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Wally Balls

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Posts posted by Wally Balls

  1. I was thinking...



    If the WWE was to have a Brawl For All based on the roster that they have now, who do you think would enter and who do you think would win?



    Amidst all of the politics and egos backstage, I wonder if a Brawl For All legit tournament would even be feasable.


    If Shad Gaspard was still with the WWE, I would pick him as my winner, but I really don't know who I would pick now.



  2. "he should be able to take Snitsky..."


    Snitsky has beaten Kane clean on PPV. Even at his most over in 1998-99, Val Venis could never do that.

    ....psst, it's a work.



    Psst...no kidding. We just thought that even works need logic sometime.





    But who am I kidding? A lot of fans these days don't even know that Val Venis wrestled before...hell, most of them don't know that The Rock was a wrestler...

  3. I'd be happy to see any of them personally. And whoever it is will be on Raw. Vince doesn't think the other two shows have any real effect on business.




    I'm suprised to see that Taker has been on Smackdown as long as he has. I figured Taker and Batista would be on Raw by now.




    I wonder how the WWE feels knowing that CM Punk, Matt Hardy, and MVP are more entertaining than HHH, John Cena, Randy Orton, and Batista.

  4. I'm suprised that no one has mentioned Sid as a possibility.


    The "I'm Back" sounds much too sinister to be Jericho (although it would be great to see him back).


    Obviously it's not The Rock, and I won't even give myself false fantasy hope...




    So...I would say that it might be a promo for a new wrestler...but the "I'm Back" part contradicts that.



