.


    I know that this has been mentioned before, but it's not like Joe Montana put up overly-impressive numbers. He won 4 Super Bowls yes, but his regular season numbers were merely average.


    Montana's numbers look average when compared to today's. Teams really didn't throw as much as they do now. Montana was in the top ten in passing yardage nine times (never led), top 10 in passer rating 13 times (led twice and his 1989 was the highest rated season in history until Young's 1994), and top 10 in touchdowns eight times (led twice). Montana missed one full season and parts of two others with injuries, and lost almost half of 1982 and a few games in 1987 to strikes. Compared to Manning and Marino his numbers look average but they were above average in his era.


    I just hate how iconic Joe Montana is and I especially hate how QB's are rated based on SB rings. Montana never threw for over 4000 yards in a season. Only threw for 30+ TD's in a season once. Jeff Garcia did that three years in a row with a FAR LESS talented offense. Vinny Testaverde has better career numbers. With Jerry Rice, Roger Craig, John Taylor...there isn't any reason why Montana's numbers are as mediocre as they are.


    Just a list of guys who threw for over 4000 yards in the 80's


    Dan Marino ('84 -5084 yards, '85 - 4137 yards, '86 - 4746 yards, '88 - 4434 yards)

    Dan Fouts ('80 - 4715 yards, '81- 4802 yards)

    Phil Simms ('84 - 4044 yards)

    Don Majkowski ('89 - 4318 yards)

    Neil Lomax ('84 - 4614 yards)

    Jim (Chris) Everett ('89 - 4310 yards)

    Jay Schroeder ('86 - 4109 yards)

    Lynn Dickey ('83 - 4458 yards)

    Bill Kenney ('83 - 4348 yards)

    Brian Sipe ('80 - 4132 yards)


    In a nutshell, I think Joe Montana ranks up there as one of the most overrated QBs of all time. Right up there with Troy Aikman.
