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Wally Balls

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Posts posted by Wally Balls

  1. To be honest, I'm setting myself up for disapointment in terms of who Vince's son is. Really, I wouldn't care that much if it was Khali or Cena. I wouldn't really enjoy it....but I can't say that I didn't see it coming




    ...but if it happens to be HHH...



    That just supercedes any disapointment that I could have expected

  2. With The Rock's new film coming out, does this mean that The Rock will make an appearance to plug his new movie? If so, I'll never ask for anything else for Christmas ever again.


    Doubtful. Maybe a red carpet shoutout but I wouldn't expect any more, he's smart to avoid WWE altogether right now. No need to remind people that he was involved with this shit.



    That's a good point. Now that I think about it, anyone involved with the WWE is bound to get negative publicity by the media.

  3. Main Event: Austin vs Hogan....if both men agree to do this that is...and if they do...Hogan better job...or I'll be piseed.


    Raw main event: John Cena vs Randy Orton for the WWE Championship


    Smackdown main event: King Booker vs Batista vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Title


    ECW main event: Kurt Angle vs RVD for the ECW Title


    Money in the Bank: Carlito vs Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk vs Lashley vs Sabu vs Chris Benoit.


    HHH vs HBK...you know this whole DX thing will end up with one of them turning on each other


    Undertaker vs Edge...streak vs streak....of course you know who wins this one.


    And one last note...My Hall of Famers include...Owen Hart, The Rock, and Austin (even though he's competing in the match with Hogan)




    I was trying to make it somewhat realistic...of course if I had it my way...The Rock and Austin would both be involved greatly. Maybe Keep Austin with Hogan but have The Rock vs Randy Orton continuing the whole Legend Killer gimmick.
